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a little late, but maybe something index protocol? nm

Posted By: Keri on 2008-07-17
In Reply to: Protocol type for Coumadin - gerise

Subject: a little late, but maybe something index protocol? nm


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guessing "two more dose" protocol, or even "tumor dose" protocol. sm
Subject: guessing "two more dose" protocol, or even "tumor dose" protocol. sm

If either one ties in with the patient's history, etc.

lab ?? - s/l MV index or MB index 1.1
Subject: lab ?? - s/l MV index or MB index 1.1

MV index
Subject: MV index


It's MV index.  Stands for mean velocity. 

FDF or SDF depression index?
Subject: FDF or SDF depression index?

"Her Zung depression scale reveals a raw score of 50.  (s/l FDF) index of 62, which reveals moderated to marked depression. 



If cardiac, could be MB index
Subject: If cardiac, could be MB index

troponin, CK, MB....
There is the Barthel index. sm
Subject: There is the Barthel index. sm

Here is a link discussing all of these tests etc.



depression index UNG?
Subject: depression index UNG?

Hi everyone,

Is there an index to measure depression called UNG or something that sounds like that? At least that is what I am hearing--- "ung" at various speeds. Would he be saying "own"?

This dr has yawned so many times throughout this report he is making me sleepy too.

"with his UNG index score of 78"



s/l apneahypop index
Subject: s/l apneahypop index

index/indices (QA)
This is how QA put it. I stand corrected, but that's news to me.

ankle brachial pressure indexes
Do you hear index
Subject: Do you hear index

or does it sound like index?

index upper endoscopy
Subject: index upper endoscopy

esophageal varices seemed a lot less than on her index upper endoscopy

Is index correct?

ABI, ankle-brachial index, maybe.
Subject: ABI, ankle-brachial index, maybe.

Only thing I see is "voxel index"
Subject: Only thing I see is "voxel index"

But it seems to be more research or stage of disease than general medical terminology associated with sputum. (Densitometry and CT) See:



Might be a wild goose chase, sorry!

ABI (ankle-brachial index) nm
Subject: ABI (ankle-brachial index) nm

Indices is plural for index nm
Subject: Indices is plural for index nm

There is SFI for sexual functioning index? nm
Subject: There is SFI for sexual functioning index? nm

Duh. Might be performance index in this case. nm
Subject: Duh. Might be performance index in this case. nm


pulsatile index (or indices)
Subject: pulsatile index (or indices)

apnea-hypopnea index
Subject: apnea-hypopnea index

There is an ankle-brachial index.
Subject: There is an ankle-brachial index.

isn't that the same word?? I hear index
Subject: isn't that the same word?? I hear index

There is femhrt (looks weird, bug in drug index)
Subject: There is femhrt (looks weird, bug in drug index)

This is a great example of how a Medical Phrase Index is handy..sm
Subject: This is a great example of how a Medical Phrase Index is handy..sm

I'm not in any way picking on you, but somebody below asked how to look up words when you're not sure what they are. Since you knew it was some kind of fork, you could have looked up "fork" in the MPI and it lists 7 different medical forks, and you would have been able to deduce 'tuning fork' from this since you had a soundalike. I learned more new words from this reference book than anything else.
745 women whose index pregnancy ended in an induced ...
Subject: 745 women whose index pregnancy ended in an induced ...

yes, it is index pregnancy

We typed on index size cards back then. sm
Subject: We typed on index size cards back then. sm

Used to hope they said "normal chest" !!!! Typed on a little Elite typewriter.  My chair was a stool and the table was a hospital tray/table. The techs used to push my stool back because I traveled when I typed. !!!
Don't know if there are other diagnoses involved, but this is what the drug index states it is us
Subject: Don't know if there are other diagnoses involved, but this is what the drug index states it is used for:

to treat chronic hives, premenstrual depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children, and bedwetting.

25 mg would be the proper dosage also.
Ratio? ABI (ankle-brachial index): 1 to 1 or 1:1 right, 1.1 to 1 or 1.1:1 left?
Subject: Ratio? ABI (ankle-brachial index): 1 to 1 or 1:1 right, 1.1 to 1 or 1.1:1 left?

A cardiac index of 2.1 with an SVR of 1058 on the (s/l pretzers) as outlined above.
Subject: A cardiac index of 2.1 with an SVR of 1058 on the (s/l pretzers) as outlined above.

A cardiac index of 2.1 with an SVR of 1058 on the (s/l pretzers) as outlined above. 


P.S. BOS-2 pg 98; JAMA; Medical Phrase Index; others. (nomsg)
Subject: P.S. BOS-2 pg 98; JAMA; Medical Phrase Index; others. (nomsg)

Is there such thing as a s/l chub fracture of the left index finger?
Subject: Is there such thing as a s/l chub fracture of the left index finger?

it is ankle-brachial index or ABI. As in Current Med. Terminology Book
Subject: it is ankle-brachial index or ABI. As in Current Med. Terminology Book

and also on Google. Not indexes.
can you hear BMI-body mass index regarding weight versus fat?
Subject: can you hear BMI-body mass index regarding weight versus fat?

Also found in Surgical Word Book ankle-brachial index, but
Subject: Also found in Surgical Word Book ankle-brachial index, but

they have the pleural of index as indexes or indices, so either would be right then. So index, indexes or indices are all correct choices depending on how it is said, obviously.
maybe BDI (baseline dyspnea index) a score of 1 would indicate severe impairment. Just a guess.
Subject: maybe BDI (baseline dyspnea index) a score of 1 would indicate severe impairment. Just a guess.

BSA protocol
Subject: BSA protocol

Anyone ever heard what s/l heparin BSA protocol? Thanks
s/l Tek protocol
Subject: s/l Tek protocol

I am on a new account and haven't typed ERs for a while.  The patient cut her finger and needs sutures.  The doc says "the wound was cleansed by ____ protocol."  S/l Tek protocol.  TIA.
SER Protocol
Subject: SER Protocol

MRI per acute SER?? protocol  (has confusion, etc)


Is this the name of a protocol or is he just
Subject: Is this the name of a protocol or is he just

saying there is a T2 axial spur???
could it be ICU protocol?, nm
Subject: could it be ICU protocol?, nm

protocol therapy
Subject: protocol therapy

Multiple myeloma has standard/protocol/regimen therapy.
SL CITRA Protocol
Subject: SL CITRA Protocol

Sentence:  He underwent (S/L) CITRA protocol with his family at the bedside.  (The patient was dying).



cancer protocol...sm
Subject: cancer protocol...sm

Patient is on an antigenic study (which has now been closed) and is prepared to receive her first injection under compassion use protocol.

Does this sentence make any sense? 

Gucci protocol
Subject: Gucci protocol

See if you hear Bruce protocol.
Bruce protocol
Subject: Bruce protocol

Example: The patient exercised 9 minutes through stage 3 of standard Bruce protocol, achieving 10.1 METS.
Burkitt's Protocol
Subject: Burkitt's Protocol

may be a late post - first one could be Burkitt's protocol second one may be L3 I am not sure
SCIP protocol
Subject: SCIP protocol

Has anyone ever heard of SCIP or SKIP protocol? This is a surgeon talking about prophylactic antibiotics. I have found on the internet SCIP protocol for skin care intervention program but am not sure if this is reliable info. Does anyone know what this is and have a source to back it up?
s/l chent protocol
Subject: s/l chent protocol

a patient with coronary artery disease and stent placements.

Sentence: The patient currently is on s/l chent protocol with the exception of fish oil, which we can add at 1 g p.o. daily.

(his medications are aspirin 81 mg p.o. daily; lansoprazole, unknown dose; atenolol, unknown dose; amlodipine, unknown dose; atorvastatin, unknown dose; clopidrogel 75 mg p.o. daily)

Performance protocol
Subject: Performance protocol

Have you heard of Alimta poor performance protocol?
Vordemarch protocol
Subject: Vordemarch protocol

Sounds like treating hypothyroidism by Vordemarch protocol (it is partially inaudible)!


Thanks in advance!

MONA protocol?
Subject: MONA protocol?

Troponin was 2.8 on admission, but, throughout the admission, that number was trending down.  The patient was started on s/l MONA protocol, and also heparin drip until Cardiology had a chance to see him. 
P-protocol CT - is this correct?
Subject: P-protocol CT - is this correct?

The patient had incidental finding of a 12 mm nodule in the right middle lobe during a P-protocol CT.