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That sounds more likely, stem..

Posted By: :) on 2006-08-29
In Reply to: they say stem fit too.....to fit the stem or rim - maybe hip surgery...............nm

Subject: That sounds more likely, stem..

they often refer to stem, as in the femoral stem.

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Stedman's shows APR hip stem and APR I femoral stem. ?
Subject: Stedman's shows APR hip stem and APR I femoral stem. ?

they say stem fit too.....to fit the stem or rim
Subject: they say stem fit too.....to fit the stem or rim

How about just long-stem
Subject: How about just long-stem

component. May be he is saying "using" and not user, long-stem components. There is a long-stem femoral component. I typed long stem component on Google and this came up.
s/l aperion stem? sm
Subject: s/l aperion stem? sm


On examination today, the patient forward flexion to 100 degrees, able to straight-leg-raise against resistence.


Radiographs show good position of the (aperion) stem.


Status post (aperion) stem, doing well. 

Corail � stem
Subject: Corail � stem

main stem?
Subject: main stem?

I don't know if that is possible. Are you sure you hear bruit? I would think that would be over the carotids. But I really don't know enough about it.
As Stubby is the name of the stem, I would only
Subject: As Stubby is the name of the stem, I would only

May be Morse taper of the stem. nm
Subject: May be Morse taper of the stem. nm

Could it be Charnley femoral stem from De Puy? nm
Subject: Could it be Charnley femoral stem from De Puy? nm

brain *glubeal** stem
Subject: brain *glubeal** stem

mini stem flow device and pi's
Subject: mini stem flow device and pi's

Has anybody ever heard of this device and/or have any idea what the PI is? Doing a CABG.

We then encircled the vessel with a ministem flow device. The flow meter showed us that we had good flows in the range of 15-20 milliliters per minute with diastolic flow, and good PI's.

Kidney transplant pt now with documented s/l "In stem eee" just had MI
Subject: Kidney transplant pt now with documented s/l "In stem eee" just had MI

I found it - Prochymal - a stem cell product - yeesh!
Subject: I found it - Prochymal - a stem cell product - yeesh!

Patient consuming pureed and nectar thick liquids with s/l eastem or E stem?? TIA
Subject: Patient consuming pureed and nectar thick liquids with s/l eastem or E stem?? TIA

Pt with multiple myeloma, have a "coronoscopy" performed prior to stem cell transplantation,
Subject: Pt with multiple myeloma, have a "coronoscopy" performed prior to stem cell transplantation,

score was 100%. 
Is your patient a male? There are male sounds and female sounds. sm
Subject: Is your patient a male? There are male sounds and female sounds. sm

Male sounds are shaped differently than female sounds. Obviously, male sounds being longer. They are used to dilate the urethra in order to facilitate the passage of stones or perhaps JJ stents etc. They come in different diameters ie..18FR, 20FR etc. Hope this helps.
sounds like JEP?
Are you sure it is not LUMP? Listen again.
sounds like
Subject: sounds like

post op day 1 from an esophagogastrectomy, _________ Laprobiotic? or laprobotic?

Sounds right.
Subject: Sounds right.

You also might just hear them say bands 27. Means the same thing. Go ahead with it.
sounds right to me, thanks!
Subject: sounds right to me, thanks!

sounds okay to me.
Subject: sounds okay to me.

sounds like
Subject: sounds like

sounds like an-al-gus
Subject: sounds like an-al-gus

feels this is s/l an-al-gus to dependant swelling he had in his other leg when he had a cast on. 


Thanks in advance.

sounds like...
Subject: sounds like...

follicadermia of servant...

looked everywhere..  please help!

Sounds like doc is saying
Subject: Sounds like doc is saying

FI 02 is 50% on room air.  S/L the letter 'F', the letter 'i' then 02. Please help.
Thanks, not sure if that is right but it sounds better than anything I have been able to come up wit
Subject: Thanks, not sure if that is right but it sounds better than anything I have been able to come up with

sounds like
Subject: sounds like

tochadinamometry, thanks for any help

It sounds like
Subject: It sounds like

It sounds more like MUS



Sounds like
Subject: Sounds like

It sounds like tentatives?
Sounds like he is saying.... sm
Subject: Sounds like he is saying.... sm

ileus soleus muscle.  Can't find. Any ideas?

Happy Monday! 

Sounds like....
Subject: Sounds like....

Sismogenous discharge. This is what the doctor found on pelvic exam with a whitish discharge in the vaginal vault.
Sounds about right after I look it up. Thanks!
Subject: Sounds about right after I look it up. Thanks!

Sounds like it could be - sm
Subject: Sounds like it could be - sm

full opacification of the left hemithorax...
sounds ok to me
Subject: sounds ok to me

Thanks but it sounds just like dia something. :)
Subject: Thanks but it sounds just like dia something. :)

I can't even come close. 

Thanks anyway.

sounds like
Subject: sounds like

this is a hospital but i couldny find it BUNKY GENERA HOSPITAL
Thank you. It could be that but it sounds like something else.
Subject: Thank you. It could be that but it sounds like something else.

sounds like
Subject: sounds like

sounds like Colchicine to me but that's for gout
sounds like there should be something
Subject: sounds like there should be something

else between para and facet, like parapatellar facet cyst or paravertebral facet cyst.
sounds like the or feo
Subject: sounds like the or feo

Doctor said there was also concern for possible feo? or theo? or carcinoid syndrome.  Not sure what feo or theo means. 
Sounds like he is saying....sm
Subject: Sounds like he is saying....sm

No frankly localizing, lateralizing or s/l eleptiform features noted. 

I can find eleptiform on Google, but not in any of my books.  Is this right or does he mean epileptiform?  This is on electroencephalogram.


sounds right to me
Subject: sounds right to me

sounds like???
Subject: sounds like???

Could be apprehension sign, inhibition sign, compression sign...help us out here. could be crepitation too. Could also be Lachman test.
sounds like--what....sm
Subject: sounds like--what....sm

Could be apprehension sign, inhibition sign, compression sign...help us out here. could be crepitation too. Could also be Lachman test.
That sure sounds like it!! THANKS!
Subject: That sure sounds like it!! THANKS!


No, it definitely sounds like just away
Subject: No, it definitely sounds like just away

since it sounds like key I would say it is T
Subject: since it sounds like key I would say it is T

to me KEY sounds like Q more than T....sm
Subject: to me KEY sounds like Q more than T....sm

I have known T-wave and Q-wave - s/l *key* may be either Q or T.....is this an ESL dictator? 

Also, in an EKG, as I know it, the leads are in Roman numerals....leads I, II, and aVF (for example). 

I WOULD, however, blank the Q or T - because key/tee k/q sounds.  It could be either/or and I would blank it....but, of course, this is from yesterday, and the report probably already went back.  *lol* 

this is what I have/or sounds like
Subject: this is what I have/or sounds like

For the urine came back positive for urinary tract infection. Patient had more than 100,000 colonies of Gram-negative lactose negative rod **. The white count was normal. The patient had significant left shift with bandemia on differential. Her electrolytes showed that she was hypokalemia with potassium of 3.3, and her sugar was 40. ~~~thank you for helping me, I just can't figure it out...
sounds like
Subject: sounds like

"dravlamed" for multiple myeloma - any ideas?  Thanks! Happy Monday.
Sounds like
Subject: Sounds like

C-ANCA from Stedman's Pathology and Lab Word Book.