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dr says: 26-year-old G4 P 0 to 1 SAB 3 female.sm.

Posted By: charlie on 2007-10-24
In Reply to:

Subject: dr says: 26-year-old G4 P 0 to 1 SAB 3 female.sm.

What is the correct way to transcribe this?

G4 P-0-1 SAB3

G4 P-0-1 sab3

Thank you so much in advance!

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72-year-old female - see message
Subject: 72-year-old female - see message

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She has a history of intermittent s/l BV or BD previously treated by her OB/GYN.
It is a 65-year-old female being seen by a cardiologist for palpitations. See description...
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s/l female female thromboembolic disease
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but not female, as it is family hx with father. 
HEENT unchanged x1 year (been the same since year ago)
Subject: HEENT unchanged x1 year (been the same since year ago)

25-pack/year would mean 25 packs per year, but
Subject: 25-pack/year would mean 25 packs per year, but

25-pack-year is the amount equal to packs smoked per day x number of years smoking, as per BOS and Vera Pyle.

Is year old still hyphenated as in 74-year-old? nm
Subject: Is year old still hyphenated as in 74-year-old? nm

2 years' time because years is plural. One year's time because it is singular, only one year.
Subject: 2 years' time because years is plural. One year's time because it is singular, only one year.

yes! that's got to be it! px is female. =)
Subject: yes! that's got to be it! px is female. =)

Yes she is female!
Subject: Yes she is female!

Thank you!!
Subject: Female...sm

She was worried about cancer. Wanted a PET scan but doc ordered the blood tests I listed. I cannot find this anywhere. S/l Ulasa or Alasa ?
Unfortunately - female - but thank you
Subject: Unfortunately - female - but thank you

She's a 70 yr old female..
Subject: She's a 70 yr old female..

would she still have an LH level??
Subject: Female

A 70-year-old female in for cataract surgery.


No...not coal tar. It is for a female..sm
Subject: No...not coal tar. It is for a female..sm

I have found this cream once before. She is saying Coltz (s)but unsure of the spelling. Found it on some pharm site a long time ago. It is over the counter. But now I cannot find it.

Thanks anyway.
No, female patient. Thank you!
Subject: No, female patient. Thank you!

Is this a female for pregnancy? sm
Subject: Is this a female for pregnancy? sm

What is beta hCG?
Beta HCG "the pregnancy hormone" is produced by the cells of the implanting egg and can be produced in the absence of an embryo. Beta hCG can be detected in ...
http://www.obfocus.com/questions/qanda7.htm   - 11k  -  Cached  -  Similar pages

male or female?
Subject: male or female?

male or female?
Subject: male or female?

female patient?
Subject: female patient?

ECC probably endocervical curettage.

EOU, no clue, but checked medilexicon and found:

Epidemic Observation Unit,
Experimental Oral Ulcerations

which makes no sense so far in this case.

Patient is Female
Subject: Patient is Female

s/l female sounds.
Subject: s/l female sounds.

Full sentence is

A flexible cystoscopy was initially tried but there is severe urethral stenosis so I had to first dilate the urethra with "s/l female sounds" from French #18 up to French #30.

Thanks in advance.

this may help for pundendal SEP (female), sm
Subject: this may help for pundendal SEP (female), sm

female surgeries
Subject: female surgeries

Give dates of any of the following female surgeries you have had performed:

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Give dates of any of the following female surgeries you have had performed:

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Give dates of any of the following female surgeries you have had performed:

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Part of Health Questionnaire on website:  Have you had any female surgeries?

Tubal ligation (tubes tied to prevent pregnancy)

Hysterectomy (removal of the uterus) Yes No

Abdominal or Vaginal

Removal of ovary (ies) Right Left Both Don’t know


Bladder surgery

Rectal Surgery

Cryotherapy (freezing) of the cervix


Other female surgery

Male or female pt? What else are they taking? nm
Subject: Male or female pt? What else are they taking? nm

Male or female? What are they working them up for? nm
Subject: Male or female? What are they working them up for? nm

Or even Vagifem if patient is female? nm
Subject: Or even Vagifem if patient is female? nm

male or female exam? nm
Subject: male or female exam? nm

P.S. If it makes any difference, pt is female
Subject: P.S. If it makes any difference, pt is female

female patient? Could be EstroGel. nm
Subject: female patient? Could be EstroGel. nm

Male or female? How about a whole sentence? nm
Subject: Male or female? How about a whole sentence? nm

female-in for abdomina pressure
Subject: female-in for abdomina pressure

is this a female and are you in past history?
Subject: is this a female and are you in past history?

if it is a youngish woman..........??  Just guessing here, don't know where you are in report......but if in past medical history and there is even more, it's possible, and just use a comma to separate........

....shingles on bridge of nose and some in-vitro problems...

male or female patient? . some
Subject: male or female patient? . some

choices - digital rectal, colorectal, vaginorectal ?
Age, male or female, problem?
Subject: Age, male or female, problem?

If female, then possibly *FSH* but not for hematuria. (no msg)
Subject: If female, then possibly *FSH* but not for hematuria. (no msg)

hmm. . . not sure. She has said this same thing for 4 pts. in a row, some male and some female. nm
Subject: hmm. . . not sure. She has said this same thing for 4 pts. in a row, some male and some female. nm

s/l normal female ascusion?
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talking about a pelvic exam.
Is patient male or female? (nm)
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female head of shoulder? sm
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Sorry can't think very well today. Head is foggy.

ASSESSMENT: Shoulder pain with possible instability.

as he abducts his right shoulder and puts his hand on the back of his head, he can exert force which brings the s/l female head forward subluxating from the joint.
Female? Male? Goat? nm
Subject: Female? Male? Goat? nm

Female with infertility problems...dr. recommends..sm
Subject: Female with infertility problems...dr. recommends..sm

to follow up with an (s/l  "oruphragram").  Is there such a thing as an "oophorogram"???
female has acute liver failure. Thanks. NM
Subject: female has acute liver failure. Thanks. NM

Female, part of the physical exam. NM
Subject: Female, part of the physical exam. NM

If female, maybe Estrace? Or the vitamin Ester-C? nm
Subject: If female, maybe Estrace? Or the vitamin Ester-C? nm

drug s/l Vy-ack. Can't tell what its for. Female, so not Viagra. Does have bronchitis. nm
Subject: drug s/l Vy-ack. Can't tell what its for. Female, so not Viagra. Does have bronchitis. nm

Jolessa (if patient is female) - just a guess
Subject: Jolessa (if patient is female) - just a guess


Generic Name: Levonorgestrel/Ethinyl Estradiol Tablets 91-Day Pack (LEE-voe-nor-JES-trel/ETH-i-nil ES-tra-DYE-ol)
Brand Name: Examples include Jolessa and Seasonale

Jolivette, this is used as a progesterone, female hormone.
Subject: Jolivette, this is used as a progesterone, female hormone.

cervical as in neck or as in female anatomy?
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The patient is an overweight white female who is clearly aphasic.
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This a routine physical? Looking for hernias? Male/female? nm
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S/L-Atyptic pleasant female in no apparent distress.
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