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You can try here for state listings of drug & rehab faciilties, see inside.

Posted By: Spice on 2007-05-26
In Reply to: Maybe Google psychiatric - Angela

Subject: You can try here for state listings of drug & rehab faciilties, see inside.


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Any Drug & Alcohol Rehab MTs out there?
Subject: Any Drug & Alcohol Rehab MTs out there?

I just started a job typing for a drug and alcohol rehab center.  I am unfamiliar with a lot of this terminology and was wondering if there was anyone out there who is doing a similar account and would be willing to share their knowledge with me.  Thanks.
Patient going into drug rehab. Will contact her s/l NA sponsor
Subject: Patient going into drug rehab. Will contact her s/l NA sponsor

Does this patient have cancer? If so, do they state what type? Almost sounds like a new drug
Subject: Does this patient have cancer? If so, do they state what type? Almost sounds like a new drug

therapy? It would help to know the diagnosis. Does the doc state what the diagnosis is?
I found Services United for Mothers and Adolescents (SUMA) in a listing for adolescent drug rehab.
Subject: I found Services United for Mothers and Adolescents (SUMA) in a listing for adolescent drug rehab.

I don't know if this is what you are looking for, but it was listed in the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati.
Thank you! I saw all the Cordis listings,
Subject: Thank you! I saw all the Cordis listings,

but she didn't pronounce the R. She didn't give me a single other word to describe this particular item. It seemed so strange to use a brand name that is on all these different things instead of calling it by the actual noun. She's the first one I've had use the term by itself.

It reminds of of the MD who said the patient takes "Equate." LOL.
It's in Recommendations, and I have found it in the hospital employment listings but NOT expanded
Subject: It's in Recommendations, and I have found it in the hospital employment listings but NOT expanded, so still scratching head.

Please see inside; this is not a new drug.
Subject: Please see inside; this is not a new drug.

Drug Name(s) EXUBERA (Brand Name Drug)
FDA Application No. (NDA) 021868
Company PFIZER
Original Approval Date January 27, 2006
Chemical Type 3  New dosage form
Review Classification S  Standard review drug  

the first drug is Lyrica - see inside
Subject: the first drug is Lyrica - see inside

Lyrica - doctors are notoriously poor spellers.
it is a drug I think from Canada - link inside....
Subject: it is a drug I think from Canada - link inside....

this is a decent link for drugs out of country (and also within the country)........


Treanda - cancer drug link inside
Subject: Treanda - cancer drug link inside

rehab d/s...s/l
Subject: rehab d/s...s/l

REhab help pls
Subject: REhab help pls

Recommendations: Physical therapy for pelvic stabilization, sitting with an s/l astoid james belt... Impression si joint dysfuntion in 19 week pregnant female with bilateral hip replacements...
rehab help
Subject: rehab help

Patient uses compensatory strategies for ADLs due to decreased vision but requires tactile and verbal cues for s/l timi-tech.

Rehab score
Subject: Rehab score

FIM score??
that's right .... land rehab nm
Subject: that's right .... land rehab nm

S/L Metta Bench - Rehab DS
Subject: S/L Metta Bench - Rehab DS

For equipment given to patient, doc says:  Patient given "METTA BENCH" and hospital bed, wheelchair.....

also sounds like MATTA, MEDDA, MADDA.


no - he is in rehab for substance abuse...
Subject: no - he is in rehab for substance abuse...

There is nothing about law enforcement or any type of incarceration. Only that he is in in rehab and living at a rehab center.
Per rehab: In-exsufflator (Coughalator).
Subject: Per rehab: In-exsufflator (Coughalator).

I found a Burke Rehab in NY,
Subject: I found a Burke Rehab in NY,

(but I'm in NC).

type of score for rehab
Subject: type of score for rehab

Stating the pt had the following functional and "PENS" measure scores: Feeding 5, grooming 2, bathing 1
s/l land rehab measures? sm
Subject: s/l land rehab measures? sm

Doc is going to start her on some s/l land rehab measures for hip arthroscopy and femoroplasty.
If he is an alcoholic in rehab, technically
Subject: If he is an alcoholic in rehab, technically

he is probably not drinking at the moment, but agree it could have been worded a whole lot clearer.
plantigrade per Stedman's Ortho/rehab
Subject: plantigrade per Stedman's Ortho/rehab

Stedman's Ortho & Rehab Words
Subject: Stedman's Ortho & Rehab Words

For all of the years I have typed in this for orthopods or any other documents including x-rays, it has always been patellofemoral.  Hope this helps!

For Rehab note....s/l SEBA score??
Subject: For Rehab note....s/l SEBA score??

He was placed on alcohol detox protocol and received tapering dose of Librium based on _____ scores. 

It sounds like SEVA, SEBA or something like that?? Thanks for any help!

Stedman Ortho and Rehab words has it as--sm
Subject: Stedman Ortho and Rehab words has it as--sm

fabere test...not capitalized and no apostrophe s.
Rehab note. He is using a lot of abbreviations. I am not able to document what they mean. *sm*
Subject: Rehab note. He is using a lot of abbreviations. I am not able to document what they mean. *sm*

Please let me  know if I have anything wrong.  Thank you so very much!

MODALITIES:  Transfers are minimum assist.  Balance trunk is  
fair to poor.  Endurance fair to poor.  PT goals are maximum  
assist with TIF.  Maximum assist with bed mobilities.  Progress
toward weeks goals PT is EMO at times of HOA.      



As to what? Mental health? Rehab? Lab results? nm
Subject: As to what? Mental health? Rehab? Lab results? nm

PT/Rehab uses the term scaption frequently..sm
Subject: PT/Rehab uses the term scaption frequently..sm

scaption means abduction (raising the arm away from the body) in the scapular plane. Not a documented word, but worked for a PT and PM&R physiatrist for years who used this terms. Maybe this dictator is botching this word and saying "scapitation" with the same meaning intended??
Help with rehab word s/l busy board
Subject: Help with rehab word s/l busy board

This is from my rehab account - "the patient is modified independent with s/l busy board transfers".

Any ideas?

TIA! This is my last one for today, I promise!
He saw ortho who then put him in a s/l ATSO brace, and he has had no rehab done since. Thanks
Subject: He saw ortho who then put him in a s/l ATSO brace, and he has had no rehab done since. Thanks

does it state what it is for?
Subject: does it state what it is for?

Burke is THE rehab facility for Westchester, Putnam,
Subject: Burke is THE rehab facility for Westchester, Putnam,

Rehab hospital........Lisfranc and metatarsal fractures
Subject: Rehab hospital........Lisfranc and metatarsal fractures

Hard to say without state, but..
Subject: Hard to say without state, but..

here is something I use to help wtih hospital names

S/L newmeric state 96%
Subject: S/L newmeric state 96%

VITAL SIGNS:  His temperature is 102, pulse is in the low 90’s, respirations 12, ** 92%, blood pressure 149/67.  The doctor is giving the vitals I just can't understand the word before 92%  sounds like--- newmeric state--or--newmeric at-- I can't find anything to verify that.  any help???  thank you

s/l newmeric state 96%
Subject: s/l newmeric state 96%

s/b - pulse is in the low 90s w/o the '
s/l newmeric state 92%
Subject: s/l newmeric state 92%

The answer is...room air sats 92%. The "newm" you are hearing is room, and the "eric" is air.
As in state of mind?
Subject: As in state of mind?

not positive though
Oh well in your OP, you didn't state it that way.
Subject: Oh well in your OP, you didn't state it that way.

cc:  Patient Name (Enclosure:  MRI results)  I guess .
I got it.... in a drowsy state... Duh... NM
Subject: I got it.... in a drowsy state... Duh... NM

perioperative state? Did she just have something done now?? nm
Subject: perioperative state? Did she just have something done now?? nm

Check your CP, it should state
Subject: Check your CP, it should state

how to write dates. If it's the long form - January, 5, 2008, make sure to use commas to offset it.
I don't know if it is state specific or not,
Subject: I don't know if it is state specific or not,

I transcribe for clinics in Oregon and transcribe it as Workers' Comp as this is the way the state refers to it (Oregon Workers' Compensation Division).
State tests.
Subject: State tests.

Can anyone tell me how hard the tests are to become a CMT and RMT?

Krackow's point, Sted's. Ortho and Rehab Words. nm
Subject: Krackow's point, Sted's. Ortho and Rehab Words. nm

That's why the field is in the state it is...no guidelines followed....
Subject: That's why the field is in the state it is...no guidelines followed....

everyone going by their own rules. There is no consistency. And thanks to that we're now pretty much considered non professionals IMO. I say bring on the mandatory licensing/certification to bring the professionalism back to the field!
state? Here is a link with occupations. sm
Subject: state? Here is a link with occupations. sm




State building inspector? sm
Subject: State building inspector? sm

also with that could be state fire martial and building inspector.
put in the comma, do not abbreviate state nm
Subject: put in the comma, do not abbreviate state nm

thank you any idea with the parative state?
Subject: thank you any idea with the parative state?