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Whew! Almost got me on that one. Think it is a sm

Posted By: Txczech on 2008-01-20
In Reply to: The patient has MS, dictates she cannot s/l antigravitate the leg. - need help

Subject: Whew! Almost got me on that one. Think it is a sm

form of word antigravitational. Found these links.

PDF] Slide 1File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - View as HTML
Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory demyelinating ..... flexor of the limb but not an antigravitational muscle, whereas ...
www.thejni.org/residency_fellowship_and_med_students/forms/CRD2004.pdf - Similar pages

Future Medicine - Future Neurology - 1(5):545 - Full TextAcupuncture in patients with multiple sclerosis is presently under investigation ... The suit influences the antigravitational system, providing a flow of ...
dx.doi.org/10.2217%2F14796708.1.5.545 - Similar pages

Science/AAAS | Editors' Choice : 18 August 2000; 289 (5482)An antigravitational repulsive force caused by an increasing density of vacuum .... diseases such as multiple sclerosis remains a vigorously debated issue. ...
www.sciencemag.org/content/vol289/issue5482/twil.dtl - Similar pages

Clinical Neuropharmacology - Fulltext: Volume 23(3) May/June 2000 ...... unable to break the fall with antigravitational movements of the arms. ... tonic fits of multiple sclerosis that affect the brainstem, and ischemic drop ...

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Subject: Whew...

Wow, I think I need to study up! (4th day of my first job).. thanks so much!
Salinocaine - whew!
Subject: Salinocaine - whew!

Hooray - I finally found it - Salinocaine.  It was driving me crazy.  Thanks for all your help and trying here on the board.  First time I was on here.
Whew! Can't get them all, but will help you chip away. sm
Subject: Whew! Can't get them all, but will help you chip away. sm

Don't know first S/L. What comes before that?

Second S/L may read: . . . centrally with facet Osteo??
(osteoporosis or osteophytes, maybe?).

Third s/l may be significant canal stenosis, maybe even central canal stenosis. (Wish I could listen.)

Also "cannot" is one word always!

Please relisten and see if the sentence is a little clearer, and then I'll be back.

Glad to help. Whew!! nm
Subject: Glad to help. Whew!! nm

Whew! Glad to help. nm
Subject: Whew! Glad to help. nm

Finally!! it's "native" ....whew.
Subject: Finally!! it's "native" ....whew.

Whew!! Love them puzzles! nm
Subject: Whew!! Love them puzzles! nm

whew, another chemo trial? s/l allo BMT
Subject: whew, another chemo trial? s/l allo BMT

whew... was racking my brain, thanks for letting me know.
Subject: whew... was racking my brain, thanks for letting me know.

thanks! I'm auditing... didn't catch it! whew! nm
Subject: thanks! I'm auditing... didn't catch it! whew! nm

figured it out....vascular calcification...whew!
Subject: figured it out....vascular calcification...whew!

he got a blank tonight - whew - I am moving on to my other rads now :)
Subject: he got a blank tonight - whew - I am moving on to my other rads now :)

Whew s/l I need some alprazolam myself, didn't mean to sound so snippy, SORRY:)...nm
Subject: Whew s/l I need some alprazolam myself, didn't mean to sound so snippy, SORRY:)...nm
