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Posted By: . (NM) on 2009-05-07
In Reply to: Small opening in the anoderm at one of the s/l *cripts* - mm

Subject: crypts??


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Subject: crypts?

Yep - crypts - deep pits in tonsils
Subject: Yep - crypts - deep pits in tonsils

Tonsillar crypts are deep recesses found on the surface of the tonsils. Chronic tonsillitis often results from the accumulation of partially digested food debris in the depths of these crypts. When the crypts are particularly deep, the debris may actually form concretions known as tonsilloliths. Chronic tonsil inflammation associated with such debris in the crypts in most cases can be successfully managed by relatively simple oral hygiene measures designed to mechanically cleanse or irrigate the tonsils. Scheduled and regular gargling with antiseptic rinses such as Cepacol or saline-soda solutions (1/4 tsp salt, 1/4 tsp baking soda in 6-8 oz water) are helpful in many. For more difficult cases, the use of a Water-Pik device with pulsating jets of solution directed at the tonsil crypts is advised. Antibiotics may be occasionally recommended for acute exacerbations associated with bacterial colonization of the crypts, however, antibiotics are often not particularly helpful. Ultimately, if these measures fail, and if the individual is sufficiently syptomatic, tonsil removal may be recommended.