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Posted By: Tracey on 2007-10-31
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Subject: dermatitis

s/l "manillio" dermatitis in pediatrics

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dermatitis help
Subject: dermatitis help

lichenoid psoriasiform dermatitis with concern for S/L SESSORY syndrome or CESSORY syndrome
Subject: dermatitis

Could it be vacuole formation?  Maybe "upper hill" is "apparent?"

type of dermatitis help!!
Subject: type of dermatitis help!!

Patient denies any history of food hypersensitivity, s/l Asbury type of dermatitis. 


Does this ring a bell, anyone??


Thanks in advance.

Maybe psoriatic dermatitis ?..nm
Subject: Maybe psoriatic dermatitis ?..nm

s/l "perioral old" dermatitis
Subject: s/l "perioral old" dermatitis

Persistent intermittent difficulties with s/l "perioral old" dermatitis but no malar rash.
Contact dermatitis
Subject: Contact dermatitis

s/l Betasone cream for contact dermatitis. Is this correct? Please help. 
there's also a "Xolegel" for dermatitis - maybe doc
Subject: there's also a "Xolegel" for dermatitis - maybe doc

was pronouncing the "X" ??
Russ dermatitis?
Subject: Russ dermatitis?

Is there such a thing?  I can't find it on Google.
Allergic dermatitis cream
Subject: Allergic dermatitis cream

Sounds like Tevavate cream? 
maybe just stumbling over "follicular dermatitis" /n.
Subject: maybe just stumbling over "follicular dermatitis" /n.

Cream for contact dermatitis
Subject: Cream for contact dermatitis


  1. Zocor 10 mg nightly.

  2. Advair 500/50 mcg 1 inhalation twice daily.

  3. Albuterol MDI 2 puffs every 4 hours as needed.

  4. Allegra D 1 tablet twice a day.

  5. (s/l flu of senanite cream) as needed for contact dermatitis on the hands.

Any ideas (flu of senanite)?

Appreciate any help.

poison ivy contact dermatitis
Subject: poison ivy contact dermatitis

Anyone ever heard of s/l techno or technoid topical cream for this.  Anyone have a good website for derm medications?
Allergic dermatitis ointment
Subject: Allergic dermatitis ointment

s/l sore-cunny ointment

S/L post-trapedic dermatitis
Subject: S/L post-trapedic dermatitis

She does not have resolution yet of the post-trapedic dermatitis in the L lower thoracic area.
Never mind. Eczematoid dermatitis....
Subject: Never mind. Eczematoid dermatitis....

does not sound like periorbital dermatitis.
Subject: does not sound like periorbital dermatitis.

maybe contact dermatitis, helical. nm
Subject: maybe contact dermatitis, helical. nm

Dermatitis, type of moisturizer -
Subject: Dermatitis, type of moisturizer -

For patient's dermatitis, s/l ladies or ledies moisturizer. Thanks.
Atopic dermatitis with Mettles?
Subject: Atopic dermatitis with Mettles?

The patient has atopic dermatitis with s/l Mettles or Meddles.  I'm sure it's

something simple that I'm just not finding.  TIA.

Seborrhea with sebotic dermatitis?
Subject: Seborrhea with sebotic dermatitis?

Could be saying seborrhea with seborrheic dermatitis.  This is what comes up with a Google search, but isn't this a little repetetive?  Is there such a thing as sebotic dermatitis?  Thanks!

prescribed s/l ke-bat-e-zol for seborrheic dermatitis
Subject: prescribed s/l ke-bat-e-zol for seborrheic dermatitis

stasis dermatitis ? Just a guess... NM
Subject: stasis dermatitis ? Just a guess... NM

s/l urticarian-urticarial dermatitis
Subject: s/l urticarian-urticarial dermatitis

she is absolutley saying this, but I can't find anything to back it up and I can't find 'uticarian', I only find 'uticaria'. Any suggestions?

maybe saying urticaria "and" dermatitis ??
Subject: maybe saying urticaria "and" dermatitis ??

agree - probably follicular dermatitis, severe
Subject: agree - probably follicular dermatitis, severe

atopic dermatitis associated with food allergies. sm
Subject: atopic dermatitis associated with food allergies. sm

Atopic Dermatitis - by Thomas Bieber, Donald Y. M. Leung - 656 pages
Food Allergy - by Dean D. Metcalfe, Ronald A. Simon, A. Hugh Sampson - 591 pages

Natural history of food hypersensitivity in children with atopic ...

Patients with atopic dermatitis and food hypersensitivity who were ... In 20 patients undergoing a third rechallenge, no food hypersensitivity was lost. ...
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db=PubMed&list_uids=2738792&dopt=Abstract - Similar pages

Has a history of eczema___ dermatitis. Something with a 'P', very short little sound. nm
Subject: Has a history of eczema___ dermatitis. Something with a 'P', very short little sound. nm

could be rhus dermatitis from plant contact like poison ivy, etc. - nm
Subject: could be rhus dermatitis from plant contact like poison ivy, etc. - nm

possibly eczemas dermatitis and pruritus and erythematous papules. nm
Subject: possibly eczemas dermatitis and pruritus and erythematous papules. nm

WAG - follicular in situ ____ (lesions??) of atopic dermatitis? nm
Subject: WAG - follicular in situ ____ (lesions??) of atopic dermatitis? nm

For the dermatitis that is chronic, I gave him s/l tequila mila shot
Subject: For the dermatitis that is chronic, I gave him s/l tequila mila shot

For the dermatitis that is chronic, I gave him s/l tequila mila shot every three months and he can come back in the office every three months to get those shots.

(strong ESL) thanks

pt w/ dental abscess and seborrheic dermatitis "treated w/ clindamycin, Vicodin, and s/l desoin&#
Subject: pt w/ dental abscess and seborrheic dermatitis "treated w/ clindamycin, Vicodin, and s/l desoin"- nm

eczematous dermatitis? eczematous PMLE? Sted's Derm Words..nm
Subject: eczematous dermatitis? eczematous PMLE? Sted's Derm Words..nm
