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This is possibly flunisolide - nm

Posted By: ?? on 2009-06-12
In Reply to: Drug s/l "finesamide" or "fanesimide" - abby

Subject: This is possibly flunisolide - nm

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Subject: Flunisolide

Subject: flunisolide

Can you hear flunisolide?
b-natriuretic peptides? I have been steered wrong on numerous occasions by others -- keep trying to verify everything!!
Could this possibly be. . . . .
Subject: Could this possibly be. . . . .

an ESL or a mumbler and it might be morphine?

As an aside, for a laugh, I used to work for a neurologist who apparently had a patient pull a Rx paper off the top of his Rx pad when he wasn't looking.  The doc got a call a few hours later from a pharmacy trying to verify the Rx for "mo feen".

Subject: Possibly....

He's a mumbler, so who knows!!  I might have to leave a blank, as now I can't tell if it is Y or "wide".


Subject: possibly

aztreonam, an antibiotic
Subject: Possibly

Could be Absorbine (an antifungal, topical application). Does that fit in?
Subject: possibly

That might be it. There are Banda socks.


Quite possibly ...
Subject: Quite possibly ...

I looked up Tisseal and it is a hemostatic so I put it in there along with a blank so QA can check it. I had not heard of it before. THX
Subject: Possibly

Dilaudid HP which contains hydromorphone...  
possibly . . .
Subject: possibly . . .

Could that possibly be MSB
Subject: Could that possibly be MSB

It is hard to differentiate sometimes between certain letters. It is obviously a test of some sort, so maybe CBC, mid-small bowel stool for C-diff, gram stain, culture and sensitivity, ova and parasite? just a thought. trying to help out.
possibly CNS?
Subject: possibly CNS?

Subject: Possibly

Pisces Z Quad Lead.... Oh wait looks like there is a Specify Lead

3998 Specify Lead
Contains two, four-electrode vertical arrays spaced 2 mm apart. Electrodes are 2 mm x 3 mm and are spaced vertically, 6 mm apart.    

could that possibly be--sm
Subject: could that possibly be--sm

round towel drape...as in a sterile field? just a thought.
Subject: possibly

Could it possibly be
Subject: Could it possibly be

"a liquid MVI q.d."???

or aliquots of something???

Or does it sound more like a test they are going to do?
Could it possibly be
Subject: Could it possibly be

acetaminophen.... Just curious b/c you said it was an ESL doc and sometimes they squish stuff together.  Just a thought.  Good luck! 


possibly STS
Subject: possibly STS

Could he possibly be saying....
Subject: Could he possibly be saying....

There are a two that it may possibly be
Subject: There are a two that it may possibly be

Indocin or Endocet.
Subject: Possibly?

Staphylococcus haemolyticus?

Subject: possibly

The doctor does not say tablet or mg, just once a day. He doesn't say I gave him a prescription, so maybe you are right. Thanks!
could it possibly be "O" saying o instead of zero, G2, P2-0-2?
Subject: could it possibly be "O" saying o instead of zero, G2, P2-0-2?

I think meaning 2 premature, 0 term, and 2 living.  Just a WAG

could it possibly
Subject: could it possibly

be Taxus stent?

Does the ptn have any kind of arterial disease or high cholesterol?
Could it possibly be....
Subject: Could it possibly be....

topotecan....or Hycamtin..these are drugs used for cervical cancer...
possibly, as it is in the leg - thanks
Subject: possibly, as it is in the leg - thanks

Subject: Possibly

1. regeneration of a nerve after its division.
2. the implantation of a nerve into a paralyzed muscle.

Subject: possibly

hypercal liver level
Possibly LDL (nm)
Subject: Possibly LDL (nm)

could this possibly be
Subject: could this possibly be

him trying to say aortography? Would they do that on a cadaver kidney before transplant?
Subject: possibly?

Subject: Possibly

Could it be CBC and then you are correct, BMP (basic metabolic profile)?
It could possibly be
Subject: It could possibly be

Subject: Possibly

excudative changes. 
Subject: Possibly

euthyroid state.
Subject: Possibly

Could he be saying "with Aetrex orthotic"

Possibly (sm)
Subject: Possibly (sm)

Maybe the original site of peripheral IV access is no longer working, and he/she dictated:

There is a small-bore basilic catheter (or PICC)?

Tunneled Jugular Small-Bore Central Catheters as an Alternative to ... Therefore, the standard veins used for PICCs—the brachial, basilic, ... On the basis of the vascular access guidelines, we use small-bore jugular venous ...
radiology.rsnajnls.org/cgi/content/full/213/1/303 - Similar pages
Subject: Possibly

Possibly this, TY. nm
Subject: Possibly this, TY. nm

It could possibly be
Subject: It could possibly be

medial meniscus.
Subject: possibly

Subject: Possibly

ascites?  Does it have to do with gastrointestinal?  If so, it is probably ascites.
Possibly, thanks so much! nm
Subject: Possibly, thanks so much! nm

Don't know, but could it possibly be a
Subject: Don't know, but could it possibly be a

local company that fits prostheses????
Subject: possibly

it could be 4 mL, the only other option would be 4%
Might he possibly be saying
Subject: Might he possibly be saying

"...due to a blood vessel seen on scan. I cannot exclude a small lung nodule."? Just a thought.
that could possibly be it.....thanks!!
Subject: that could possibly be it.....thanks!!

Subject: Possibly

Hemocyte Plus ?
Possibly. Thanks!
Subject: Possibly. Thanks!