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The comma is correct. Without it (sm),

Posted By: jessnmt on 2009-03-20
In Reply to: comma help - Sarah

Subject: The comma is correct. Without it (sm),

it would mean an intrauterine pregnancy after a cesarean section, which "could" be the case but unlikely.  

Same with something like "coronary artery disease, status post coronary artery bypass graft," which means a CABG was performed after the diagnosis.  Without the comma (CAD status post CABG), it would mean there is CAD found after the CABG. 

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this is correct, but put a comma in front of
Subject: this is correct, but put a comma in front of

..., a popping sensation is elicited.

I would type the 3rd and 4th, as numbers.
Gestational age - 35 weeks 1 day - never a comma or "and" Correct?
Subject: Gestational age - 35 weeks 1 day - never a comma or "and" Correct?

Mucho gracias!
The punctuation as you have it, is correct, 1 comma only after stabliziers,but it should read"..
Subject: The punctuation as you have it, is correct, 1 comma only after stabliziers,but it should read"..'show, not shows', verb is in plural..nm

no comma
Subject: no comma

Newest info we got says no comma between 4-year 10-month-old
IMO just need a comma before which
Subject: IMO just need a comma before which

No comma.
Subject: No comma.

I'd use a comma
Subject: I'd use a comma

"EMS confirmed that the patient was orthostatic, with a standing BP that could not be auscultated."

Now does it make sense to you?
i really am not sure. i would not use a comma.
Subject: i really am not sure. i would not use a comma.

too bad there isnt a english teacher online right now...

No comma, no and.
Subject: No comma, no and.

1:100,000 you need the comma nm
Subject: 1:100,000 you need the comma nm

Want comma help?
Subject: Want comma help?

<< Looking at either margins tumor-size type of treatment, s/l-agiman treatment and a number of other factors given, this information, it seems the functional loss and cosmetic insult is not merited. >>

Looking at either margins, tumor size, type of treatment, adjuvant treatment, and a number of other factors, given this information, it seems the functional loss and cosmetic insult is not merited.
without comma
Subject: without comma

comma before but is used only if but is used to join two independent sentences otherwise not so I think this sentence should be without comma
Comma before Jr. or Sr., not before II, III, etc.
Subject: Comma before Jr. or Sr., not before II, III, etc.

From the BOS:


Do not place a comma after a name and before an ordinal. The ordinal may be roman or arabic; follow the preferences of the named individuals.

John D. Rockefeller III



Don't know what BOS says but I put the comma nm
Subject: Don't know what BOS says but I put the comma nm

I'd put comma.....
Subject: I'd put comma.....

No, no comma. The comma here would take sm
Subject: No, no comma. The comma here would take sm

the place of "and." He's saying the patient is a pleasant elderly woman, not a pleasant and elderly woman. The elderly woman is pleasant.

In other words, would you put a comma here,

The child's new blue ball rolled into the street. No comma as "new" modifies "blue ball," not "new and blue ball."

that or a comma between the two, i.e.
Subject: that or a comma between the two, i.e.

mycophenolic acid, mofetil field
I am not sure where to put the comma here, please sm
Subject: I am not sure where to put the comma here, please sm

Hello. This is OB-GYN and I am not certain if the punctuation is correct. She says it all very fast together.  Is the comma right? 

A clean-catch UA is packed field, WBCs and RBCs with very short rods.

comma help
Subject: comma help

The part in question is in " ".

When I research this medication some of the research shows it the way I have it typed (with no commas), but some of the research shows it with a comma between hydrochloride and ophthalmic. Is anyone familiar with this medication that can help me out! Thanks!

The focused examination is performed using "tetracaine hydrochloride ophthalmic solution" 0.5% for anesthetics
yes if you put a comma between the
Subject: yes if you put a comma between the

B12, salicylate - 2 separate meds.

I would use a comma
Subject: I would use a comma

This patient presents to us status post left ring finger volar plate, ulnar collateral ligament avulsion fracture.

This patient presents to us status post left ring finger volar plate/ulnar collateral ligament avulsion fracture.
I do use a comma between but the
Subject: I do use a comma between but the

Comma help
Subject: Comma help

I think my brain is just fried, but do I need a comma here:  I gave the patient four months' or months worth of Flexeril???  TIA. 

Subject: comma....

Equally to:

The patient, however, denied treatment.
I use a comma the way you have it now.
Subject: I use a comma the way you have it now.

Per my account specifics, we don't use a numbered list. We separate the diagnoses with a comma between each one.
no comma there, where would you put it?????
Subject: no comma there, where would you put it?????

Subject: Comma?

Hello everyone!!

I have a quick question about punctuation.. would you put a comma in this sentence? I don't have one.. then I second guessed myself and put one after "thin"...

This is a thin and ill-looking, black woman who is tachypneic

Thanks so much! :)

No comma.
Subject: No comma.

No comma
Subject: No comma

The way I was taught is that if each part of the sentence can stand alone as a separate sentence, then use a comma. In your case, the second half after the comma would not make sense as a single sentence.
Comma Help
Subject: Comma Help

She has a sister, Mary (32), and two brothers, Simon (40) and Bill (42).
She has a sister Mary (32) and two brothers Simon (40) and Bill (42).

and also:

She has a sister, Mary (32).
She has a sister Mary (32).
Comma before with
I have done a lot of QA over the years, and lately MTs are using a comma before the word "with" throughout the entire report as if with was equal to "which."  I have looked through and BOS, but I cannot find a general rule on this.  Does anyone have any solid information on this?  It would be very much appreciated.
I would not put a comma before
Subject: I would not put a comma before

I would put a comma before...,and diagnosis...' and a 2nd before ..,but...'
comma help
Subject: comma help

X-rays available from an outside source dated 02/20/2009 indicates joint effusion of the elbow with a fracture of the left humerus lateral epicondyle noted anterior and superior displacement of the fracture fragment. Proximal radius and ulna appear to be intact.

I thought after noted but unsure at this point. tia.
Subject: comma

At first I thought, comma after elbow and then after epicondyle.  but the rest of the sentence doesnt make sense.   But a hint of where to put a comma is, if the sentence can still make sense from before the first comma continuing after the second comma.  as in:  joint effusion of the elbow noted anterior.....     BUT the rest of the sentence does not make sense.

X-rays available from an outside source dated 02/20/2009 indicates joint effusion of the elbow with a fracture of the left humerus lateral epicondyle noted anterior and superior displacement of the fracture fragment. Proximal radius and ulna appear to be intact.

I don't see the need for a comma before the " --". nm
Subject: I don't see the need for a comma before the " --". nm

comma help
Subject: comma help

In this sentence would there be a comma where I have it placed? Intrauterine pregnancy, status post cesarean section. Or no comma at all? Any help please. thanks.
comma help
Subject: comma help

There were also two red rubber Robinsons left stapled over the interface, under the burrito, for postoperative irrigation. Would commas be placed before under and after burrito? Also, do I have the word Robinsons right? Thanks.
Need comma help.....
Subject: Need comma help.....

I need help with comma placement: She had been seen in consultation who felt the gait disturbance was due to multiple factors including the degenerative joint disease and peripheral neuropathy he also felt she had an aliment of Parkinson disease.

I put them like this:  She had been seen in consultation, who felt the gait disturbance was due to multiple factors including the degenerative joint disease and peripheral neuropathy, he also felt she had an aliment of Parkinson disease.


Because a comma
Subject: Because a comma

sometimes changes the entire meaning of a senctence.
should there be a comma...
Subject: should there be a comma...

after anterior impingement?

IMPRESSION: Anterior impingement rotator cuff tear of the right shoulder. tia.

Subject: comma

I might throw a comma after arm pit - otherwise I think it's okay.
comma help
Subject: comma help

Where would commas be in this sentence if any ? Do you think it's right after artery or none at all?
Thanks for any help.
No comma.
Subject: No comma.

comma help again
Subject: comma help again

Where would commas go in this sentence? This Dr. just goes on and on and on .. grrr. The superficial femoral artery was then dissected free with the dissection preceding more proximally exposing the profunda and the common femoral artery with dissecting it using sharp dissection to completely expose it so that an umbilical tape could be passed around the SFA. Thanks for help.
comma help
Subject: comma help


Would there be a comma after fracture and before nonunion? tia.
comma help
Subject: comma help

Head CT in the emergency department on the 27th had shown no acute findings, large, right occipital, temporal, and right thalamic encephalomalacia consistent with his previous stroke of course but no acute intracranial abnormality.

I think I have too many commas in there, but I'm not really sure how to fix it.  Any help would be appreciated.  Thanks. 



comma help
Subject: comma help

Angiography report performed revealed 100% RCA occlusion with collaterals LAD 40-50% stenosis circumflex 90% ostial lesion and second obtuse marginal is at 95% stenosis.

Where would you put commas in this sentence?
No comma after postnasal
Subject: No comma after postnasal

Postnasal drip-induced cough. Postnasal drip is the cause of the cough, not the postnasal alone.
would type comma instead. SM
Subject: would type comma instead. SM

semicolons are best used to connect two complete thoughts that are related, but can stand alone.
The comma would be proper
Subject: The comma would be proper

The comma should be used instead of the semicolon, as this is all pertaining to one item and should not be misconstrued as 2 sentences. It is like a modifier of the diagnosis.
Comma, not semicolon. nm
Subject: Comma, not semicolon. nm
