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colchicine for gout? Ck spelling. nm

Posted By: Trying on 2007-08-02
In Reply to: Medication s/l Choldrazine...tia - Kimberly

Subject: colchicine for gout? Ck spelling. nm


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colchicine for gout. nm
Subject: colchicine for gout. nm

colchicine (for gout) nm
Subject: colchicine (for gout) nm

PT with gout given med that s/l Benamed ? 1 bid
Subject: PT with gout given med that s/l Benamed ? 1 bid

Benemid is for gout
Subject: Benemid is for gout

s/l col-chi-zine for gout Thanks!!
Subject: s/l col-chi-zine for gout Thanks!!

s/l 'defacious' gout
Subject: s/l 'defacious' gout

Chronic 'defacious' gout.
tophaceous gout. sm
Subject: tophaceous gout. sm

tophaceous gout.


gout in which deposits of uric acid and urates occur as gouty tophi.

Question regarding gout
Subject: Question regarding gout

This patient has gout. Doc states:

He has been carefully watching his diet but on New Years Day he had some prime rib and s/l "Oujoo"  ? 



Top 3 meds to treat gout.........sm
Subject: Top 3 meds to treat gout.........sm

NSAIDs, Indomethacin, Probenecid.  Can you hear any of these being dictated?
Subject: colchicine

Subject: Colchicine

Subject: colchicine

Subject: colchicine

colchicine NM
Subject: colchicine NM

Subject: colchicine?

colchicine =) NM
Subject: colchicine =) NM

colchicine - NM
Subject: colchicine - NM

Colchicine nm
Subject: Colchicine nm

Forget it I think it is colchicine.
Subject: Forget it I think it is colchicine.

Thanks anyway!

Possibly colchicine. nm
Subject: Possibly colchicine. nm

Could it be gout? Anything in lab to suggest excessive uric acid?
Subject: Could it be gout? Anything in lab to suggest excessive uric acid?

drug s/l coltizine. Patient has gout, hypertension, CAD and CHF. Thanks!
Subject: drug s/l coltizine. Patient has gout, hypertension, CAD and CHF. Thanks!

tophus of tophi (pl) is calcium deposit from gout. sm
Subject: tophus of tophi (pl) is calcium deposit from gout. sm

tophus, pl. tophi


1. See: gouty tophus.

2. A salivary calculus, or tartar.

Syn: gouty pearl.


colchicine - but lower case....
Subject: colchicine - but lower case....

Here is article listing dapsone and colchicine. See link.
Subject: Here is article listing dapsone and colchicine. See link.

Can anyone tell me if i spelling this right?
Subject: Can anyone tell me if i spelling this right?

spelling - sm
Subject: spelling - sm

You have it correct according to entering it as spelled into the sound alikes search engine provided here.
Subject: spelling

which is correct, shrivelling or shrivelling?
Subject: Spelling

how would you spell life flight or Lifeflight or LifeFlight????
Subject: Help,spelling

Mental block,plz correct spelling for "Omnipaque".thnks
Am I spelling this right?
Subject: Am I spelling this right?

I'm transcribing a cardiac bypass procedure, and the doctor is using something that sounds like Embolex aortic cannula.  I'm not finding this in any of my Stedman reference books, and there aren't many hits on Google!
Help with spelling
Subject: Help with spelling

Which is correct?  My Stedmans doesn't show either, it's over the Internet both ways. 

postprocedural or post-procedural

postprocedurally or post-procedurally


He is spelling the B-R-I-E-F
Subject: He is spelling the B-R-I-E-F

exam shows......
Spelling ?
Subject: Spelling ?

Antara....Enterra.....(sp ??)


Spelling for (s/l) d i l o t a ??? Med
Subject: Spelling for (s/l) d i l o t a ??? Med

Subject: spelling?

patients blood pressure readings at home daily have been 90 percent plus.  Would leave as is or change........looks wrong. 
Rue-N-Y - spelling
Subject: Rue-N-Y - spelling

Patient had bariatric surgery. Is the spelling Rue-N-Y? Thanks!!

Subject: spelling??

What is the correct spelling of sagittally, one doc says this another one says sagittale???
Subject: spelling

cardiac wise OR cardiacwise?  Thanks
Subject: spelling?

Would you spell it with an s or ps?
spelling help
Subject: spelling help

neurovascularly intact and loosency in hardware.  Are these two words spelled correctly.
Thanks. That probably would fit, but because he is spelling it,
Subject: Thanks. That probably would fit, but because he is spelling it,

I am not so sure now. I know they do not know how to spell, but he is not even close to fluctuant if that is what he is going for. I think I will flag this one.
Subject: spelling

Can anyone tell me the correct spelling for s/l "geri" psychiatric unit...is it geripsychiatric unit or geropsychiatric unit? Thanks


bad spelling
Subject: bad spelling

Tell me about it! I transcribe a doc who is CONSTANTLY spelling things out, and about 99% of the time he's wrong. ARGH!!
Subject: spelling

It's erisypilas... google
Subject: spelling

By the way - seems it was rampant ions ago... erisypilas is raised, painful and demarcated lesions of the skin. My husband has used this word and I had actually never heard of it before. Hope this helps. Patti
That's probably the spelling I need
Subject: That's probably the spelling I need

Subject: spelling

It is spelled Aspergers and the correct usage is Aspergers Syndrome or Aspergers Disorder.  It is part of the autism spectrum.
Subject: Spelling

Asperger Syndrome is the proper name.
Subject: spelling

Initially the patient had had hypertension and dehypertensives were held.

The word dehypertensives is not a real word.  Does anyone use this word?  I love how doctors make up words.

Subject: Spelling?

Patient has high cholesterol...correct way to spell s/l thim brick acid medication?