Thanks, and should it be class or Class/grade or Grade? TIA
Posted By: BOS challenged on 2007-09-06
In Reply to: most of the time grades are Arabic and classes are Roman, but I'm sure there are exceptions to th - sassee
Subject: Thanks, and should it be class or Class/grade or Grade? TIA
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grade, class, etc.
Subject: grade, class, etc.
Keep a printed copy of the Medquist guidelines at your desk, it's all outlined there.
Do not capitalize the words grade, type, class, stage, etc. nm
Subject: Do not capitalize the words grade, type, class, stage, etc. nm
I get confused, how do you type out grade, class, type SM
Subject: I get confused, how do you type out grade, class, type SM
I forget which ones use Roman and which do not. TIA
Could be as there are medical grade, high grade, low grade, etc.
Subject: Could be as there are medical grade, high grade, low grade, etc.
Motor exam shows her right tibialis anterior at grade �IV or is grade -4??
Subject: Motor exam shows her right tibialis anterior at grade �IV or is grade -4??
Motor exam shows her right tibialis anterior at grade IV- or is it grade -IV or grade -4 or...
low-grade dysplasia or low grade dyplasia -- when to use hyphens??? TIA
Subject: low-grade dysplasia or low grade dyplasia -- when to use hyphens??? TIA
Grade or grade?-cardiology
Subject: Grade or grade?-cardiology
In cardiology, is grade capitalized when referring to a grade 1 systolic murmur?
Seems to be why they use Roman is because there is a grade within the grade (sm)
Subject: Seems to be why they use Roman is because there is a grade within the grade (sm)
Grade I is 0-5
Grade II is 5-10
Grade III is greater than 10
grade 2 (grade is not capitalized).
Subject: grade 2 (grade is not capitalized).
Oropharynx class ?? help
Subject: Oropharynx class ?? help
Hello all - I can't seem to find this anywhere but it sounds to me like "oropharynx is crowded, s/l malenpotty class 3".
Anyone have any ideas?
Thanks much, Jenny
Oropharynx class ??? help
Subject: Oropharynx class ??? help
Thank you SO much for your fast reply & infinite knowledge!!!
Class 3 Mallampati NM
Subject: Class 3 Mallampati NM
class III Mallampati. NM
Subject: class III Mallampati. NM
If his is for a class, you need to refer
Subject: If his is for a class, you need to refer
to your reference and ask your instructor. Every company arranges their formats differently.
sulfa (class of drugs)
Subject: sulfa (class of drugs)
Probably "macrolides," another class of antibiotic. nm
Subject: Probably "macrolides," another class of antibiotic. nm
in PE under HEENT says remarkable for a class 3
Subject: in PE under HEENT says remarkable for a class 3
s/l mallampita oropharynx score? Also, to write class 3 is okay.
regarding class #, per client--we use arabic
Subject: regarding class #, per client--we use arabic
Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. Hopefully you got the corrected part.class 4, not IV.NM
Subject: Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. Hopefully you got the corrected part.class 4, not IV.NM
sulfonylurea-class of antidiabetic med
Subject: sulfonylurea-class of antidiabetic med
Versed? Class of medications?
Subject: Versed? Class of medications?
This doctor mentions the patient has taken valium w/o difficulty so anything of Versed? nature would be safe- is this a class of medications? I am having difficulty finding a match through my usual google,, etc.
The way I learned it in class was q.4 h., but my company now wants
Subject: The way I learned it in class was q.4 h., but my company now wants
Mallampati class IV airway
Subject: Mallampati class IV airway
Claudication - Rutherford class 2 or II? (nm)
Subject: Claudication - Rutherford class 2 or II? (nm)
English class - no apostrophe "s" after
Subject: English class - no apostrophe "s" after
an s -- Mr. Jones' class.
What ?? This is an English class for 'jk'
Subject: What ?? This is an English class for 'jk'
It is
Charles's car
boss's desk
Dallas's airport
Only If the addition of an extrra 's' would make the word difficult to pronounce, add the apostrophe only:
New Orleans' fish
Los Angeles' team
and expecially with foreign
Dumas's novel
Mr. Chambers' estate
and also
for goodness' sake
for conscience' sake.
Did you use your old reference books ?
I got my information online, therefore much more accurate.
It's physes. Something you learn in anatomy class. nm
Subject: It's physes. Something you learn in anatomy class. nm
glitazone is a class of drugs, Avandia, etc.
Subject: glitazone is a class of drugs, Avandia, etc.
Patient was injured while doing a s/l step class.
Subject: Patient was injured while doing a s/l step class.
I stand corrected, class 4 and airway. NM
Subject: I stand corrected, class 4 and airway. NM
Drughelp s/l amarex same class as nortriptyline?
Subject: Drughelp s/l amarex same class as nortriptyline?
He has a "mullin party" class IV airway??
Subject: He has a "mullin party" class IV airway??
I just can't find this!!! Any help? It's an obese patient with sleep apnea, and I know class IV airway is visually obstructed, but I can't find the name of it.
After reading my post, I also need to take a typing class, way to many typos!!!!
Subject: After reading my post, I also need to take a typing class, way to many typos!!!!
I think it's fibrates...class of drugs to treat lipids
Subject: I think it's fibrates...class of drugs to treat lipids
what do you think?
Neat site for lists of antibiotics by class. sm
Subject: Neat site for lists of antibiotics by class. sm
This is of course a place to start. I always check out the spellings on my MPR or FDA links.
Step class, Jane Fonda once had a video of this....
Subject: Step class, Jane Fonda once had a video of this....
According to (s/l) Elisa classification, he is in class I, representing a 0.4% risk
Subject: According to (s/l) Elisa classification, he is in class I, representing a 0.4% risk
doc is dictating surgery risk and goes on to talk about the ASA classification, but I can't figure out what the first one is.
Pt with increased tracheal s/l "vis ab" and s/l anesthesia class 3 airway. sm
Subject: Pt with increased tracheal s/l "vis ab" and s/l anesthesia class 3 airway. sm
He has excessive work of breathing, and he is using some accessory muscles. There is increased tracheal s/l vis ab. His airway is s/l anesthesia class III, large beefy uvula, large tongue, no really recessed mandible.
Dexamethasone ophthalmic is in a class of drugs called corticosteroids. It inhibits processes in the
Subject: Dexamethasone ophthalmic is in a class of drugs called corticosteroids. It inhibits processes in the body that cause inflammation. Therefore, the swelling and pain of inflammatory conditions is decreased.
Pantoprazole is in a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPI) which block the production o
Subject: Pantoprazole is in a class of drugs called proton pump inhibitors (PPI) which block the production of acid by the stomach
not sure about the Z, but TA2 is a grade
Subject: not sure about the Z, but TA2 is a grade
mri grade
Subject: mri grade
s/l retro listesis
or s/l retral listesis
MRI grade
should be grade 2
Subject: should be grade 2
I believe that would be grade VI :o)
Subject: I believe that would be grade VI :o)
I would say grade
Subject: I would say grade
Subject: grade
Thanks for your reply. I thought that way too, but I see it on the internet both ways.
low-grade SIL
Subject: low-grade SIL
grade 2 or 2/6 no romans II/VI
Subject: grade 2 or 2/6 no romans II/VI
I believe that is plantar grade
Subject: I believe that is plantar grade
could that be *grade 3*, rather than *gracing*? sm
Subject: could that be *grade 3*, rather than *gracing*? sm
grade 3 cartilage abnormality is when they consider surgery. there is also grade 1 and 2.
histological grade 1
Subject: histological grade 1
is it histological grade 1?