are you sure it isn't pauciarticular (few rather than many) joints
Posted By: ltt on 2007-07-27
In Reply to: 2 year old w/ s/l-posyarticular jerry?? - TIA
Subject: are you sure it isn't pauciarticular (few rather than many) joints
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Pauciarticular means "few joints."
Subject: Pauciarticular means "few joints."
Pt was injected at L4-L5 and L5-S1 *upper sacroiliac joints or AND upper sacroiliac joints" sm
Subject: Pt was injected at L4-L5 and L5-S1 *upper sacroiliac joints or AND upper sacroiliac joints" sm
bilaterally. Thanks
Subject: joints
s/l he is dictating PIB/PIV? joints of the second and third digits. does not sound like DIP or PIP....any ideas?
intercarpal joints
Subject: intercarpal joints
Is it intercarpal joints or inner carpal joints
chromiclavicular joints?
Subject: chromiclavicular joints?
acromioclavicular joints nm
Subject: acromioclavicular joints nm
could he be saying "articulating" joints?
Subject: could he be saying "articulating" joints?
Facet joints been atouche'???
Subject: Facet joints been atouche'???
Can someone help please?
Facxet joints been atouche'???
Subject: Facxet joints been atouche'???
*PATIENT NAME REMOVED* is approximately six weeks status postbilateral L3-4, L4-5, and L5-S1. Facet joint injections been ___. He reports absolutely no relief of this pain.
How about SIJ, pelvic and lateral... SI joints? nm
Subject: How about SIJ, pelvic and lateral... SI joints? nm
I think bones, joints and extremities. nm
Subject: I think bones, joints and extremities. nm
BJE is Bones and Joints Examination
Subject: BJE is Bones and Joints Examination
BJE is Bones and Joints Examination
Biarticular means two joints. I don't
Subject: Biarticular means two joints. I don't
know, but I think the left ankle is only one joint.
Costal joints of the ribs?
Subject: Costal joints of the ribs?
Is it proper to say the costal joints of the ribs? I have never heard this before in a dictation.
knee and ankle joints probably.
Subject: knee and ankle joints probably.
intervertebral or facetal
Subject: intervertebral or facetal
I only had 1 doctor spell this out I'm not totally positive.
STDs such as syphilis can affect joints.
Subject: STDs such as syphilis can affect joints.
Instrument to open facet joints
Subject: Instrument to open facet joints
Sounds like "combt" or "kong"
I know this is a stretch but any ideas would help. Thanks!
Interarticular is between two joints. Intraarticular is within the joint cavity.
Subject: Interarticular is between two joints. Intraarticular is within the joint cavity.
It is mediolateral joint. If you are referring to two joints, it would be lines, otherwise, line.
Subject: It is mediolateral joint. If you are referring to two joints, it would be lines, otherwise, line.
I think culture and sensitivity is right.
Heberden�s nodes, bony growths on the terminal. interphalangeal joints of
Subject: Heberden�s nodes, bony growths on the terminal. interphalangeal joints of
Lumbar spine film: s/l the "TIP U LATING" joints unremarkable
Subject: Lumbar spine film: s/l the "TIP U LATING" joints unremarkable
Completely normal lumbar spine films. He's being speedy dictator tonight.
artificial knees. They prescribe antibiotics to keep infection from seeding to atificial joints
Subject: artificial knees. They prescribe antibiotics to keep infection from seeding to atificial joints