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an herbal med for seizures that s/l blue verin

Posted By: kiki on 2008-04-23
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Subject: an herbal med for seizures that s/l blue verin

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Other related messages found in our database

Left breast, blue dye (like isosulfan blue), wire localization
Subject: Left breast, blue dye (like isosulfan blue), wire localization

Flucaine and blue light (slit lamp gives a blue light) nm
Subject: Flucaine and blue light (slit lamp gives a blue light) nm

clonic seizures, may even be tonic-clonic seizures, listen close. nm
Subject: clonic seizures, may even be tonic-clonic seizures, listen close. nm

herbal ???
Subject: herbal ???

Could it be the herbal echinacea? nm
Subject: Could it be the herbal echinacea? nm

Pt takes s/l sol-pal-met-o as an herbal med for BPH. Thanks
Subject: Pt takes s/l sol-pal-met-o as an herbal med for BPH. Thanks

Bio Defender (Herbal)
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vitamin/herbal supplement help
Subject: vitamin/herbal supplement help

Patient is taking "essential s/l sheguro complex."  That is all the info I have, I'm not sure what she is taking it for.  This patient takes a variety of vitamins and supplements.  Any ideas? 
just a guess, but maybe "an herbal oil" ??
Subject: just a guess, but maybe "an herbal oil" ??

herbal supplement s/l cocutane
Subject: herbal supplement s/l cocutane

also referred to as s/l mega or omega s/l cocutane, comes in 100 mg tablets.
herbal supplement s/l cocutane
Subject: herbal supplement s/l cocutane

also referred to as s/l mega or omega s/l cocutane, comes in 100 mg tablets, taken for heart failure
There is one called Lady's Mantle (herbal)
Subject: There is one called Lady's Mantle (herbal)

Sorry, was thinking herbal, Oscillococcinum. Oscillo®.. nm
Subject: Sorry, was thinking herbal, Oscillococcinum. Oscillo®.. nm

herbal medicine the doctor is pronouncing as "un-die-ah". any ideas? nm
Subject: herbal medicine the doctor is pronouncing as "un-die-ah". any ideas? nm

depends on context; herbal product "Hep-Well" IV med "heparin well" nm
Subject: depends on context; herbal product "Hep-Well" IV med "heparin well" nm

Herbal (I think) -- Patient takes (halfa alfa) and garlic.
Subject: Herbal (I think) -- Patient takes (halfa alfa) and garlic.

Never heard anything like this before but clearly sounds like ----- halfa alfa.


The dose suggests maybe an herbal, liver, or highB preparation. Still looking. nm
Subject: The dose suggests maybe an herbal, liver, or highB preparation. Still looking. nm

http://tramadolplus.com/item/pilex.html (seems to be herbal)
Subject: http://tramadolplus.com/item/pilex.html (seems to be herbal)

Tinkerbell is right, it is an herbal suppository made by Wise Woman Herbals
Subject: Tinkerbell is right, it is an herbal suppository made by Wise Woman Herbals

VAG Pack Suppositories from their web site
Probably herbal supps like gingko or the Alzheimer drugs like Aricept, Exelon, Reminyl,
Subject: Probably herbal supps like gingko or the Alzheimer drugs like Aricept, Exelon, Reminyl,

Well, there is blue
Subject: Well, there is blue

bloater syndrome.
Seizures, I think?
Subject: Seizures, I think?

In the assessment, this doc is saying allergic rhino sinusitis with **seizure nod-ur-ations**. I am not even real sure about the seizure part, and there was never anything said about seizures in the history. This is geriatric medicine visit and the only thing in history is about depression, past medical history of hyperlipidemia and allergic rhino sinusitis.


Thanks for any help! I know it's not much to work with.

Subject: seizures

It's just absence seizures said with an accent.  :)
Subject: Seizures

s/l absong seizures
Subject: Seizures

Partial seizures?
seizures. sm
Subject: seizures. sm

Could you be hearing absence (ab-sonz) seizures or they might be pronouncing it absenz seizures?


absence seizure

a seizure characterized by impaired awareness of interaction with, or memory of, ongoing events external or internal to the person; may comprise the following elements: mental confusion, diminished awareness of environment, inability to respond to internal or external stimuli, and amnesia. (The term absence was first used by Louis-Florentin Calmeil (1798–1895) to introduce the concept of epileptic absence for the brief loss of consciousness or confusion seen in epileptic patients.)

Was he having seizures? If so, it could
Subject: Was he having seizures? If so, it could

be absence seizure.
"Hydragara Blue"
Subject: "Hydragara Blue"

Found hydrargyrum - used for antiseptics, diuretics, and antibacterials. Comes from the word "mercury". I bet that's it!
How about methylene blue?
Subject: How about methylene blue?

code blue
Subject: code blue

Used to be capitalized, but no longer according to Stedman's. Just "code blue".
methylene blue
Subject: methylene blue

Dic states 5 mm of methylene blue injected, would this be 5 mL? 
vital blue?
Subject: vital blue?

"Lymphogerum" blue dye
Subject: "Lymphogerum" blue dye

Used for a breast biopsy (needle localization).  Of course, I thought of Methergine and anything else possible.  QA left it blank as well.  Since the report went to the facility with blanks for that word, there's no rush.  I just wish I could figure out the word!

Any ideas?  Thanks!

Could it be Lymphazurin blue dye? NM
Subject: Could it be Lymphazurin blue dye? NM

Hydrofera Blue, nm
Subject: Hydrofera Blue, nm

seizures, like convulsant??
Subject: seizures, like convulsant??

medication for seizures
Subject: medication for seizures

She, initially, was started on s/l Di-do-tine for possible seizure activity. (ESL)
s/l Epson seizures?
Subject: s/l Epson seizures?

Possibility of ADD and also consideration of some type of seizure disorder such as s/l "epson seizures".


I tried google but couldnt come up with much of anything.  TIA.

absence seizures.....nm
Subject: absence seizures.....nm

Absence seizures. sm
Subject: Absence seizures. sm

Spelled absence but pronounced absontz - my child has them.
Help! Absont seizures?
Subject: Help! Absont seizures?

Help!  Anyone heard of absont seizures?  The child has autism.

there is a Topamax for seizures? nm
Subject: there is a Topamax for seizures? nm

s/l pierce seizures
Subject: s/l pierce seizures

HOSPITAL COURSE:  This is a 38-year old right-handed Caucasian male with a history of hyperlipidemia and anxiety, who initially presented to Clinic for further evaluation of recurrent dizziness and ___________seizures.  S/L pierce seizures but can't find any notation of that type anywhere.  Ring any bells with anyone?  Thanks!
s/l pierce seizures
HOSPITAL COURSE:  This is a 38-year old right-handed Caucasian male with a history of hyperlipidemia and anxiety, who initially presented to Clinic for further evaluation of recurrent dizziness and ___________seizures.  S/L pierce seizures but can't find any notation of that type anywhere.  Ring any bells with anyone?  Thanks!
Pt with migraines, seizures, s/l ...sm
Subject: Pt with migraines, seizures, s/l ...sm

"bla ha meet" phenomenon.
TED and Blue Flex hose

Sounds like TED and "Blue Flex hose" - anyone ever heard of what sounds like Blue Flex hose ?? 

Just a guess, blue-load. nm
Subject: Just a guess, blue-load. nm

Not hyphenated just blue load. nm
Subject: Not hyphenated just blue load. nm

Help! About lymphoscintography and s/l lymphosene blue????
Subject: Help! About lymphoscintography and s/l lymphosene blue????

Dictated as follows:  The patient had lymphoscintigraphy, and a lymph node lit up in the left neck; however, this lymph node could not be identified by the gamma probe or with the use of (s/l  lymphosene blue)
lymphazurine blue? Here is one brand of that.
Subject: lymphazurine blue? Here is one brand of that.



The chemical name for LYMPHAZURIN™ 1% (isosulfan blue) is N-[4-[4-(diethylamino)phenyl] (2,5-disulfophenyl) methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-N-ethylethanaminium hydroxide, inner salt, sodium salt.

LYMPHAZURIN™ 1% (isosulfan blue) is a sterile aqueous solution for subcutaneous administration. Phosphate buffer in sterile, pyrogen-free water is added in sufficient quantity to yield a final pH of 6.8-7.4. Each ml of solution contains 10 mg isosulfan blue, 6.6 mg sodium monohydrogen phosphate and 2.7 mg potassium dihydrogen phosphate. The solution contains no preservative.

LYMPHAZURIN™ 1% (isosulfan blue) is a contrast agent for the delineation of lymphatic vessels.




Pulse Oximetry Declines Due To Intradermal Isosulfan Blue Dye: A ...

A large number of patients undergoing sentinel lymph node mapping with intradermal Lymphazurine blue dye may display a decline in pulse oximetry readings in ...
www.annalssurgicaloncology.org/ cgi/content/full/11/4/434 - Similar pages

lymphazurine blue dye - noname

Medical Transcription - lymphazurine blue dye , MTstars.
www.mtstars.com/archives/word/4683.html - 6k - Supplemental Result - Cached - Similar pages


... 24/35 patients also had an intraoperative peritumoral injection of lymphazurine blue dye and visual idenfication of the first blue stained lymph nodes. ...
www.ssat.com/cgi-bin/abstracts/ 04ddw/SSAT_DDW04_106826.cgi?affiliation= - 18k - Cached - Similar pages

Okay, I give. What are Blue Spotties? nm
Subject: Okay, I give. What are Blue Spotties? nm
