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broncho has to do with the trachea or tracheal area. It is not in the foot.

Posted By: pc on 2008-10-18
In Reply to: s/l broncho cartilage - mt3

Subject: broncho has to do with the trachea or tracheal area. It is not in the foot.

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Broncho 1?
Subject: Broncho 1?

Anyone heard of broncho 1 positivity?   Used in relation to a patient with lung cancer - "The patient does have broncho 1 positivity in her family."  

I've looked everywhere for this term, can't find it.  Tks.

s/l broncho cartilage
Subject: s/l broncho cartilage

She subsequently had a podiatry evaluation and a surgical decision of some damaged s/l broncho cartilage. This in in the foot.
Patient with gangrene of foot. On exam, the entire foot is ulcerated with s/l us-i-nest debris.
Subject: Patient with gangrene of foot. On exam, the entire foot is ulcerated with s/l us-i-nest debris.

Subject: trachea

trachea help
Subject: trachea help

A longitudinal incision was made directly over the trachea and his trachea was dissected.  Thyroid was extracted.  A second tracheal ring oversized, # 6 _S/L shally______ was inserted and secured.



of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm
Subject: of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm

first and second digit of the left hand.  Thanks. 
First would be trachea midline. I have
Subject: First would be trachea midline. I have

seen lungs "wet" but not sure about 2nd.
AFO-ankle foot orthosis for drop foot. nm
Subject: AFO-ankle foot orthosis for drop foot. nm

Trachea was midline without s/l *truss* stidor. Thanks!
Subject: Trachea was midline without s/l *truss* stidor. Thanks!

It is trachea midline. Fonts you can leave
Subject: It is trachea midline. Fonts you can leave

if your client permits "slang." Personally I would spell it out to fontanelles. No idea on mertz.
Tracheal catheter? nm
Subject: Tracheal catheter? nm

tracheal tube
Subject: tracheal tube

s/l    6 kaflex? Shiley
TC for tracheal collar ? NM
Subject: TC for tracheal collar ? NM

tracheal lumen? nm
Subject: tracheal lumen? nm

probably lumen...but not tracheal, LOL =) nm
Subject: probably lumen...but not tracheal, LOL =) nm

perhaps tracheal mucosa
Subject: perhaps tracheal mucosa

No, bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, nothing to do with trachea or nose. nm
Subject: No, bronchitis is inflammation of the bronchi, nothing to do with trachea or nose. nm

HEENT: Trachea is midline. No s/l subculary in the neck. Help?
Subject: HEENT: Trachea is midline. No s/l subculary in the neck. Help?

if they say *foot* - give 'em foot....nm
Subject: if they say *foot* - give 'em foot....nm

She has a prosthetic *above?* right foot for right foot drop.
Subject: She has a prosthetic *above?* right foot for right foot drop.

that's all I could think of as well..but isn't that the chest area and not the neck area? nm
Subject: that's all I could think of as well..but isn't that the chest area and not the neck area? nm

Pt with increased tracheal s/l "vis ab" and s/l anesthesia class 3 airway. sm
Subject: Pt with increased tracheal s/l "vis ab" and s/l anesthesia class 3 airway. sm

He has excessive work of breathing, and he is using some accessory muscles. There is increased tracheal s/l vis ab. His airway is s/l anesthesia class III, large beefy uvula, large tongue, no really recessed mandible.
On SpringerLink: "fixed post-tracheostomy scar, which produces a tracheal tug"
Subject: On SpringerLink: "fixed post-tracheostomy scar, which produces a tracheal tug"

Little area. Same as Kiesselbach area.
Subject: Little area. Same as Kiesselbach area.

I found it in my Sted's Electronic Dictionary. Really good source for everything.


Little area

Syn: Kiesselbach area.

Kiesselbach area

an area on the anterior portion of the nasal septum rich in capillaries (Kiesselbach plexus) and often the seat of epistaxis. Syn: Little area.

interscapular area or inter scapular area or inner scapular?
Subject: interscapular area or inter scapular area or inner scapular?

Physical examination today of the shoulder shows some soreness primarily over the posterior aspect of the shoulder in the *interscapular* area. tia.
An inferior based flap or "Bjork" flap (through second and third tracheal rings) is commonly u
Subject: An inferior based flap or "Bjork" flap (through second and third tracheal rings) is commonly used.

It is the foot. nm
Subject: foot

He has full strength of his left foot **Eburgers** and proximal left lower limb muscles.

I know this is probably very simple. Thank you so much for any help!   

foot x-ray
Subject: foot x-ray

AP, lateral and S/L "exa" sessamoid shows decreased joint space at the PIPJ of the second toe of the left foot.  Cannot find anything close. Patient has rigid contracture of the second digit.  Thanks for any help.


foot x-ray
Subject: foot x-ray

AP and lateral bilateral as well as a medial oblique and show anterior break of the cyma line, increase in talar declination, peritalar uncovering on the AP.  No evidence of any ____ was noted this date.


Sounds like osteo bell externa.


Thanks in advance!

Subject: foot

foot x-ray
Subject: foot x-ray

X-rays taken, AP and lateral oblique, and show marked lesion was negative for any exostosis or abnormal pathology.  Does show a S/L "sin-velenge" in the distal phalanx of the fifth toe of the right foot. 
Subject: foot

a cheilectomy is a removal of the lips! Calcanectomy maybe?
foot deformity
Subject: foot deformity

Charcot deformity?  Sounds like "charco or sharco". Thanks.
Foot prosthesis
Subject: Foot prosthesis

She needs to get to the Prosthetic Center and get a new  Lennard splint as her old one has broken and they will check her AFO splint to make sure that during the daytime use it is fitting properly with correct padding over pressure points.

I cannot verify this splint, but that is what is sounds like he is saying.  Is this correct?

? Charcot foot
Subject: ? Charcot foot

s/l kidrow foot.
Subject: s/l kidrow foot.

Assessment:  Collapsing pes planus and *____* foot 7-1/2 weeks postop, right.

Patient had repair of posterior tibial tendon and calcaneal osteotomy.


Yes, foot/ankle (nm)
Subject: Yes, foot/ankle (nm)

Foot ulcers please see msg
Subject: Foot ulcers please see msg

There are S/L: dopulous signals in the right and left foot in the dorsal pedal and posterior tibial positions, and the right is better than the left. 
No,. the fracture is isn't in the foot, plus...
Subject: No,. the fracture is isn't in the foot, plus...

he is pronouncing it like this:

tel-LOW. I blanked it. I did spent entirely too much time researching this one, but I hate when docs say something so clear and I can't reference it anywhere!
Foot x-ray results
Subject: Foot x-ray results

Doc is giving foot x-ray results as follows.


IMPRESSION:  Oblique fracture, which is postoperative at the level of the first metatarsal.  S/L "Os-like" displacement at the fracture site is noted.

Anyone ever hear of something like that?  Thanks

foot procedure
Subject: foot procedure

Excision of a porokeratic lesion and a s/l Shootie flap. TIA.
s/l PER 4 fracture of his foot
Subject: s/l PER 4 fracture of his foot

I can't verify PER 4
N-U support for foot? See msg
Subject: N-U support for foot? See msg

The patient underwent physical therapy and has been given an N-U support for his foot.

Doc states it as "in dash you" support
Foot surgery
Subject: Foot surgery

The tendons were retracted laterally.  At this time the s/l Mclaren elevary was introduced and the flexor plate was released.
foot/ankle - THanks for looking
Subject: foot/ankle - THanks for looking

first ray of the left foot
Subject: first ray of the left foot

Foot surgery help?
Subject: Foot surgery help?

release of the lateral sesamoid ligament, and an adductor s/l re-tenectomy? was performed
Foot Term?
Subject: Foot Term?

Past surgical history: Excision of s/l os tibialic sternum, left foot?
whole sentence, please. what comes before foot?
Subject: whole sentence, please. what comes before foot?

Does he say exactly what foot problem?
Subject: Does he say exactly what foot problem?