could it be endo-sputum??
Posted By: word help on 2007-12-15
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Subject: could it be endo-sputum??
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all it says is AFB and endo-sputum (?) were negative x3
Subject: all it says is AFB and endo-sputum (?) were negative x3
cough productive of clear, "foamish" sputum, but no discolored sputum. sm
Subject: cough productive of clear, "foamish" sputum, but no discolored sputum. sm
Should i type foamish or change to foamy?
There is Endo GIA? SM
Subject: There is Endo GIA? SM
[PDF] ENDO GIA Universal Stapling System File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML ENDO GIA. *. Universal. Stapling System. 30, 45 or 60 mm Straight ... ENDO GIA* II STRAIGHT SULUs. 030403. Designed for Open Surgery... ... - Similar pages
[PDF] S LA EGIA Comp GB.eps File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML ENDO GIA. *. Universal. Designed forOpen Surgery� 030449. EGIAUNIVXL. ENDO GIA. *. Universal. Straight SULU's. ENDO GIA. *. Universal. Roticulating SULU's ... - Similar pages [ More results from ]
ENDO GIA� Universal Straight (Single Use Loading Units (SULU's ... Product Number, 030412 (ENDO GIA� UNIVERSAL STRAIGHT 60 2.5 SULU) ... The Endo GIA* UNIVERSAL stapler will accommodate any of the SULU sizes that are ... ENDO-GIAAndtrade-Universal-Straight-(Single-Use-Loading-Units-(SULU'... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages
Subject: Endo-Judge
Does anyone know if 'Endo-Judge' is a legitimate surgical tool? Doctors where I work have dictated it and it shows up in many reports usually for cholecystectomy but I cannot find any evidence that there is such a thing. I know there is Endo GIA but I don't want to put that if it is wrong and there is indeed an Endo-Judge. Thanks for any help you can give me!
Endo Clip
Subject: Endo Clip
In cholecystectomy, Dr. uses Endo Clips but what is the correct way to transcribe "the duct was endo-clipped"? (Endo Clipped??--just doesnt look right). Thanks so much for any help.
Subject: endo-leader
Thank you so much for your help east coast! I went on a whim and it hit!
Endo-How is this typed?
Subject: Endo-How is this typed?
Is it Endoclipped or Endo clipped? Reference please-thanks
try this from Stedman Endo book
Subject: try this from Stedman Endo book
hystidyl-methionline-27 or peptide h.-m. also (PHM-27)
Is endo bag the correct spelling? TIA.
Subject: Is endo bag the correct spelling? TIA.
Endo Clip or endoclip?
Subject: Endo Clip or endoclip?
Maybe endo-ligature or endolinear? SM
Subject: Maybe endo-ligature or endolinear? SM
I also think there is a guy named Littre who developed a certain way of suturing. I can't really help much without knowing what type of surgery.
Never heard of this. Wonder if not saying just Endo "juh" for GIA as a shortcut? nm
Subject: Never heard of this. Wonder if not saying just Endo "juh" for GIA as a shortcut? nm
PMH is signficant for s/l endo-san-dros syndrome.
Subject: PMH is signficant for s/l endo-san-dros syndrome.
The only clues given are medications, which are Topamax, Cymbalta, Estrace, and Percocet.
Thanks !!!!
Said Endo-Judge closure device, but can't refence it - HELP
Subject: Said Endo-Judge closure device, but can't refence it - HELP
Maybe CNS sputum or of sputum? nm
Subject: Maybe CNS sputum or of sputum? nm
sputum for ...
Subject: sputum for ...
pneumocystis and "Gerovasi" ??
sputum for
Subject: sputum for
s/l E-CO-ECKY ??
Endo Clip as per Surgical Word Book by Tessier
Subject: Endo Clip as per Surgical Word Book by Tessier
s/l VI colonization in the sputum
Subject: s/l VI colonization in the sputum
Any ideas for VI?
sputum culture
Subject: sputum culture
s/l emshilani in sputum. TIA nm
Subject: s/l emshilani in sputum. TIA nm
"Guany sputum"
Subject: "Guany sputum"
s/l "guany" sputum. Is guany right?
Thanks in advance!
ELVeS: Endo Laser Vein System; pronounced, �Elvis� nm
Subject: ELVeS: Endo Laser Vein System; pronounced, �Elvis� nm
It is usually exophthalmos, bulging eyes, can be sign of thyroid or other endo problem, sm
Subject: It is usually exophthalmos, bulging eyes, can be sign of thyroid or other endo problem, sm
usually mentioned in physical exam of HEENT or eyes, you want to have a negative finding, unless you are Rodney Dangerfield!
sputum bact. culture
Subject: sputum bact. culture
Mucosal or sputum thickening?
Subject: Mucosal or sputum thickening?
Most likely hemoptysis -- blood in sputum. sm
Subject: Most likely hemoptysis -- blood in sputum. sm
Here is a good review of systems link:
did you mean for C&S? sputum for culture and sensitivity?
Subject: did you mean for C&S? sputum for culture and sensitivity?
C&S sputum? culture and sensitivity?
Subject: C&S sputum? culture and sensitivity?
Remember this one? It was induced sputum.
Subject: Remember this one? It was induced sputum.
US Surgical makes a line of Endo instruments (capital E). Probably saying passer as short for
Subject: US Surgical makes a line of Endo instruments (capital E). Probably saying passer as short for
Complete laboratories? Sputum specimen? What comes before this? nm
Subject: Complete laboratories? Sputum specimen? What comes before this? nm
Sputum culture shows S/L cominceal
Subject: Sputum culture shows S/L cominceal
Sputum sample: s/l H-Priori, s/l Staphoria
Subject: Sputum sample: s/l H-Priori, s/l Staphoria
The patient had a sputum sample obtained, which was found to be positive for s/l H-Priori and s/l Staphoria.
Help? Is staphoria equal to staph aureus? Thanks!!!
verbatim or not, I'd give 'em pus-like sputum
Subject: verbatim or not, I'd give 'em pus-like sputum
I would have changed it to purulent sputum. (nmsg)
Subject: I would have changed it to purulent sputum. (nmsg)
Could be stuttering on just "a sputum" with the "for cytology or CNS"
Subject: Could be stuttering on just "a sputum" with the "for cytology or CNS"
Sputum shows a few s/l polymorphil leukocytes sm
Subject: Sputum shows a few s/l polymorphil leukocytes sm
cannot reference polymorphil anywhere. TIA
Could be that the rhinorrhea is green and not sputum from the cough, I would flag, just me...
Subject: Could be that the rhinorrhea is green and not sputum from the cough, I would flag, just me...
Sputum culture did show s/l lite-no-morris trophor as well. Any help, please?
Subject: Sputum culture did show s/l lite-no-morris trophor as well. Any help, please?
they do acid-fast smears on sputum, etc. Here is link from
Subject: they do acid-fast smears on sputum, etc. Here is link from
Acid-Fast (Mycobacteria) Broth-Based Culture and Smear and Susceptibility |
Number |
182675 |
87015; 87116; 87206 |
Related Information |
Acid-Fast (Mycobacteria) Antibiotic Susceptibilities
Default Test Order for Ambiguous Orders
Organism Identification, Mycobacteria |
Synonyms |
Blood Mycobacteria Culture ; Culture, Acid-Fast (Sputum, Tissue, Urine, and Gastric Contents) ; Culture, Blood, Mycobacteria ; Mycobacteria Culture (Sputum, Tissue, Urine, and Gastric Contents) |
Test Includes |
Mycobacteria culture (AFB) and smear when appropriate; smears are not performed on blood or when there is less than 2 mL of cerebrospinal fluid. Susceptibility testing [test 088161] is performed at an additional charge when Mycobacterium spp is recovered. Culture and identification (additional charges/CPT code[s] may apply). CPT coding for microbiology and virology procedures often cannot be determined before the culture is performed. Requests with only a written order and no test number indicated will be processed according to Default Test Order for Ambiguous Orders . |
Specimen |
First morning sputum (not saliva) (three separate specimens from three separate days are recommended), fasting gastric aspirate, induced sputum, whole blood, tissue, biopsy, bronchial aspirate, urine, skin, cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow, body fluid, stool. Swabs of exudate from skin sources are acceptable, otherwise, swab specimens should not be submitted. Collect aspirate using sterile, nonbacteriostatic saline or other noninhibitory medium. Do not send syringe. It will be rejected. |
Sputum cultures have come back negative for fungus "asp a sill ae". nm
Subject: Sputum cultures have come back negative for fungus "asp a sill ae". nm