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amantadine, also for parkinsonism (or the flu) ?? nm

Posted By: still wandering on 2006-11-07
In Reply to: memantadine....drug? - CM

Subject: amantadine, also for parkinsonism (or the flu) ?? nm


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May be amyotrophy parkinsonism nm
Subject: May be amyotrophy parkinsonism nm

could be Sinemet. not just for parkinsonism, but also
Subject: could be Sinemet. not just for parkinsonism, but also

Subject: amantadine

amantadine is a prophylaxis and treatment for influenza A viral infection.  Hope tis helps!
Amantadine maybe?
Subject: Amantadine maybe?

maybe Amantadine?
Subject: maybe Amantadine?

Symmetrel is amantadine. SM
Subject: Symmetrel is amantadine. SM

amantadine - Medical and health information on the common cold and flu

BRAND NAME: Symmetrel. DRUG CLASS AND MECHANISM: Amantadine is a synthetic (man-made) anti-viral drug that can inhibit the replication of viruses in cells. ...
www.medicinenet.com/amantadine/article.htm - 46k - Cached - Similar pages

amanatidine vs. amantadine?
Subject: amanatidine vs. amantadine?

Doctor pronounces it with an "ah" or "a" sound in the middle.  Is there such a drug or does he mean amantadine?  It is prescribed for increasing focus and alertness.
Dose looks like Tamiflu. May be amantadine? nm
Subject: Dose looks like Tamiflu. May be amantadine? nm

it sounds like amantadine but does it come in 2.5 mg dose q8h
Subject: it sounds like amantadine but does it come in 2.5 mg dose q8h

amantadine is used for MS - my sister has MS and uses amandatine and Copaxone
Subject: amantadine is used for MS - my sister has MS and uses amandatine and Copaxone

amantadine -- generic Parkinson's drug? nm
Subject: amantadine -- generic Parkinson's drug? nm

I am not sure what type of report you are doing, but could it be amantadine and Zetia for the 2 meds
Subject: I am not sure what type of report you are doing, but could it be amantadine and Zetia for the 2 meds ?

Only thing that comes to mind is amantadine (It is used to treat Parkinson disease and uncontrolled
Subject: Only thing that comes to mind is amantadine (It is used to treat Parkinson disease and uncontrolled muscle movements caused by some medicines)