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Think he just means the top most part of it where it's

Posted By: widen & then narrows, like our own shoulders. nm I on 2007-09-11
In Reply to: lateral SHOULDER of the talus..sm - hmm i don't think so.......

Subject: Think he just means the top most part of it where it's


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All moiety means is a part or portion so I would think
Subject: All moiety means is a part or portion so I would think

heme, means blood or the red part of blood. nm
Subject: heme, means blood or the red part of blood. nm

Better ask your QA. Some "verbatim" means "not really verbatim," some means "strictl
Subject: Better ask your QA. Some "verbatim" means "not really verbatim," some means "strictly verbatim." nm

Para means near. Parathoracic means near the thoracic muscles. nm
Subject: Para means near. Parathoracic means near the thoracic muscles. nm

Is there more of the sentence? The 'que' part might be part of a dosage like q.12, etc. nm
Subject: Is there more of the sentence? The 'que' part might be part of a dosage like q.12, etc. nm

2-part, 3-part, or 4-part possibly - nm
Subject: 2-part, 3-part, or 4-part possibly - nm

Do you know what this means?
Subject: Do you know what this means?

Any idea what this means?
Yes, believe that's what he means! ESL? nm
Subject: Yes, believe that's what he means! ESL? nm

yes, means not sure
Subject: yes, means not sure

you should get a regular dictionary too
Does anyone know what DAC means?
Subject: Does anyone know what DAC means?

I'm sure it is what he means, but (sm)
Subject: I'm sure it is what he means, but (sm)

He says it so weird.  I was wondering if anyone ever heard of heparnotic or something similar--I can't find it anywhere.  He has said it before and says it the same way each time.  I'm stumped. 
That means nothing!!
Subject: That means nothing!!

You do know what that means?? sm
Subject: You do know what that means?? sm

Means YOU ARE ONE OF US!!!! We are just plain old puzzle solvers who try to decipher the clues!!!


Glad to help. Keep going. !!!  Good luck!! 

If this is a UTI, I think it means this. sm
Subject: If this is a UTI, I think it means this. sm

The patient went ahead and took something for the UTI, causing partial clearing of the urine, so the results of the UA are skewed.


Whew!!  It is Monday or what!!!!

Not sure what she means . . .
Subject: Not sure what she means . . .

Patient in the ER with urosepsis. . .

"They did a cadaver and laminectomy from L2-L4."  That's the sentence.  I don't know if she's just spacing a little with the cadaver part or am I missing something???

maybe it means less than 2:40
Subject: maybe it means less than 2:40

It means...
Subject: It means...

exploratory laparotomy
unless he means sm
Subject: unless he means sm

co as in co-morbid, the person already had this problem.

(NtBNP), and N-terminal atrial natriuretic peptide ...... be certain whether co-morbid
I think that is what he means but not said clearly!
Subject: I think that is what he means but not said clearly!

probably what she means
Subject: probably what she means

but not what she says... we can't send to editing unless it has more than 3 blanks... going to send a note to supervisor .
yes thanks I do think that's what he means
Subject: yes thanks I do think that's what he means

he did not pronounce the n but I'm sure that's it... new medication.  Thank you
Since neo- means new, that would
Subject: Since neo- means new, that would

make sense.  He is making a new palate.  BTW, I think Coblator is a brand name. 

Can you tell me what it means?
Subject: Can you tell me what it means?

REally? I can't find Craco anywhere. Do you know what it means?
that must be what he means...thanks : )
Subject: that must be what he means...thanks : )

Maybe what he really means is
Subject: Maybe what he really means is

Probably what he means. TY. nm
Subject: Probably what he means. TY. nm

nil means Ŕ" so
Subject: nil means Ŕ" so

1. A 2.0 incision.
2. #10 JP drain is fine.

not sure what self suture is but usually suture is 2-0, 3-0, etc. with the number "0" not letter "O". Hope that helps.
That just means
Subject: That just means

that the borders of the lesion were clearly delineated visually, not neccesarily  the excised margins.
LKS likely - BJE means ...sm
Subject: LKS likely - BJE means ...sm

LKS maybe?
LKS = Liver, kidneys, spleen.

BJE = Bones, joints, extremities.
Thanks, now for part 2...
Subject: Thanks, now for part 2...

Monarc procedure with s/l susquee.

Forgot this in my original post, sorry!

not sure about the first, but the second part may be right
Subject: not sure about the first, but the second part may be right

It is possible he is saying "of five to seven inches" or "site of seven inches" but that still leaves the first part.  If it's the first one it sounds like "muce" or "moose" or "meese".  For the second one it would end in an "a" sound like "meesa site"  It sounds like he's saying "uh" in front of that, like he's thinking.  But maybe it's part of the word "ameesa site" or something like that.  And then again, maybe it's not even an "m".  Could be an "n" or something else.  I feel like I'm getting closer.  I just wish he didn't have to talk so fast!  Actually, you suggested adhesion and I just thought of "adhesive site".  It doesn't sound like an "h" really, but would that make sense?  "a moderate to severe adhesive site of seven inches with the radiation therapy?"  Seven inches!  That's really long.
maybe second part of #4
Subject: maybe second part of #4

is pus exudate
I know part of it!
Subject: I know part of it!

Last word is "atraumatically". Have to think about the other one. Anyone else care to guess in the meantime?
That is all part of the job.
Subject: That is all part of the job.

This is the reason we are so skilled in what we do.  If we weren't, a monkey could do this job!  LOL - I wouldn't let it bother you to the brink of insanity.  Take it with stride...There's more to life really.

First part I would think is...
Subject: First part I would think is...

Bilateral inguinal hernia is right greater than left...

Second part I am thinking...
Uh - duh on my part! TY so much!
Subject: Uh - duh on my part! TY so much!

Thanks to both. Duh on my part. I am
Subject: Thanks to both. Duh on my part. I am

having a horrible day.
don't know about your s/l, but other part sm
Subject: don't know about your s/l, but other part sm

I wonder if the other part of the sentence should be "facet degenerative changes" rather than "of said degenerative changes"
This is part of his A/P . . .
Subject: This is part of his A/P . . .

and the only other thing he dictates is the left knee.
Diagnosis 1. Possible grushen ligament injury, left knee.

does this help? Ooh wait . .
does this make sense:
cruciate ligament injury

maybe that is what he is saying. = ) Tx
Yes, that is it! Duh on my part. Thank you so much.
Subject: Yes, that is it! Duh on my part. Thank you so much.

Got part of it
Subject: Got part of it

**s/l - Sub-tox skin is curetted using a razor blade, then 3 freeze-thaw cycles at 10 seconds using liquid nitrogen applied.
What part of PE was this in?
Subject: What part of PE was this in?

What part of the physical exam section was this in (what body system)?
got part of it
Subject: got part of it

I've got nosocomial sepsis, but it still sounds like "par" nosocomial sepsis.
That's is part of it...
Subject: That's is part of it...

it s/l he's saying "anti-esamanxiolytic" medication.  Can't figure it out!

could the last part...
Subject: could the last part...

be figure-of-eight tension being in good position? Still don't understand the first part though.
what part of H&P?
Subject: what part of H&P?

What system is he dictating it under?
How about presential - it means immediate?
Subject: How about presential - it means immediate?

Thank you, thank you, thank you. Coprolalia means use
Subject: Thank you, thank you, thank you. Coprolalia means use

NM :)
I second this. Means has never given birth (nm)
Subject: I second this. Means has never given birth (nm)

b.i.d. means twice a day...t.i.d. is three times a day. nm
Subject: b.i.d. means twice a day...t.i.d. is three times a day. nm

I would leave it as he said. He knows what it means...sm
Subject: I would leave it as he said. He knows what it means...sm

TM stands for appx 20 or more things, so you cannot guess which one. Also,the same goes for LAM. It stands for seven different things and you cannot guess which one.

I was taught in this situation to leave it as said. My account even specifies in assessment and plan to never abbreviate except in this case when you cannot 100% verify what the doc means if there is more than one meaning to the abbreviation.

Hope this helps