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doing a cardiac cath and says

Posted By: help please on 2007-10-16
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Subject: doing a cardiac cath and says

shows an essentially patent stent in the RCA, patent s/l brightness??? intermedious??? but with persistent restenosis.

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Cardiac cath.
Subject: Cardiac cath.

born with _______  double-outlet right ventricle

Sounds like SBN. 


cardiac cath ?
Subject: cardiac cath ?

The patient has undergone cardiac catheterization, which revealed multi-vessel disease. She has a totally __________ s/l pitted RCA, which is well collateralized from the left ____ s/l systa. 

on cardiac cath
Subject: on cardiac cath

Luge 0.014 wire ??   thanks!
A cardiac cath is usually performed
Subject: A cardiac cath is usually performed

through the femoral artery that runs past the knees. 
Cardiac Cath results
Subject: Cardiac Cath results

My doc is quite a mumbler.  He's a PCP talking about his patient's cath outcome.  "This showed that the right coronary artery had mild, midluminal irregularities s/l from the small and nondominant.  The left main was normal.  Does this sound right?  I can never hear his connecting words: from, to, at, near, if, of, or ....Thanks for any help.  I do appreciate it.    
cardiac cath help s/l cudding boo-d
Subject: cardiac cath help s/l cudding boo-d

doc is racing through this so i might be off on the pronunciation a bit as everything is slurred.  this is listed under primary procedure...

Left heart catheterization s/l cudding boo-d to the LAD and a Taxus into the LAD.

cardiac cath question
Subject: cardiac cath question

sentence: I stented the left main with a 4x16 -libra port tay-

What is the -L- word?
Cardiac cath gradient
Subject: Cardiac cath gradient

Patient had a right heart cath done with a normal " A to VO2 gradient"  is that correct or would it be A2VO2, or maybe I'm just hearing it wrong completely?
cardiac cath question
Subject: cardiac cath question

Dictator says, "We then advanced a 3-French pigtail catheter into the ascending aorta over a 0.018-inch TERUMA wire." 

Any ideas on what the "teruma" wire is.  I'm guessing it's a surgical brand, but I can't find anything close. 

Help Please!

s/l timmy needle for a cardiac cath? Any help? Thanks!
Subject: s/l timmy needle for a cardiac cath? Any help? Thanks!

cardiac cath - does this make sense?
Subject: cardiac cath - does this make sense?

There was proximal severe hazing 95% stenosis in the LAD which was treated successfully with Taxus drug-eluding stent 3.0 by 16 mm which was post dilated with 3.5 mm noncompliant balloon. The patient had 2nd DINA vessel which was jailed by the stent but this was a very small caliper size vessel. There is also small caliper size vessel of the right posterolateral vessel with some moderate disease which we will continue to treat with medical therapy.

Cardiac cath term s/l pelvication
Subject: Cardiac cath term s/l pelvication

A 6 French sheath was percutaneously placed into the right femoral artery using the modified Seldinger technique and after S/L PELVICATION,  20 cc of 1% lidocaine solution for local anesthesia, 2 mg of Versed and 50 mg of fentanyl were administered intravenous prior to the procedure for sedation and pain control. 


Help please....

cardiac cath term, s/l verification???
Subject: cardiac cath term, s/l verification???

Cardiac cath: "... ulcerated plaque which goes on to involve the verification of the diagonal-1 branch"
Votive balloon for a cardiac cath?
Subject: Votive balloon for a cardiac cath?

Anyone ever heard of this?  Please help!!!!!  ESL doc and it truly sounds like "votive" balloon, 8 x 40.  Thank you so much!!! 
Cardiac cath: 0.035 s/l stort wire was passed.
Subject: Cardiac cath: 0.035 s/l stort wire was passed.

Cardiac cath questions, deleted posts? sm
Subject: Cardiac cath questions, deleted posts? sm

Some posts just got deleted as we were trying to help someone.  My answer to her format question was: Some of my docs do dictate each artery's findings separately and I number them along the left under each other. Just use your common sense so you end up with a clear report. Good luck. I remember when I first started doing caths and it wasn't easy.
Cardiac cath, s/l *ReadyWire pressure management* placement? TIA
Subject: Cardiac cath, s/l *ReadyWire pressure management* placement? TIA

for PMH doc says cardiac cath...with report of a normal s/l Propation??? Any ideas?
Subject: for PMH doc says cardiac cath...with report of a normal s/l Propation??? Any ideas?

"Mini-crash technique" Cardiac Cath related
Subject: "Mini-crash technique" Cardiac Cath related

Anyone ever heard of mini-crash technique? This is a heavily accented dictator who is speaking through a mouth full of marbles.

Here's a running start:  "Then 3 x 30 mm stent was positioned in the PDA using a 'mini-crash' technique."


Pt had a cardiac cath which showed no significant *coronary obstucting to his knees*.
Subject: Pt had a cardiac cath which showed no significant *coronary obstucting to his knees*.

Whis is correct?: Port-A-Cath, port-a-cath or portacath
Subject: Whis is correct?: Port-A-Cath, port-a-cath or portacath

PORT-A-CATH® is on company site, I usually use Port-A-Cath
Subject: PORT-A-CATH® is on company site, I usually use Port-A-Cath

Subject: cath

if he used a scalpel to make a stab incision it would make sense to me and then he would place the suprapubic cath.
Subject: cath

Shani catheter aka KR4H

Subject: cath...

VasCath, Vas-Cath or Vas Cath

Anyone know? :)

Heart Cath... sm
Subject: Heart Cath... sm

Catheterization complete at this point which revealed normal coronary arteries with LV systolic function normal and an injection s/l *pression* of 65%.  


Could be pressure, but not sure if that is appropriate...


Thanks in advance.

I type it fem cath. nm
Subject: I type it fem cath. nm

You doing a heart cath or something else? Just might be
Subject: You doing a heart cath or something else? Just might be

Subject: Port-a-Cath

left subclavian s/l Vacsill Port-a-Cath
Subject: Port-A-Cath?

Subject: port-a-cath

Insertion of Power Port-a-Cath via the left subclavian vein using C-arm imaging. 

Should Power be capitalized or not? Cant tell if that is part of the cath name or what?  

Tesio Cath
Subject: Tesio Cath

No, it's Port-A-Cath
Subject: No, it's Port-A-Cath

I think I have it "Poly-Cath"
Subject: I think I have it "Poly-Cath"

Heath cath question. SM.
Subject: Heath cath question. SM.

Continuation of the circumflex demonstrated 80-90% narrowing within the s/l "teratorian" distribution of what would be the PDA.  Any ideas? 
Cath is slang and I thought the BOS said not to use
Subject: Cath is slang and I thought the BOS said not to use



aortogram cath see text
Subject: aortogram cath see text

During (Seldinger technique)approach to the infrarenal aorta..."to get full approach for the "UnaFlush or UniFlush" catheter. At first I tried to hear "Omniflush" but at the end of the report, it sounded much more like "UnaFlush or UniFlush." Any clues?
Coronary cath: I know they use JL-1 caths, etc.
Subject: Coronary cath: I know they use JL-1 caths, etc.

but would they ever use AL-1 and AL-2?
prob has something to do with sending it thru like an IV, or Cath or
Subject: prob has something to do with sending it thru like an IV, or Cath or

something. do have you any more info on the patient?
heart cath wire
Subject: heart cath wire

wire is 0.01 fourths of an inch in size.

0.01/4-inch?  0.01 fourths of an inch?  0.01/4 of an inch?


on the card cath would they say underwent
Subject: on the card cath would they say underwent

s/l bare metal stent place in the left s/l pantrudus descending artery.  Then no s/l LV ground?  was done today. 

I'm sorry, never typed one of these before

during cath says S/L LPLS? of circumflex
Subject: during cath says S/L LPLS? of circumflex

Sounds like 'INO cath'
Subject: Sounds like 'INO cath'

Dictator states, "patient will go home with an 'INO cath'. Neurology prefers this as opposed to an indwelling catheter".

I cannot reference 'INO cath'. Please help.
His region on a cath? short msg
Subject: His region on a cath? short msg

Pt. has atrial fib.  My book doesn't show His "region," but I hear that.  It seems as if every, single one of these cath lab reports are totally different.  That's the problem to date.  Thanks!
s/l "Zersy" stent for cath nm
Subject: s/l "Zersy" stent for cath nm

If you check Stedman's, it is Vas-Cath.
Subject: If you check Stedman's, it is Vas-Cath.

Stedman's also has Port-A-Cath.
Subject: Stedman's also has Port-A-Cath.

Excuse me. Heart cath question.
Subject: Excuse me. Heart cath question.

Permacath, PermCath, Perma-Cath
Subject: Permacath, PermCath, Perma-Cath

This word drives me BONKERS.  Can anyone straighten me out as to which one to use.  The doc is definitely saying permacath with the A sound.  Doing an IJ tunneled Permacath or Perma-Cath???? for renal failure. 

S/l tack catheter (Port-A-Cath)..
Subject: S/l tack catheter (Port-A-Cath)..

MD says: The s/l tack catheter was then tunneled. 


Also says:  Catheter was sutured using a Witzel tunnel suture to prevent rotation s/l of ovulus.


Any ideas?  Thanks.

Permcath, permacath, perm-cath? which one? thanks. nm
Subject: Permcath, permacath, perm-cath? which one? thanks. nm