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acute or depressive possibly?

Posted By: tracy on 2006-04-06
In Reply to: s/l affected grief reaction? - CTiff

Subject: acute or depressive possibly?

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Possibly acute parietal infarction?
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Could it possibly be LTAC..for long term acute care? nm
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The costophrenic angles are acute. Acute?
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Does acute make sense?  Doctor with accent.


depends on context: acute-on-chronic renal insufficiency or renal insufficiency, acute on chronic.
Subject: depends on context: acute-on-chronic renal insufficiency or renal insufficiency, acute on chronic.

acute and....... sm
Subject: acute and....... sm

Try "acute and chronic."
maybe acute?
Subject: maybe acute?

Could they be saying "acute hyperarousal"?
Subject: acute

just more advanced, I would think.
Could be right, could also be acute on chronic. NM
Subject: Could be right, could also be acute on chronic. NM

It is acute-on-chronic. NM
Subject: It is acute-on-chronic. NM

acute on chronic.....nm
Subject: acute on chronic.....nm

no, they often say acute on chronic.........
Subject: no, they often say acute on chronic.........

it is acute on chronic......n/m
Subject: it is acute on chronic......n/m

Acute S/L: van-gwe-nus cholecystitis
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For which an open cholecystectomy was performed.


One of the times he says acute before it but...
Subject: One of the times he says acute before it but...

...not the other 4 times he says this in the report.  I googled 'acute on chronic pain' and get no direct reference to that phrase.  Is that a common used phrase and if so can you explain for me?  Thanks.
? acute depression
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Acute bibasilar something?
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acute dialysis maybe
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Subject: acute-on-chronic

acute on chronic
Subject: acute on chronic

acute on chronic?
Subject: acute on chronic?

dr states exactly " he may have an acute on chronic complete on partial tear"?

Is it acute-on-chronic and complete-on-partial??

ANy help is appreciated!~
Acute "superimposed" on chronic
Subject: Acute "superimposed" on chronic

She's right. Acute on chronic means - they exist as two separate conditions, but the acute is "superimposed" on the chronic.
acute toxic syndrome? nm
Subject: acute toxic syndrome? nm

AGN = acute glomerulonephritis. hyperchloremia? sm
Subject: AGN = acute glomerulonephritis. hyperchloremia? sm

Clinical Nephrology, Vol. 57, No. 1/2002

Association of parvovirus B19 infection with acute glomerulonephritis in healthy ... Spurious hyperchloremia and cerebellar ataxia: clue to suggest chronic ...
www.dustri.com/ze/cn/31cn0201.htm - 97k - Cached - Similar pages


Renal Disturbances

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Acute renal failure; Acute pylonephritis; Acute Glomerulonephritis; Renal infarction ... Syndrome of; Persistent dehydration; Hyperchloremia; Hypokalemia ...
www.tccd.edu/uploadedfiles/employees/260/courses/Renal%20disorders%20F03.rtf - Similar pages



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patient with salt retention in acute glomerulonephritis and, after our attention ... thiazide has resulted in reduction in a persistent hyperchloremia ...
www.blackwell-synergy.com/doi/pdf/10.1111/j.1749-6632.1958.tb54615.x - Similar pages

acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Subject: acute lymphoblastic leukemia

in post chemo radiation for a total of 2,520 s/l red/rod, divided in 14 fractions to his anterior mediastinum
acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Subject: acute lymphoblastic leukemia

s/l Beltin protocol and s/l L tin protocol
another med help s/l *keplan* for acute bronchitis. Thanks! nm
Subject: another med help s/l *keplan* for acute bronchitis. Thanks! nm

just a guess but - acute gastroenteritis?
Subject: just a guess but - acute gastroenteritis?

WAG here but acute gastroenteritis with probable IBS? nm
Subject: WAG here but acute gastroenteritis with probable IBS? nm

AKI could also be acute kidney impairment nm
Subject: AKI could also be acute kidney impairment nm

Acute kidney injury...
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s/l acute 'pertaminal' infarct? CVA
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Context: Acute cerebrovascular accident (CVA), secondary to acute small right ?? infarct.

No, it's not even close to anything related to 'pontine.'
Acute infact involving the...sm
Subject: Acute infact involving the...sm

 left pontines and right posterior parietal lobe involving both the posterior s/l "cig-a-la-tions" and the right MCV territories indicating a central source.  

Yes, acute on chronic is correct.
Subject: Yes, acute on chronic is correct.

s/l acute and chronic renal failure?????
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Patient with acute myelogenous leukemia.
Subject: Patient with acute myelogenous leukemia.

The patient was enrolled on a clinical trial comparing standard 7 and 3 with standard 7 and 3 plus s/l Jenesens.  He was randomized to the s/l Jenesens arm.



how about alert and in no acute distress or some variation of this?
Subject: how about alert and in no acute distress or some variation of this?

hang in there - you'll get the new doctor's "habits" down.
female has acute liver failure. Thanks. NM
Subject: female has acute liver failure. Thanks. NM

How excatly do you tyep acute onchronic?? nm
Subject: How excatly do you tyep acute onchronic?? nm

How do you type acute oncronic pain? nm
Subject: How do you type acute oncronic pain? nm

Does "acute" come before this for acute on chronic pain? nm
Subject: Does "acute" come before this for acute on chronic pain? nm

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I think I found it. ALL - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Thanks anyway!
Subject: I think I found it. ALL - acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Thanks anyway!

acute cervical necrosis of the liver?

Have an ESL  (the absolute worst), sounds like he's saying "acute cervical necrosis of the liver."

Is there such a thing?


Patient with acute pharyngitis, will do s/l ebb titers. nm
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Maybe saying "ATN" (acute tubular necrosis) - ? (nm)
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acute carpal tunnel syndrome ? - nm
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acute thoracic outlet syndrome maybe? - nm
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