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Very good definition. Where is that from?

Posted By: Thank you very much!! nm on 2008-02-22
In Reply to: nidus. See Def #5. sm - Txczech

Subject: Very good definition. Where is that from?

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NWMNMT:Good grief, good grief, good grief..If this is the case, the doctor should also explain
Subject: NWMNMT:Good grief, good grief, good grief..If this is the case, the doctor should also explain

the meaning in an ADDENDUM.
How do you know what the doctor meant? GOOD GRIEF, are you the know-it-all (hyphens must be put here, as it is used as a noun!) on this board? Get over yourself!

Who understands what it means without an explanation?
The MOST obvious is apparently like I understood it:
5 packs in 1 year.

Maybe the doctor really meant this, 5 packs per year, so essentially a nonsmoker.

GOOD GRIEF, get over yourself!
Thanks for the definition.
Subject: Thanks for the definition.

You have to look up the definition to know
Subject: You have to look up the definition to know

what it is for, then you would know that it can be used to classify surgical risk.
definition for you.
Subject: definition for you.

Definition: The cervical os is the opening of the cervix into the endocervical canal. The os opens, or dilates, during labor to allow the passage of the baby through the vagina.

Did you look up the definition of each???
Subject: Did you look up the definition of each???

If you look up the definition of each,
Subject: If you look up the definition of each,

it seems they can be, however, I would type what he says, not change one for the other.
prograde definition sm
Subject: prograde definition sm

Have heard of progression/progressive  postoperative ecchymosis but

here is def. of prograde:


prograde means in the normal direction of flow.  May be what they mean.??

did you look up the definition of physiologic?
Subject: did you look up the definition of physiologic?

If you google their definition...
Subject: If you google their definition...

you get a few identicals, but in my medical dictionary, everything "sac" was related the body.  I agree with "sack" for a baggie :)

And now the definition for seton.
Subject: And now the definition for seton.

medicine> A few silk threads or horsehairs, or a strip of linen or the like, introduced beneath the skin by a knife or needle, so as to form an issue; also, the issue so formed.
See inside for definition.
Subject: See inside for definition.

Presence of excessive bodily and facial hair, usually in a male pattern, especially in women; may be present in normal adults as an expression of an ethnic characteristic or may develop in children or adults as the result of androgen excess due to tumors, or of nonandrogenetic or other drugs.
Ah, thanks to both of you. I overlooked that definition somehow! nm
Subject: Ah, thanks to both of you. I overlooked that definition somehow! nm

definition of fabere
Subject: definition of fabere

Patrick's test, FABERE, from the initial letters of movements necessary to elicit it, thus (flexion, abduction, external rotation and extension)

Yes, you are correct, definition
Subject: Yes, you are correct, definition

an arc-shaped whitish deposit sometimes seen in the cornea
Pratt definition
Subject: Pratt definition

Pratt's symptom

rigidity in the muscles of an injured limb, which precedes the occurrence of gangrene.

so maybe this would work here. Platz wasn't in my stedman's ortho word book
Sulcus definition.
Subject: Sulcus definition.

Deep narrow furrow or groove as in an organ or tissue. My answer would be yes, it fits.
Occult as in definition below:
Subject: Occult as in definition below:

Occult: Obscure, concealed from observation, difficult to understand. Also it is Parkinson disease with no 's per AAMT BOS2 (eponyms)

insonate definition
Subject: insonate definition

to expose to ultrasound waves.

I found this at thefreedictionary.com, but it also refers to Dorland's as its source of information. I have had this word 1 time in a procedure report. Author stated something to the effect of, "vertebral artery could not be insonated." They went on to spell it, which was a good thing, because I thought he said isolated. :)

patent : See definition
Subject: patent : See definition

open, unobstructed, or not closed
found this definition
Subject: found this definition

An operation to move a part toward the midline, such as the arytenoid cartilage or vocal fold in vocal fold paralysis.

try this link and definition. sm
Subject: try this link and definition. sm


BOUGIES, neoplex, Porges (POR), filiform, (a) smaller sizes olive-tipped, (b) larger sizes plain, sizes 1 to 20 Ch, two only of each size. (c) Follower to fit, two only. Use these for dilating strictures, for which they have many advantages over metal bougies[md]except that they are much less durable. You can control their passage through the anterior urethra more easily, they follow the curve of the posterior urethra, and you will less easily cause false passages, even with small sizes. Cheatle's forceps can crush plastic bougies when they are hot, so tie them into bundles, and handle them only with tapes. Lift them out of the sterilizer and put them into cold boiled water. They will then be the right consistency for use.

What's the definition of a step off?
Subject: What's the definition of a step off?

Google MRA for definition.
Subject: Google MRA for definition.

Thats got to be it. definition sounds better, too! :) thanks
Subject: Thats got to be it. definition sounds better, too! :) thanks

I think your word is right.....see definition.....
Subject: I think your word is right.....see definition.....

One entry found.

Main Entry: rep�er�to�ry
Pronunciation: ˈre-pə(r)-ˌtȯr-�
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural rep�er�to�ries
Etymology: Late Latin repertorium list, from Latin reperire to find, from re- + parere to produce � more at pare
Date: 1593
1: a place where something may be found : repository
2 a: repertoire b: a company that presents several different plays, operas, or pieces usually alternately in the course of a season at one theater c: a theater housing such a company
3: the production and presentation of plays by a repertory company

Glad to help. You give good me a good S/L and info. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You give good me a good S/L and info. nm

Glad to help. You give good such good S/L and info. nm
Subject: Glad to help. You give good such good S/L and info. nm

correct - definition inside
Subject: correct - definition inside

Supraspinatus examination ("empty can" test). The patient attempts to elevate the arms against resistance while the elbows are extended, the arms are abducted and the thumbs are pointing downward.
Pls check your definition of generous
Subject: Pls check your definition of generous

let it go...
Reinke's Edema......sm for definition
Subject: Reinke's Edema......sm for definition

Reinke's Edema is swelling of the vocal folds
Hounsfield unit? See definition.
Subject: Hounsfield unit? See definition.

Hounsfield unit

a normalized index of x-ray attenuation based on a scale of -1000 (air) to +1000 (bone), with water being 0; used in CT imaging.

real definition inside.........sm
Subject: real definition inside.........sm

Definitions of peau d'orange

A dimpled condition of the skin of the breast, resembling the skin of an orange, sometimes found in inflammatory breast cancer.

the definition you gave is correct (sm)
Subject: the definition you gave is correct (sm)

i wondered how you got the incorrect spelling to go with it.  must be google huh?  that is a good example of google being incorrect. it finds all kinds of things, even wrong ones. 

but a good definition!!! 

Think it's Kernig's per Dorland's definition. nm
Subject: Think it's Kernig's per Dorland's definition. nm

Does the book give a definition for this?
Subject: Does the book give a definition for this?

May be it?
Maybe parasymphyseal but see if a definition fits. nm
Subject: Maybe parasymphyseal but see if a definition fits. nm

Definition of shotty according to medterms.com
Subject: Definition of shotty according to medterms.com

Shotty: Resembling shot or pellets of lead, shotgun pellets and, hence, hard and round. The term "shotty" was in use in the 19th century. It is now generally obsolete but it is still in medicinal usage.

Shotty is very commonly used in describing the feel of lymph nodes (the lymph glands) when they are palpated (felt) through the skin. "Shotty" lymph nodes are ones that are not only hard and round but also small and surely of no consequence.

No consequence is not always the case with shotty. The pustules (the little pockets of pus) in smallpox are said to feel shotty, according to D.A. Henderson, the director of the World Health Organization (WHO) Smallpox Eradication Unit from its inception in 1966 to 1977. "Smallpox pustules have a dimple, a dent in the center. Doctors say that the pustules have a 'shotty' feel, like shotgun pellets. You can roll them between your fingertips under the skin," Henderson recounted (quoted by Richard Preston in The New Yorker, July 12, 1999).

Yup not sure what your typing see the definition i left
Subject: Yup not sure what your typing see the definition i left


Hernia of the bladder usually into the vagina and introitus. Syn: vesicocele.
canvassing? see definition inside.
Subject: canvassing? see definition inside.

1. To examine carefully or discuss thoroughly; scrutinize: "The evidence had been repeatedly canvassed in American courts" Anthony Lewis.
a. To go through (a region) or go to (persons) to solicit votes or orders.
b. To conduct a survey of (public opinion); poll.
1. To make a thorough examination or conduct a detailed discussion.
2. To solicit voters, orders, or opinions.
1. An examination or discussion.
2. A solicitation of votes or orders.
3. A survey of public opinion.

Definition sounds like excoriation, but
Subject: Definition sounds like excoriation, but

the word itself sounds like claudication...?
definition of outstripping...see inside
Subject: definition of outstripping...see inside

Definition of outstripping -- the best I could find in short version is high demand. I never heard it used like this before....but ??
Sorry. Definition for those playing along at home:
Subject: Sorry. Definition for those playing along at home:

Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek mn�monikos, from mn�m�n mindful, from mimn�skesthai to remember � more at mind
Date: 1753
1: assisting or intended to assist memory ; also : of or relating to mnemonics
2: of or relating to memory
Definition of 'crepitus' in One Look Dictionary...........
Subject: Definition of 'crepitus' in One Look Dictionary...........

Quick definitions (crepitus)

(n.) Same as Crepitation, 2.
(n.) The noise produced by a sudden discharge of wind from the bowels.

And also in other dictionaries

Stedman's lists both, but definition is
Subject: Stedman's lists both, but definition is

I found that definition, but thought I'd ask here
Subject: I found that definition, but thought I'd ask here

before I go and change it.

apoplectic? see definition for apoplexy
Subject: apoplectic? see definition for apoplexy

noun:  a sudden loss of consciousness resulting when the rupture or occlusion of a blood vessel leads to oxygen lack in the brain

Use the term where you find the definition. That indicates preference.nm
Subject: Use the term where you find the definition. That indicates preference.nm

Definition of Kernig's sign - nothing to do with the shoulder
Subject: Definition of Kernig's sign - nothing to do with the shoulder

Kernig sign: A clinical hallmark of meningitis, inflammation of the meninges, the membranes covering the brain and spinal cord.

The test for Kernig sign is done by having the person lie supine (flat on the back), flex the thigh so that it is at a right angle to the trunk, and completely extend the leg at the knee joint. If the leg cannot be completely extended due to pain, this is Kernig sign.

Awesome. Thanks! Dictionary definition - who knew? lol. (NM)
Subject: Awesome. Thanks! Dictionary definition - who knew? lol. (NM)

read definition, but have you ever seen it used related to a mass? Thanks.nm
Subject: read definition, but have you ever seen it used related to a mass? Thanks.nm

point out that they need to check definition, but don't laugh at them
Subject: point out that they need to check definition, but don't laugh at them

Not nice.