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You might try posting this on the Main Board for greater coverage of people to help.

Posted By: MT50 on 2007-12-14
In Reply to: Can anyone help with MS word?!! - Tracey

Subject: You might try posting this on the Main Board for greater coverage of people to help.

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You might try posting this on Main Board to get a broader amount of people that use the same program
Subject: You might try posting this on Main Board to get a broader amount of people that use the same program. Sorry I don't.

Try posting this on the Main Board...sm
Subject: Try posting this on the Main Board...sm

Hey, Mike. I do not use SmaType, so cannot help you, but you might get more views on the Main Board.  Good luck.
You would probably get a better response posting this on the Main Board.
Subject: You would probably get a better response posting this on the Main Board.

wrong board.....try main board or company board
Subject: wrong board.....try main board or company board

you should post this on the Main Board - this is word help board NM
Subject: you should post this on the Main Board - this is word help board NM

Try the main board. nm
Subject: Try the main board. nm

Please see main board
Subject: Please see main board

Please see the post I just put on the main board.  Our job all day is to police them for lab values, drug dosages, grammatical errors. 
i posted on main board to answer you nm
Subject: i posted on main board to answer you nm

you are posting on the wrong board here...nm
Subject: you are posting on the wrong board here...nm

wrong board...try main, company, or VR boards.NM
Subject: wrong board...try main, company, or VR boards.NM

You may get a quicker response if you posted on the main board. sm
Subject: You may get a quicker response if you posted on the main board. sm

The "word" for this board means terminology. :)
Has anyone noticed this when posting on the word board?
Subject: Has anyone noticed this when posting on the word board?

It's a minor annoyance....but when you go to the verification page, do you have to click in the box to put in the letter/number combination?

On the other boards, the cursor is already there. I can't tell you how many times I have glanced at the code, entered it without looking at the screen, then hit "enter", only to get an error message and have to enter a new code. I finally started paying attention and as far as I can tell, this is the only board that does that.

As I said, minor but annoying.....wanted to see if anyone else has experienced that.

Can you question your QA as to why or maybe put a post on this main board or if you work for Medquis
Subject: Can you question your QA as to why or maybe put a post on this main board or if you work for Medquist on their board to see if QA can explain what is the preference.

Thanks. Love this board. Nice people. nm
Subject: Thanks. Love this board. Nice people. nm

Wonder if it's "coverage"-i.e. insurance coverage
Subject: Wonder if it's "coverage"-i.e. insurance coverage

s/l "kitshocks" with regular insulin coverage
Subject: s/l "kitshocks" with regular insulin coverage

s/l "kitshocks" with regular insulin coverage
Med help: s/l acertec sliding-scale coverage
Subject: Med help: s/l acertec sliding-scale coverage

You posted on wrong board. This is the word board. nm
Subject: You posted on wrong board. This is the word board. nm

Admin-sorry, wrong board-thought it was MQ board..
Subject: Admin-sorry, wrong board-thought it was MQ board..

sorry - I thought I was still on the MQ board - please forgive my faux pas.....and one cannot get that BOS2 if not employed by them....so sorry :(((((

wrong board, this is The Word Board
Subject: wrong board, this is The Word Board

Okay, but he is not saying greater
Subject: Okay, but he is not saying greater

just sacral or sacrosciatic notch. Thanks. I am going to flag it because I have another blank in the report.
Greater/less than
Subject: Greater/less than

When you transcribe that the urine/blood/whatever has greater than (whatever) or less than, do you type out "greater than" or "less than" or do you use the symbols < > ?? 


Greater than/less than.
Subject: Greater than/less than.

I do too, type out the words that is.  But I'm so paranoid.  Focus dinged me for putting a hyphen between follow and up.  I'm not with the same company now so Focus is no longer an issue.  Love my new company!

Thanks for gettinng back to me.



greater than 100,000
Subject: greater than 100,000

Greater than 10 to the 5?
Subject: Greater than 10 to the 5?

Should this be spelled out or is the 5 written as an exponent?  Dictation states: greater than 10 to the 5 of E. coli with pan sensitivity.  Thanks.

Greater than mine, obviously
Subject: Greater than mine, obviously

dunno but sometimes they say A2 greater than P2...
Subject: dunno but sometimes they say A2 greater than P2...

..of the greater trochanter...nm
Subject: ..of the greater trochanter...nm

greater alar
Subject: greater alar

mets greater than 4?
Subject: mets greater than 4?

The patient has not had any coronary revascularization or evaluation ever.  He does not have any clinical predictors.  He has good s/l  mets?????? greater than 4.  The patient can go to the operating room with minimal cardiac risk.  The doc is spelling the sounds like.  Thanks

back board or bed board maybe??
Subject: back board or bed board maybe??

greater trochanteric apophysitis
Subject: greater trochanteric apophysitis

or is it epiphysitis

I cannot tell which one that he is dictating.. The definitions look kind of similar and google wont really verify. 


Thanks for any help!

upper tip of greater trochanter perhaps? nm
Subject: upper tip of greater trochanter perhaps? nm

would they say with mild anemia is greater than
Subject: would they say with mild anemia is greater than

s/l 15/8? has CT changes?
yes, meaning greater trochanter
Subject: yes, meaning greater trochanter

quit greater than 30 years ago
Subject: quit greater than 30 years ago

s/l mean/main is: midline
Subject: s/l mean/main is: midline

it really sounds like main
Subject: it really sounds like main

I found this:

tibiofemoral joint, the main joint in the knee

But I still don't know if I should just go with main.
main stem?
Subject: main stem?

I don't know if that is possible. Are you sure you hear bruit? I would think that would be over the carotids. But I really don't know enough about it.
lab: ** clesalium amonion* greater than 100,000 in his urine
Subject: lab: ** clesalium amonion* greater than 100,000 in his urine

on physical examination his BBI was greater than 1. Whats a BBI???? - nm
Subject: on physical examination his BBI was greater than 1. Whats a BBI???? - nm

Yes, like the whole sentence and pt's main problem.
Subject: Yes, like the whole sentence and pt's main problem.

my main acct is verbatim,
Subject: my main acct is verbatim,

and we are told we can change sentence structure...however, whether i'm told that or not, i correct to proper English, including tenses, etc. Verbatim is never really absolutely verbatim, no matter what anyone says. You must use common sense. The bottom line is to be careful that you never change the intended meaning.
There is no main arterial aneurysm or
Subject: There is no main arterial aneurysm or

sounds like

silianeurysm or sitoism sato ism seen ???

Thanks for you time, comrades :)

Actually, it's principal which means main or
Subject: Actually, it's principal which means main or

most significant (this is according to Miriam Webster dictionary).
50% osteal left main
Subject: 50% osteal left main

s/l mean/main joint osteoarthritis
Subject: s/l mean/main joint osteoarthritis

X-rays show patellofemoral arthritis on the right and to a lesser degree s/l mean/main joint osteoarthritis, more on the medial side than the lateral side.
trapezius s/l main belly?
Subject: trapezius s/l main belly?

On exam, it does appear that the pain has shifted some from the lateral shoulder area up into the trapezius in the main belly. There is a trigger point right in the main belly that recreates almost all of her symptoms.

main line of D5.45. See what I found. sm
Subject: main line of D5.45. See what I found. sm

  • Journal of Emergency Medicine : Utility of initial bolus insulin ...

    Initial intravenous (IV) bolus dosing of insulin followed by a ... Continuous IV glucose administration (in the form of an IVF change to D5.45 or D5W) is started once the blood glucose level reaches 200–300 mg/dL. .... Table 2. Main Results ... protocols in line with national guidelines for management of the same. ...
    linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0736467908000425 - Similar pages
    by N Goyal - 2008 - Related articles

  • Fluids, Electrolytes, and Acid-Base Disorders « Emergency Medicine

    D5.45 NS, with or without potassium, is given as a maintenance fluid. .... intravenous line and up to 20 meq/h can be given through a central line. ...
    emergencymed.wordpress.com/2008/09/23/fluids-electrolytes-and-acid-base-disorders/ - 44k - Cached

  • Thank you for posting this
    Subject: Thank you for posting this

    I thought that I had been wrong all this time.
    Yes- I can now hear greater than left then s/l pos 1 plus 1 show benign
    Subject: Yes- I can now hear greater than left then s/l pos 1 plus 1 show benign