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could they be saying "lactic acid level" ? nm

Posted By: flybye on 2006-02-24
In Reply to: lactate gas level - Emily

Subject: could they be saying "lactic acid level" ? nm

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lactic acid level? nm
Subject: lactic acid level? nm

bile acid? fibric acid? Here is a link.
Subject: bile acid? fibric acid? Here is a link.

In labs, digoxin level and s/l pernesil level. Don't think I have heard of that before. TIA!
Subject: In labs, digoxin level and s/l pernesil level. Don't think I have heard of that before. TIA!

okay trying this again. it ate my post s/l multiple level or mobile level spout
Subject: okay trying this again. it ate my post s/l multiple level or mobile level spout

He is listing past surgeries.. first time sounded like mobile level spout in 1960 while in the military.. then it sounded like multiple level spout, anyone have a clue?  tia.. Gina

stupid question is it digi level dig level???
Subject: stupid question is it digi level dig level???

sl delpricate level and dench level
Subject: sl delpricate level and dench level

These are tests for a patient will all types of cardiac and pulmonary problems and osteoporosis.

CBC, CMP, TSH, fasting lipid profile, ____ level, magnesium level and ____ level in 1 week.

Sounds like delpricate level and dench level.


Depakote level and dig (digoxin) level.
Subject: Depakote level and dig (digoxin) level.

dysphagia level 3 vs. level III?
Subject: dysphagia level 3 vs. level III?

Does anyone know the correct way to type this?  Thanks!
Lipoic Acid, 300 mg, also known as Alpha Lipoic acid.? nm
Subject: Lipoic Acid, 300 mg, also known as Alpha Lipoic acid.? nm

Salicylic acid
Subject: Salicylic acid

He's definitely saying salicylic acid, but he's saying something before that that s/l asterile sayicylic acid.  Any ideas?  TIA.
how about acetylsalicylic acid
Subject: how about acetylsalicylic acid

does that sound like it?
s/l Alfalypoic acid?
Subject: s/l Alfalypoic acid?


  1. Lantus 19 units nightly.

  2. Humalog t.i.d. 1 unit per 10 grams of carbohydrate.

  3. s/l (Alfalypoic) acid 400 mg b.i.d.

  4. Lipitor 20 mg daily.

  5. Lisinopril hydrochlorothiazide 20/12.5 mg daily.

  6. Synthroid 0.075 mg daily.

  7. Aspirin 81 mg daily. 

No idea what this could be.  Still kind of new at this.  Any help would be great.

alphalipoic acid?
Subject: alphalipoic acid?

not sure about the *repodic acid* one, but--sm
Subject: not sure about the *repodic acid* one, but--sm

the second one of s/l Co qid 60 mg is probably *PO* (by mouth) q.i.d. 60 mg. listen again.

valproic acid.
Subject: valproic acid.

He might be saying acid brash.
Subject: He might be saying acid brash.

methylmalonic acid nm
Subject: methylmalonic acid nm

salynacaine acid?
Subject: salynacaine acid?

There is a fumaric acid,
Subject: There is a fumaric acid,

not sure if that's what you are looking for though.
all-acid proliferation
Subject: all-acid proliferation

The patient returns for continued follow up having had one biopsy out of 12 come back showing a Gleason 3+3=6 carcinoma of the prostate.  This was at the left apex laterally.  There was also an area of suspicious [ s/l �all-acid�]  proliferation on the right side of the prostate in the mid area laterally.  This was not diagnosed as cancer .
believe it's acetic acid
Subject: believe it's acetic acid

hyaluronic acid
Subject: hyaluronic acid

ethacrynic acid
Subject: ethacrynic acid

Folic acid.......s/m
Subject: Folic acid.......s/m

The recommended daily dose for folic aced is 400 mcg (microgram)
Could it be valproic acid? (nm)
Subject: Could it be valproic acid? (nm)

fibric acid?
Subject: fibric acid?

might be hyaluronic acid
Subject: might be hyaluronic acid

It's for arthritis and joint pain.

aminolevulinic acid (ALA) ? I think used in CA tx. nm
Subject: aminolevulinic acid (ALA) ? I think used in CA tx. nm

aceotacetic acid? SM
Subject: aceotacetic acid? SM

best UA site of all!!



alpha-lipoic acid
Subject: alpha-lipoic acid

Alpha-Lipoic acid
Subject: Alpha-Lipoic acid

acid fast bacilli
Subject: acid fast bacilli

is this what you are asking?
acid reflux would be my guess nm
Subject: acid reflux would be my guess nm

RA, ANA and normal uric acid
Subject: RA, ANA and normal uric acid

I think..
s/l blunted acid (psychiatric)
Subject: s/l blunted acid (psychiatric)

MENTAL STATUS EXAM:  This is a 39-year-old white male who is alert; oriented to person, place, and partially to date; cooperative; somewhat restless; with blunted s/l acid; normal speech; thought precesses goal-directed; thought contents significant for paranoid delusions of visual hallucinations; insight and judgement poor; cognition not assessed.  Could this be blunted affect or something else?  Thanks!
?lactic acid dye test?
Subject: ?lactic acid dye test?

s/l fura muric acid
Subject: s/l fura muric acid

Patient in for bursitis. Doc say he will get s/l fura muric acid today even though no crystals were found.
serum uric acid
Subject: serum uric acid

I think Nic is right, serum uric acid.
Subject: I think Nic is right, serum uric acid.

urine for uric acid ?
Subject: urine for uric acid ?

bile acid sequestrant
Subject: bile acid sequestrant

Maybe acid reflux esophagitis? nm
Subject: Maybe acid reflux esophagitis? nm

alpha lipoic acid
Subject: alpha lipoic acid

alpha lipoic acid
Subject: alpha lipoic acid

alpha lipoic acid (ALA) - antioxidant for the treatment of AIDS, diabetes, stress injuries and various cancers. This was in your drug book and also online.
s/l pa-tree acid rosacea SM
Subject: s/l pa-tree acid rosacea SM

5-year-old with a rash on her upper chest and lower abdomen.
AFB...acid-fast bacillus...nm
Subject: AFB...acid-fast bacillus...nm

acid-fast stain?
Subject: acid-fast stain?

gamma linolenic acid
Subject: gamma linolenic acid

Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) ...
Subject: Gamma linolenic acid (GLA) ...

google this and see what happens.... :)
gamma-linolenic acid? Will look around more though. nm
Subject: gamma-linolenic acid? Will look around more though. nm

acid load testing for RTA? nm
Subject: acid load testing for RTA? nm