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You're welcome, Jai (nm)

Posted By: clhmt on 2006-12-12
In Reply to: Thank you! nm - Jai

Subject: You're welcome, Jai (nm)


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I personally transcribe buttock if they're referring to one side, and buttocks if they're refe
Subject: I personally transcribe buttock if they're referring to one side, and buttocks if they're referring to both or the whole thing....nm

pardon me? of course they're science terms, but they're also MEDICAL terms...see link
Subject: pardon me? of course they're science terms, but they're also MEDICAL terms...see link


you're most welcome!

You're welcome!
You're very welcome!

you're very welcome!
Subject: you're very welcome!

:) you're welcome!
Subject: :) you're welcome!

You're probably right
Subject: You're probably right

You're welcome...
Subject: You're welcome...

...I hear ya!  Was one of those days for me, too...grrrr!  Had a report today where the doc said pulse ox....all I could hear was something like PSACS...it finally hit me & I felt like such a nincompoop

Anyway, glad I could help.  Hang in there

I think you're right
Subject: I think you're right

eponychium (ep·o·nych·i·um) (ep˛o-nik˘e-[schwa]m) [epi- + onyx] [TA]  1. the narrow band of epidermis that extends from the nail wall onto the nail surface; called also cuticle and perionychium.  2. the horny fetal epidermis at the site of the future nail.

Tried that, think you're right, thanks. nm
Subject: Tried that, think you're right, thanks. nm

You're welcome
Subject: You're welcome

You're very welcome!! nm
Subject: You're very welcome!! nm

this what you're looking for?
Subject: this what you're looking for?

You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

you're right, but that was the job of the
Subject: you're right, but that was the job of the

original poster -- i have my own job to get back to...everyone should verify before they take someone else's word for it.
you're very welcome *S*.......nm
Subject: you're very welcome *S*.......nm

you're welcome ...*S*.....nm
Subject: you're welcome ...*S*.....nm

You're very welcome! sm
Subject: You're very welcome! sm

I hope you have a great new year too, NM.
You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

you're welcome....sm
Subject: you're welcome....sm

the great thing about MT'g is you always learn -doing this 23+ yrs and there were things I was doing wrong for years,  cause I just didn't know, and back in 1985 the AAMT Book of Style was 85 pages long - I HAVE ONE....*l*  It's a never-ending field for learning for me, really all of us if you think about it,  all the time and if I can help, I want to help; yet I'm still not as knowledgeable as some other posters, so I keep an open mind to keep on learning....*S*
You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

Then, you're right. Doc can look this up sm
Subject: Then, you're right. Doc can look this up sm

in the AMA Manual of Style under "words derived from proper nouns."

You go, Girl!!
You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

You're very welcome! nm
Subject: You're very welcome! nm

thanks, I bet you're right with
Subject: thanks, I bet you're right with

You're welcome
Subject: You're welcome

You're welcome.
Subject: You're welcome.

you're very welcome *S*.......NM
Subject: you're very welcome *S*.......NM

Ack! They're not there....nm
Subject: Ack! They're not there....nm

You're very welcome!
Subject: You're very welcome!

You're welcome.
Subject: You're welcome.

You're welcome......*S*.........NM
Subject: You're welcome......*S*.........NM

You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

You're welcome! nm
Subject: You're welcome! nm

You're very welcome! nm
Subject: You're very welcome! nm

I think you're exactly right! Thanks for your help.
Subject: I think you're exactly right! Thanks for your help.

Yes, you're right. Thank you!.....nm
Subject: Yes, you're right. Thank you!.....nm

You're a big help.Thanks!
Subject: You're a big help.Thanks!

You're Very Welcome
Subject: You're Very Welcome

Glad to help.
You're Welcome
Subject: You're Welcome

Sometimes these docs make things much harder than they need to be.

Have a good day.
you're very welcome!! *S*........nm
Subject: you're very welcome!! *S*........nm

you're welcome!!! *S*..........nm
Subject: you're welcome!!! *S*..........nm

You're welcome!
Subject: You're welcome!

: ) Have a good one!
You're welcome!!!.................nm
Subject: You're welcome!!!.................nm

You're welcome. It happens to all of us :-) nm
Subject: You're welcome. It happens to all of us :-) nm

you're welcome
Subject: you're welcome

Not sure why the above poster felt a need to be rude - you showed a lot of class in my opinion by responding with thank you.
You're Welcome nm
Subject: You're Welcome nm

You're welcome
Subject: You're welcome

Glad I could help.  It definitely is a hard one to document, and it doesn't help that the doctors don't really pronounce it correctly most of the time.
You're Welcome! : - ) nm
Subject: You're Welcome! : - ) nm

you're welcome ! nm
Subject: you're welcome ! nm
