Veress sounds correct! nm
Posted By: nm on 2005-12-16
In Reply to: Thank you for looking, after more research, convinced it is "Veress-type." nm - Contained
Subject: Veress sounds correct! nm
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I wonder if he doesn't mean Veress
Subject: I wonder if he doesn't mean Veress
the old standby needle
? on Bookwalter, Veress, etc.
Subject: ? on Bookwalter, Veress, etc.
Can someone help me verify for the last time (hopefully) which is absolutely correct for these:
1. Bookwalter/Buchwalter retractor.
2. Veress needle.
3. Steffee/Steffe.
Between QA and my having changed it 2-3 times, I just don't know for sure. Reading the posts don't have me certain enough to change my expanders, etc.
What a dirty trick to change spellings like this to veterans who took off a short time!
Lastly, if I missed any other(s), I'd be eternally grateful!
How about Veress needle?
Subject: How about Veress needle?
s/l veress step needle?
Subject: s/l veress step needle?
sounds like veress step needle? Anyone got a clue?
Wouldn't be Veress--that's an insufflating needle. nm
Subject: Wouldn't be Veress--that's an insufflating needle. nm
s/l meniscus test during Veress needle insertion for laparoscopy?
Subject: s/l meniscus test during Veress needle insertion for laparoscopy?
Help..... Sounds like meniscus. Very clear.
The HUMI was then placed without complication. We changed our gloves and went up above. An incision was made in the infraumbilical portion with the scalpel. A Veress needle was placed and no complications with that. The *meniscus test was positive. Carbon dioxide gas was used to establish a pneumoperitoneum with approximately 50 mmHg with 2.1 L of gas. OB/GYN
That sounds correct. thanks.
Subject: That sounds correct. thanks.
Sounds correct to me
Subject: Sounds correct to me
From Dorlands: Sinus: An abnormal channel or fistula permitting the escape of pus.
I'd say sounds like is correct
Subject: I'd say sounds like is correct
sounds is correct
Subject: sounds is correct
That sounds correct
Subject: That sounds correct
Breaking the word down into it's parts colpo=vagina; procto=anus; gram=study
that sounds correct to me
Subject: that sounds correct to me
proper sounds correct. sm
Subject: proper sounds correct. sm
Think in this case proper means:
4 : strictly limited to a specified thing *the city proper*
re-x-ray is correct, but I usually change it to x-ray again. I think it looks and sounds better.
Subject: re-x-ray is correct, but I usually change it to x-ray again. I think it looks and sounds better.
friable sounds correct here. nm
Subject: friable sounds correct here. nm
sounds correct . . see inside
Subject: sounds correct . . see inside
According to this web site - SWAT is a Swallowing Action Team for dysphagia
never heard of it til this, always good to learn something
Caduet sounds correct
Subject: Caduet sounds correct
according the the dosage that exactly could be the drug he is referring to. Thanks
Sounds is correct--it is an instrument.
Subject: Sounds is correct--it is an instrument.
That sounds correct, tho' strangely worded
bandpass sounds right; MT50 is correct.
Subject: bandpass sounds right; MT50 is correct.
I read your other post on this.
What he is dictating is the range of frequencies that they're testing within the entire bandwidth, and the intervals.
Sort of like, your car can go from 0-120 mph (bandwidth). We're looking at the gas mileage between 40-60 mph (bandpass), at 5 mph intervals.
Probably a bad analogy, but hopefully it helps. LOL
yes sounds correct. i would myocardial ischemia
Subject: yes sounds correct. i would myocardial ischemia
then the other test (EGD) was neg for erosive ischemia
correct spelling of what sounds like "Duradex" i believe this is an antibiotic
Subject: correct spelling of what sounds like "Duradex" i believe this is an antibiotic
thanks tons.
yes, is correct, plural form sounds like long I
Subject: yes, is correct, plural form sounds like long I
sounds like "airline" lung disease? Is this correct?
Subject: sounds like "airline" lung disease? Is this correct?
word help sounds like or but that doesn't sound correct
Subject: word help sounds like or but that doesn't sound correct
X-rays taken today indicate the prosthesis to be in good alignment. There is no evidence of loosening s/l or___ radiolucency. There is some calcification noted at the femur and the acetabulum, but the joint space is well maintained.
spasticity is correct. She isn't saying skin turgor. Still sounds like turgurous, but that isn
Subject: spasticity is correct. She isn't saying skin turgor. Still sounds like turgurous, but that isn't a word.
Is your patient a male? There are male sounds and female sounds. sm
Subject: Is your patient a male? There are male sounds and female sounds. sm
Male sounds are shaped differently than female sounds. Obviously, male sounds being longer. They are used to dilate the urethra in order to facilitate the passage of stones or perhaps JJ stents etc. They come in different diameters ie..18FR, 20FR etc. Hope this helps.
I meant it would be correct, not I would be correct..nm
Subject: I meant it would be correct, not I would be correct..nm
sounds like JEP?
Are you sure it is not LUMP? Listen again.
sounds like
Subject: sounds like
post op day 1 from an esophagogastrectomy, _________ Laprobiotic? or laprobotic?
Sounds right.
Subject: Sounds right.
You also might just hear them say bands 27. Means the same thing. Go ahead with it.
sounds right to me, thanks!
Subject: sounds right to me, thanks!
sounds okay to me.
Subject: sounds okay to me.
sounds like
Subject: sounds like
sounds like an-al-gus
Subject: sounds like an-al-gus
feels this is s/l an-al-gus to dependant swelling he had in his other leg when he had a cast on.
Thanks in advance.
sounds like...
Subject: sounds like...
follicadermia of servant...
looked everywhere.. please help!
Sounds like doc is saying
Subject: Sounds like doc is saying
FI 02 is 50% on room air. S/L the letter 'F', the letter 'i' then 02. Please help.
Thanks, not sure if that is right but it sounds better than anything I have been able to come up wit
Subject: Thanks, not sure if that is right but it sounds better than anything I have been able to come up with
sounds like
Subject: sounds like
tochadinamometry, thanks for any help
It sounds like
Subject: It sounds like
It sounds more like MUS
Sounds like
Subject: Sounds like
It sounds like tentatives?
Sounds like he is saying.... sm
Subject: Sounds like he is saying.... sm
ileus soleus muscle. Can't find. Any ideas?
Happy Monday!
Sounds like....
Subject: Sounds like....
Sismogenous discharge. This is what the doctor found on pelvic exam with a whitish discharge in the vaginal vault.
Sounds about right after I look it up. Thanks!
Subject: Sounds about right after I look it up. Thanks!
Sounds like it could be - sm
Subject: Sounds like it could be - sm
full opacification of the left hemithorax...
sounds ok to me
Subject: sounds ok to me
Thanks but it sounds just like dia something. :)
Subject: Thanks but it sounds just like dia something. :)
I can't even come close.
Thanks anyway.
sounds like
Subject: sounds like
this is a hospital but i couldny find it BUNKY GENERA HOSPITAL
Thank you. It could be that but it sounds like something else.
Subject: Thank you. It could be that but it sounds like something else.
sounds like
Subject: sounds like
sounds like Colchicine to me but that's for gout
sounds like there should be something
Subject: sounds like there should be something
else between para and facet, like parapatellar facet cyst or paravertebral facet cyst.