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Posted By: Meredith on 2006-06-27
In Reply to: Apostrophe one place to the right - Meredith

Subject: addendum

Forgot to add that capitalization depends on context:


The Division of Workers' Compensation monitors the administration of workers' compensation claims, and provides administrative and judicial services to ...

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Subject: addendum

He's probably making "Fistula-in-ano plural with the final "s". You could type either four fistula-in-anos or four-fistula-in-ano. Also, I believe that fistula (being a Latin-based word) is the flural form of fistla (same spelling).

See this link:

Subject: Addendum

It would depend on what type of report you are typing, but I would say that generally your example looks okay. The dictator, transcriber, and date information does not change so it does not need to be repeated. That's how I have been doing it for 20+ years, anyway.

Subject: addendum

It's a vasoconstrictor and has been used over the years in adjunct with other meds. 

When doctor adds an addendum as an afterthought, where do you type it? I have been putting it after the signature line in the original report. But does it need its own report?


Addendum: Now he's saying 0.175 per day.
Subject: Addendum: Now he's saying 0.175 per day.

Subject: addendum

Subject: addendum

could it be Addendum?
Subject: could it be Addendum?

addendum - when it's a registered ...sm
Subject: addendum - when it's a registered ...sm

When it's a trademarked drug - I find the drug company's website - the actual maker (speller) of the drug...and THAT would be more correct than the books which are not always consistent. 

HTH-hope that helps !! 

addendum to med ?... The patient is also on
Subject: addendum to med ?... The patient is also on

addendum; see inside
Subject: addendum; see inside

January 27, 2006 - Pfeizer Product

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Subject: ADDENDUM: I think this is a test for jaundice?

Addendum: Puron short for Purinethol.
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