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doesn't it feel good-

Posted By: bs on 2008-09-13
In Reply to: I get the dork award for the day! Its Xalatan drops :) - tracy

Subject: doesn't it feel good-

when we get an AWARD!!! Don't feel bad, we all have those days!! I hate it when there is an English word that I can't seem to spell!!

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Doesn't it feel great when you figure out a blank? Good for you! nm
Subject: Doesn't it feel great when you figure out a blank? Good for you! nm

Why do you feel the need to change it? Good grief! nm
Subject: Why do you feel the need to change it? Good grief! nm

Good morning, and I feel your pain! Anyway, I do lots...sm
Subject: Good morning, and I feel your pain! Anyway, I do lots...sm

of Ortho surgery including arthroscopic, and in this case, since all three can be separate procedures, I would put commas just the way you have it....see, you are more away than you think! :-)
It's a good guess but it doesn't really sound like that to me.
Subject: It's a good guess but it doesn't really sound like that to me.

Thanks for the try though! 
good article, thanks....it just doesn't sound like swelling though..sm
Subject: good article, thanks....it just doesn't sound like swelling though..sm

here is more info on the patient.

She has marked soft tissue loss anteriorly as she always has had and I can easily see, if not palpate, the humeral head beneath her skin, though fortunately it remains virtually non-painful. She has anterior instability and I suggest that she likely is subluxing or even dislocating this humeral head because of her complete absence of soft tissue.
Good guess, but doesn't fit with trans..She has about 40 drugs taking with these diagnoses, sm
Subject: Good guess, but doesn't fit with trans..She has about 40 drugs taking with these diagnoses, sm

chronic daily headaches, migraines, multiple personality disorder, fibromyalgia, anxiety, depression, chronic back pain, chronic knee pain, arthritis, fatigue, chronic pain disorder, chronic pain dysregulation, convergence spasms, history of Cushing�s syndrome, and multiple medication over usage, including narcotics. 
Good/clear dicator says "Mal Ex" Typed him for years and is awesome. Doesn't sound like M
Subject: Good/clear dicator says "Mal Ex" Typed him for years and is awesome. Doesn't sound like Maxalt.

doesn't sound like BUN, she doesn't spell out the letters, it just sounds like "win". sm
Subject: doesn't sound like BUN, she doesn't spell out the letters, it just sounds like "win". sm

Her whole sentence is: Chemistries show a mild increase in the s/l WIN (22) suggestive of mild dehydration and a mild increase in calcium (10.2)
He doesn't give it. He's flying, but doesn't s/l fentanyl.
Subject: He doesn't give it. He's flying, but doesn't s/l fentanyl.

NWMNMT:Good grief, good grief, good grief..If this is the case, the doctor should also explain
Subject: NWMNMT:Good grief, good grief, good grief..If this is the case, the doctor should also explain

the meaning in an ADDENDUM.
How do you know what the doctor meant? GOOD GRIEF, are you the know-it-all (hyphens must be put here, as it is used as a noun!) on this board? Get over yourself!

Who understands what it means without an explanation?
The MOST obvious is apparently like I understood it:
5 packs in 1 year.

Maybe the doctor really meant this, 5 packs per year, so essentially a nonsmoker.

GOOD GRIEF, get over yourself!
Glad to help. You give good me a good S/L and info. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You give good me a good S/L and info. nm

Glad to help. You give good such good S/L and info. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You give good such good S/L and info. nm

Good save, Hay! I never heard of this. Have a good one! nm
Subject: Good save, Hay! I never heard of this. Have a good one! nm

Since no QA, just do what you feel
Subject: Since no QA, just do what you feel

looks right and then they will let you know if it is right or wrong.

I would probably separate each by stating the problem is blah, blah, blah then paragraph the examination is blah, blah, etc.

I would not capitalize headings since they are office notes.

Make each problem standout somehow.

If they have no samples for you, then do it and let them get back to you.

Good Luck
Thanks so much. I feel much better about this now.
Subject: Thanks so much. I feel much better about this now.

Wow!! Feel sorry for you.
Subject: Wow!! Feel sorry for you.

No one from QA has EVER treated me that way. I have had a few less than desirables, but this one is shocking.

I can stand for the fact that people who have diabetes do not necessarily have hypertension. My father has diabetes and has had two MIs and does not have nor has he been treated for hypertension ever.

Plus, I have done QA and yeah, once in awhile a sound alike may seem way off to you because you may know the dictator so well, BUT I have never had anything come across that was "way off". I have always listened a couple of times to try to figure the word out before flagging it as I am sure 99% of us MTs do. Frankly, I would try to speak to her supervisor in the company if you have that option because if she is treating people that way, the company will lose their good MTs. I left a company of a nasty QA manager (apparently not this bad). I would NOT put up with that. It is abusive pure and simple
I feel like I should know this....
Subject: I feel like I should know this....

This is an ESL. I think she has said this before, but I cannot get a grip on it this time.

She was bleeding so much that she called 911 and the patient was taken to the ER. The ER controlled the bleeding and put a plastic **salizine** tape and sent her to see PCP today. According to her, she is not in pain at all but she was afraid when she took off the dressing it would bleed. Thanks!  

Feel better?
Subject: Feel better?

Just trying to help, didn't claim to be perfect.  cushingoid/Cushing disease, effect, phenomenon, pituitary basophilism, response, suture, syndrome, etc. according to Stedman's.  Just call me "you'd be wrong" then from now on.  That won't bother me a bit.  I've got broad shoulders!  LOL    Hope you have a nice day!
LOL!!! I know how you feel!!! nm
Subject: LOL!!! I know how you feel!!! nm

Thank you so much ;;I feel better now.
Subject: Thank you so much ;;I feel better now.

I looked in BOS under pseudomonas and bacteria, and nothing came up.  Thanks for the info.  I will make note of it.  AHHHHHHHHHH, Mad Marge feels a lot calmer now.
feel? n/m
Subject: feel? n/m

I feel like
Subject: I feel like

I feel your pain. SM
I had a few like that.  Guess who got fired?  It wasn't me. 
OMG I feel so dumb........
Subject: OMG I feel so dumb........

he's saying HEART disease, duh!!!!
LOL. that's it. Now I feel stupid!! Thanks :-)
Subject: LOL. that's it. Now I feel stupid!! Thanks :-)

OB/GYN help. I feel like I should know this, but I can't hear it.
Subject: OB/GYN help. I feel like I should know this, but I can't hear it.

Because of oligomenorrhea, she did start birth control pills and stopped them approximately 1 year ago.  At first she had menstrual cycles every 4-6 weeks, but about the last 6 months or so she has been having 2 periods a month.  She brings a schedule with her that shows that she had s/l promera or proberus from 06/07/06 to 06/14/06.  her times of bleeding were 06/24/06, 07/07/06, 07/25/06, and 08/06/06, and she bleeds about 3-7 days each time.  She has no moliminal symptoms and no evidence of ovulatory symptoms. 
Thanks for the criticism! I feel much better about it now!
Subject: Thanks for the criticism! I feel much better about it now!

Hope you feel better. nm
Subject: Hope you feel better. nm

thanks. Now I feel dumb!
Subject: thanks. Now I feel dumb!

Brain just isn't working today.
I would feel sure orthier way of saying CMP
Subject: I would feel sure orthier way of saying CMP

if it was me I would type CMP.
That is it. I feel stupid now. Thanks for your help.
Subject: That is it. I feel stupid now. Thanks for your help.

Ahhhh YES! I feel so DUH! Thank you!
Subject: Ahhhh YES! I feel so DUH! Thank you!

I did, too! Feel better already with a laugh!!.nm
Subject: I did, too! Feel better already with a laugh!!.nm

If it makes you feel any better
Subject: If it makes you feel any better

I actually corrected a radiologist to her face because she was using that very term incorrectly, just like your dictator! She admitted she'd had a discussion with a professor in school about that word, and I could tell she couldn't understand it when he explained it and couldn't understand me either! She didn't think I was right, but she finally said she didn't care if I changed it! I was appalled that somebody with an MD & I think a PhD couldn't get the concept! What a nut!
that's perfectly okay feel better! nm
Subject: that's perfectly okay feel better! nm

Ok, I feel retarded
Subject: Ok, I feel retarded

Haha.  You are right.  Sorry, not used to this accent!  THANKS!
Thanks, sometimes you feel so dumb?!
Subject: Thanks, sometimes you feel so dumb?!

QA didn't know either, so I don't feel so bad.
Subject: QA didn't know either, so I don't feel so bad.

I feel so Stoooopid right now...
Subject: I feel so Stoooopid right now...

Can somebody help me here.   I know there is a renipelvic....IS THERE a renipelvis...or is it renal pelvis....looked this up, but is unclear.....anybody ...QA?
Thank you. I feel stupid, but thanks!
Subject: Thank you. I feel stupid, but thanks!

Don't feel bad, we all have our "moments." (nm)
Subject: Don't feel bad, we all have our "moments." (nm)

feel or feels sm
Subject: feel or feels sm

Nursing notes no new problems or complaints and feel/feels the

patient has been doing quite well. I'm thinking the correct word is

"feel" but want to verify.

Duh, I feel dumb!!! Thanks
Subject: Duh, I feel dumb!!! Thanks

Oh. Well I feel sheepish...
Subject: Oh. Well I feel sheepish...

Thank you - Now I feel stupid
Subject: Thank you - Now I feel stupid

I should have figured that one out.
Well do I feel stupid
Subject: Well do I feel stupid

Thank you so much. Makes complete sense.
Oh of course! Boy do I feel dumb - thank you! nm
Subject: Oh of course! Boy do I feel dumb - thank you! nm

Okay, I feel stupid
Subject: Okay, I feel stupid

I went back and listened about 100 times and it finally came through that he is saying "full-length."  Geez, I feel goofy. I usually work 2nd shift and my brain is not engaged yet.

Thanks for your help!!!!

Sorry - feel your pain, been there!
Subject: Sorry - feel your pain, been there!

I feel dumb now
Subject: I feel dumb now

lol.. I knew that and sadly it took you pointing that out for me to realize what I was saying. .. (sigh) it's been one of those days
I feel your pain...
Subject: I feel your pain...

Cardiology is not my strong suit, either. Try MTDesk.com, they have some sample reports.

Or Transcription411.com - they have a link to some sample reports.

I'll look through some of my samples and see if I have a sample EP and if so, I'll e-mail it to you.

Good luck!