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Urology medication Ucara-C?

Posted By: Miki on 2008-05-16
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Subject: Urology medication Ucara-C?

Nurse practioner dictates "Ucara-C" as a medication to calm the bladder down. Cannot find it or anything similar. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. 

Thanks in advance!

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I would say: Urology , or maybe genitalia, most probably Urology
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urology help...
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'A total of 3000 shocks were administered to the stone at a maximum energy level of 7 Barr.'

ESWL procedure for renal stone. Doc spells out barr but not sure if this should be capitalized and can't find this when google. TIA.
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I am transcribing for an Operative report regarding inguinal hernia and hydrocele.  The Dr says, "  This was opened in the           fibers.  The missing word starts with a d I think and ends with mous.  Any ideas?
Subject: Urology

Urology Help Please
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Hello all!  Doc is dictating It is possible that the right kidney has chronic reptilonephritis and that is why it is atrophic and poorly functioning. 

I can't verify the above highlighted word...any clues?  Thanks!

Urology help
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Check CPKUB? Anyone ever heard of this?
Urology help please
Subject: Urology help please

Patient has bladder cancer and urethral stricture.   Procedure is cystoscopy, bladder barbotage, TURBT-large, DVIOU.  What does the DVIOU stand for?  I do not have a Stedman's Urology book and Google does not help and not sure where else to look.  Thanks.

Urology help
Subject: Urology help

Good morning everyone.  Wondering if anyone could help me, looking for a word that s/l priposin...used as "we did inject him with quadmix and he did receive a priposin and it needed to be reduced".  Thanks for any help.
Subject: Urology

Happy monday!  I have a report that s/l microscopic "nevagross".  Thoughts?
Subject: Urology

Dictator states, "transobturator transfixation of the bladder neck using the s/l align system."
urology help
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Sounds like councel catheter and procedure is s/l Haman dilation. Need help.
Urology help please
Subject: Urology help please

Patient is having testicular pain.  Doc does ultrasound and dictates:  The patient�s testes are bilaterally descended.  They do have a more transverse and longitudinal lie and may have widened s/l resort cams on exam.  Currently, they are not tender.  Any ideas? 

Urology OR help?
Subject: Urology OR help?

Procedure is: Transperineal brachytherapy of the prostate and _____ and cystoscopy. Blank s/l some kind of seeds. I know they do implantable seeds for this, but have never transcribed a procedure report for this and the doc is an ESL and I just cannot make out the name of the seeds. Any ideas? It's gonna be a long week!
urology help
Subject: urology help

Doctor is dilating a urethral stricture and says "he was dilated through a 24 French with s/l haymans."  I can't find anything about haymans.

Also, should there be a # in front of the number used to describe catheters?

it has something to do with urology
Subject: it has something to do with urology

urology help
Subject: urology help

patient had gross hematuria.  Dr. says cystoscopy confirmed significant s/l mucage/bucage but no other abnormality.

Thanks in advance!

Urology help please
Subject: Urology help please


Patient has priapism, doctor is withdrawing venous blood so penis will not be erect.  He states "The penis s/l de co missed immediately and stayed that for the duration."  Any clues for the s/l? 

Subject: Urology

This physician is doing a penile implant, and sounds like he says using "quick connects" for tubing connectors.  Any clue?  Thanks!

Urology Help
Subject: Urology Help

I'm doing a cystoscopy, pyelogram, ureteroscopy...  Doc says  there was bladder tumors on the posterior bladder wall, 1 in the area of the "s/l baffone?"  Can anyone help, I know I've heard this before!
Subject: Urology

No, he says it a few times throughout the report, baffone, balphon??
urology MT
Subject: urology MT

for seven years under this specialty, never heard strawberry colored... definitely straw-colored. Does it clearly sound like strawberry?
urology help
Subject: urology help

s/l Z-on stent.  Zeon, Xeon?  can't verify either.  thanks


I am transcribing an operative report on urology.  Can anyone tell me if the words "imbrication technique of star" is correct.  I know the first three words are correct, but is the word star?  If not what might it be?

Thank you

Urology help
Subject: Urology help

Doc is doing a ureteroscopy on patient using s/l Lumpus flexible ureteroscope.  Any ideas?

Also, in the dictation he talks about s/l urophilia carcinoma.  Any ideas with this one? 

Subject: Urology

muscle-invasive bladder cancer extending into the prostate SL extroma
Subject: Urology

this is part of a review of systems.  The urologist says The (s/l reese) and head are in the normal position.  Or he says "He recently had (s/l a sinomal position).  any ideas?  the next line is "Both testes are descendend"

Steinstrauser? Has to do with urology
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Maybe broken up stones
Urology - tachycolaxis?
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Patient with urinary urgency and frequencyInitially, she responded to Detrol, but at the present time appears to have developed (s/l) tachycolaxis.  

Thanks in advance!

help w/ urology word
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I'm working for a new doctor, and he is a paper rattler and a fast talker.  I'm new to urology too, which makes it even more difficult.  He says...Patient has almost no postvoid residual urine with "juts" seen equally on both sides.  Any Idea what this juts/ jets word is?  It would be so appreaciated if someone could solve the mystery!!
Urology Site
Subject: Urology Site

New urology account
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  I'm being asked to help on a new account for me - urology.  I have done a pelvic pain doctor who treats females so I might be familiar with some things there.  Any good sites that you could recommend for research in case I get stuck?
urology question (sm)
Subject: urology question (sm)

Patient undergoing cystoscopy:

He is noted to have a stricture in the bubble nemnus urethra. 

Urology Procedure
Subject: Urology Procedure

Good morning!  Patient is having a prostate biopsy and was placed in the dorsa __ position.  S/l it begins with an f? 
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extravasation is correct - (leakage of fluid)

caloceses is probably calyces
urology term
Subject: urology term

I'm transcribing a re-TURP report, and the doctor sounds like he's talking with a huge jawbreaker in his cheek.  He says he scoped the patient in his office, and he had a s/l mogul or mobile or mobile prostaticystica all over his prostate.  I'm stumped!  Maybe this is a derm term instead of a urology term, but whatever it is, I'm not having any luck locating it!
Urology help -- Placement of a
Subject: Urology help -- Placement of a

s/l yourloom for bladder neck contractures.
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not leuprolide or Lupron. 
urology drug
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s/l  uteric-C for urinary burning.  Thanks
Urology term help please
Subject: Urology term help please

CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis revealed s/l "focused ferritin" left scrotum. 

Diagnosis is left epididmyal orchitis with Fournier's gangrene. 

Thanks for any help or suggestions.

Urology procedure
Subject: Urology procedure

Patient has retention...doc dictating he used a s/l bard obstructive urethrocet to dilate the stricture.  Any ideas? 
Urology help please!!! Steinstrassa
Subject: Urology help please!!! Steinstrassa

It's in an op note.  the patient has had stones and now has developed a large stein strassa?
Urology question
Subject: Urology question

s/l ileal metrophenoph

Any ideas?  I'm stumped. 


Help with urology procedure
Subject: Help with urology procedure

Sounds like ?matrix microwave of the prostate.  Thanks for any help you can give me.  He says this several times in the report.
Perlee Procedure - Urology
Subject: Perlee Procedure - Urology

Need help with this one.  Sounds like "perlee or perleeve procedure"

We will see him in followup in one week, checking a BUN and creatine prior to his arrival in the office and decide on a voiding trial and then any further intervention with his prostate, perhaps considering a transurethral resection or microwave thermotherapy and balloon dilation and _______ procedure.

muffled urology term help please sm
Subject: muffled urology term help please sm

I have NO idea what this person is saying. Sounds roughly like "dorsal allo flick prepuce".


Other procedures: retrograde pyelogram and cystogram

ANY help is greatly appreciated. I'm tearing my hair out.
Urology test - VCVG?
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Female patient with recurrent urinary tract infections:  "She has had a workup with an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, as well as a s/l VCVG, a uroflow and postvoid residual."


Thanks much for any help!  

TYTY-been doing Urology 4 yrs-never heard of B4!
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urology surgery...need help with 2 words. sm pls.
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Right retrograde pyelogram performed reveals some filling defects in the proximal most portion of the proximal ureter as well as within the left renal pelvis consistent with blood clot within the collecting system.  There is no obvious extravasation and there is only a mild hydronephrosis and blunting of the caloceses appreciated.  s/l calo-sees.
Does anyone know of any good urology sites?
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Covering Urology Account sm
Subject: Covering Urology Account sm

Patient had prostatectomy a month ago.  I dilated patient to 22-French with s/l male sounds.  I placed a #18 catheter and the staff irregated him until clear.  
UROLOGY: Male sounds? sm
Subject: UROLOGY: Male sounds? sm

"There was a mild bladder neck contracture that we dilated with male sounds."

Male sounds? Is this correct? I googled it and saw something about male sounds, but it wasn't enough to make me feel comfortable leaving it in the sentence. Is that correct?

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