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colectomy of the 2nd MTP joint?

Posted By: medword on 2007-09-22
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Subject: colectomy of the 2nd MTP joint?

I had a blank on a podiatry exam that my QA filled in like this...

"would recommended a modified Weil osteotomy to decompress the joint along with opening up and cleaning up any osteophytes and possibly a colectomy of the second metatarsophalangeal joint."

I had a blank where the word colectomy is.  I've never heard of a colectomy of the MTP joint.  I did a search but didn't find anything.  I'd like to document it if it exists.

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Subject: joint

thecal maybe
What joint are you in? nm
Subject: What joint are you in? nm

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DIAGNOSIS: Right bunionette and cyst at the s/l MTV joint.

I know it could be MTP but it really sounds like a "v".
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thank you - I did not know about "post" ii greatly appreciate.
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thank you    

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There you go
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