Thanks kindly everyone. nm
Posted By: Heath on 2006-01-04
In Reply to: s/l "galding or gualding" under breasts sm - Heath
Subject: Thanks kindly everyone. nm
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Thank you kindly. (nm)
Subject: Thank you kindly. (nm)
i kindly thank you all
Subject: i kindly thank you all
Once again thank you kindly.
Subject: Once again thank you kindly.
Thank you kindly. That is what I (sm)
Subject: Thank you kindly. That is what I (sm)
thought also, but since the doctor clearly spelled it as Allcept, I second guessed myself. Another example that we are all human and make mistakes now and then.
Thanks again! Greatly appreciate it.
Thnk you kindly for your info :)
Subject: Thnk you kindly for your info :)