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The closest I can find in Stedman's Orth is Bauerfeind support.

Posted By: fakename on 2007-04-27
In Reply to: s/l prescription for a Brynform back support - ct

Subject: The closest I can find in Stedman's Orth is Bauerfeind support.


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Look in Stedman's Orth, under "canal" and you will find Guyon's canal.
Subject: Look in Stedman's Orth, under "canal" and you will find Guyon's canal.

It's that easy! :)
Stedman's Orth would help.
Subject: Stedman's Orth would help.

Stedman's Orth shows sm
Subject: Stedman's Orth shows sm

alumina bioceramic joint replacement. Wondering if your "loupe navigation" should be "loupe magnification."
I find dysautonomia? Closest I can come. nm
Subject: I find dysautonomia? Closest I can come. nm

The closest I find is atrofloxacin which is Trovan. Not your S/L though. nm
Subject: The closest I find is atrofloxacin which is Trovan. Not your S/L though. nm

AFO as in orthodic device....closest I can think or find
Subject: AFO as in orthodic device....closest I can think or find

closest I can find is Aussie Butt Cream, nm
Subject: closest I can find is Aussie Butt Cream, nm

Closest I can find is Iquix (levofloxacin 1.5%) for corneal ulcers. nm
Subject: Closest I can find is Iquix (levofloxacin 1.5%) for corneal ulcers. nm

Closest I can find is a very obscure convulsivus malignus, which would concern convulsions, not the
Subject: Closest I can find is a very obscure convulsivus malignus, which would concern convulsions, not the

I have Stedman medical & surgical equipment and words and find that out of my Stedman books (have 4
Subject: I have Stedman medical & surgical equipment and words and find that out of my Stedman books (have 4 others) this is the one I use the most. Just my preference.

The stays are firm support structures in the support, like the underwires in a bra or collar
Subject: The stays are firm support structures in the support, like the underwires in a bra or collar

To QA: I'm having trouble with the diffrence between pressor support and pressure support?
Subject: To QA: I'm having trouble with the diffrence between pressor support and pressure support?

Or are the one and the same? 




The infant is on pressor/pressure support (cardiac section). 


I get both on google.  Could you give me an example of when you would use either of these? 


Any help clearing this up would be MUCH appreciated!   TIA!

Trouble with difference between PRESSURE support and PRESSOR support...
Subject: Trouble with difference between PRESSURE support and PRESSOR support...

Or are they the same thing?  Dictator says that the infant is gradually weaned from pressure OR pressor support and transferred to p.o. medications.  The infant has congestive heart failure. 


The dictator has a very strong accent which makes it even more difficult... he could be saying either.  Thanks for any help!

singular for support hose, support ho? (for one leg) Dr. says "ho" twice. ???
Subject: singular for support hose, support ho? (for one leg) Dr. says "ho" twice. ???

It's Bauerfeind
Subject: It's Bauerfeind

Thank you! out of curiosity, which Stedman's did you find it in?
Subject: Thank you! out of curiosity, which Stedman's did you find it in?

I have the GI/GU 3rd edition word book, and I couldn't find it in there.  Thanks again!
You'd find McGlamry elevator in all Stedman's. nm
Subject: You'd find McGlamry elevator in all Stedman's. nm

Thank you!! I can't find it in Stedman's as a disease but it is a syndrome.
Subject: Thank you!! I can't find it in Stedman's as a disease but it is a syndrome.

I find a few references to it when spelled "pallorous". Not in anything of Stedman's but j
Subject: I find a few references to it when spelled "pallorous". Not in anything of Stedman's but just googled.

BIG THANK YOU!!! Where could I find references besides Stedman's Equipment and Surgery books ? N
Subject: BIG THANK YOU!!! Where could I find references besides Stedman's Equipment and Surgery books ? NM

I find LowDye in my Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment Book.
Subject: I find LowDye in my Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment Book.

Subject: Orth

Thanks for your help. 
orth help
Subject: orth help

I injected the common extensor origin with Depomedrol and lidocaine using a s/l peprin tip, fit her with a tennis elbow strap......


orth help for Michele sm
Subject: orth help for Michele sm

Just by googling..... I got this:

Endoscopic Trigger Finger Release Using the Endotrac System page 19
Two point discrimination should be done preoperatively and compared to the ... nerve injury should be suspected and ninhydrine sweat testing performed. ...
http://www.carpaltunnel.com/pub/the_brown_ectr19.html   - 10k  -  Cached  -  Similar pages

PAINFUL LEGS AND MOVING TOES is a syndrome of pain in the feet or ...
Sweat test.�A sweat test was performed with the patient lying prone. ... position and of movement and two point discrimination were normal. ...
http://brain.oxfordjournals.org/cgi/reprint/94/3/541.pdf   -  Similar pages

Tersic-Orth B (nm)
Subject: Tersic-Orth B (nm)

My HPI Orth/Neuro book says
Subject: My HPI Orth/Neuro book says

white-white zone (of bucket-handle tear), under zone.

That agrees with the fact I saw more hits on Google with a hyphen also.

That's the closest s/l to it that I have seen, but I am just not sure. Thank you all!
Subject: That's the closest s/l to it that I have seen, but I am just not sure. Thank you all!

Closest I could come was
Subject: Closest I could come was

Trousseau sign.
Closest I could come. sm
Subject: Closest I could come. sm

Tempalgin, Metamizole sodium, Tempidon

Tempalgin Mild to moderate pain of variable origin, headache; migrene, toothache, neuralgia, neuritis, plexitis, lumbalgia, myalgia and myositis, trauma, ...
www.sopharma.com/tempalgin.phtml - 33k - Cached - Similar pages

the closest I can come up with - sm
Subject: the closest I can come up with - sm

is Mikulicz. Could that be it?
The closest I can come to that is Telamon sm
Subject: The closest I can come to that is Telamon sm

Hydrosorb Peek implants. I'm going to pencil in your entry. Thanks!
closest match I come up with is
Subject: closest match I come up with is

Nicotinamide 25 mg - maybe someone misspelled it before?
Closest I can think of is acyclovir
Subject: Closest I can think of is acyclovir

Sounds like a cross between acyclovir and Macrobid
Guanfacine? Closest I could get. nm
Subject: Guanfacine? Closest I could get. nm

closest would be benicar...nm
Subject: closest would be benicar...nm

That is the closest to what it sounds like. Thanks.
Subject: That is the closest to what it sounds like. Thanks.

CsA Gelcaps? closest I could come. sm
Subject: CsA Gelcaps? closest I could come. sm

  • Transplantation Proceedings : Cyclosporine-Induced renal ...

    Most of the data discussed come from CsA gel-caps or Sandimmun but in the mid-1990s, ... chronic nephrotoxicity, in contrast, is a major clinical consideration. ..... allografts with chronic nephropathy: implications for graft survival. ...
    linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0041134504000065 - Similar pages
    by LC Paul - 2004 - Cited by 10 - Related articles - All 5 versions

  • Pharmacotherapeutic Approach to Prevent or Treat Chronic Allograft ...

    chronic allograft nephropathy. We will review the immunosuppressive therapy and non-immune therapies in ..... Treatment with conventional gelcaps CsA formulation .... induced injury of rat aorta [87] many studies have reported ... In contrast

  • Closest I can some is CETAC. sm
    Subject: Closest I can some is CETAC. sm

    CETAC Technologies - Laser Ablation Systems Overview
    Dec 15, 2008 ... In the decade long evolution of CETAC Laser Ablation Systems, the LSX-213 i

    Closest thing I can come up with is
    Subject: Closest thing I can come up with is

    Scheuermann disease in Stedman's. Hard to look for if there is no info to go with it.
    Closest I can come is Kapidex. sm
    Subject: Closest I can come is Kapidex. sm






    FDA OKs New GERD Drug Kapidex

    Feb 6, 2009 ... The FDA has approved Kapidex




    Do you have this site?





    Closest I can come is denervation but not your S/L. nm
    Subject: Closest I can come is denervation but not your S/L. nm

    Ventilatory support
    Subject: Ventilatory support

    ventilatory support??
    Subject: ventilatory support??

    Nutrition support
    Subject: Nutrition support

    A patient who is 65 years old is cachectic and weak would benefit from nutritional support so is started on (   ?   ) one can a day.  It sounds like Pulmicare. 

    N-U support for foot? See msg
    Subject: N-U support for foot? See msg

    The patient underwent physical therapy and has been given an N-U support for his foot.

    Doc states it as "in dash you" support
    echmal support?
    Subject: echmal support?

    s/l echmal support?  A baby who is undergoing stage I Norwood operation for left hyperplastic heart syndrome.
    see message - for BP support
    Subject: see message - for BP support

    The patient is on an __________  drip to support her pressure approximately 100 to 110 systolic
    Arch support help please
    Subject: Arch support help please

    s/l  Berkely arch support to help lock her heel in place


    ventilatory support?
    Subject: ventilatory support?

    Possibly the first part of the word was clipped? That's my best guess.
    closest one I see on this list is canadense
    Subject: closest one I see on this list is canadense

    Closest I can think of would be Regonol or Ritalin nm
    Subject: Closest I can think of would be Regonol or Ritalin nm