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Thank you, as soon as I saw your post

Posted By: trose on 2006-11-01
In Reply to: Kiesselbach. see message for ref. - Txczech

Subject: Thank you, as soon as I saw your post

Thank you, as soon as I saw your post I rememberd.

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On a similar note, I copied and pasted a URL/Link & sent with my post, but it was absent from post.
Subject: On a similar note, I copied and pasted a URL/Link & sent with my post, but it was absent from post.

ADMIN, can you post a perm msg to post LOTS of context when asking about WORDS?
Subject: ADMIN, can you post a perm msg to post LOTS of context when asking about WORDS?

OP's post inside post says not Harrington rods
Subject: OP's post inside post says not Harrington rods

Wait...! apparently my post did not post
Subject: Wait...! apparently my post did not post

I would do 60%. I have several doctors that will say 60 (as in ) 6-0. Clarifying the numbers so you don't put 16. They do 50, 5-0 so you don't put 15 because they sound close. It just sounds like sixty-six-zero. Put what you feel is right but I would be from experienc it is 60%
Status post stent placement and status post s/l key-til? placement
Subject: Status post stent placement and status post s/l key-til? placement

Sorry, saw post below.... not sure now
Subject: Sorry, saw post below.... not sure now

what it could be
How do U post on this
Subject: How do U post on this

having difficulty making a post......need instructions...
it is!! see my above post....nm
Subject: it is!! see my above post....nm

Where does this post go?
Subject: Where does this post go?

Seems to be an answer, but it isn't posted under a question.
...don't think so....see my post below.
Subject: ...don't think so....see my post below.

your post
Subject: your post

1. biacardia
2. PAS.
3. HD with recent stints.
4. GI bleed, post stint.

1. Bradycardia.
2. Paroxsysmal atrial flutter.
3. Heart disease with recent stents.
4. Gastrointestinal bleed, status post stents.

Remember no abbreviations in diagnoses.

Hope this helps
Please see post for ?
Subject: Please see post for ?

Regarding tonsil and adenoid surgery, sentence is as follows:  The table was turned 90 degrees and a shoulder roll and _____  (s/l memorial header?) were placed. A Crowe-Davis mouth gag inserted to retract the patient�s tongue.

I know I am not hearing this correctly.  Thanks in advance to any and all who may be of assistance.

your post
Subject: your post

as CB said -- you are new and need to LISTEN OVER AND OVER AGAIN -- speed and MONEY are NOT the issue  -- we   are dealing with someones mother father etc -- PATIENT care  -- thank heavens even though I work for a service I can call the hospital and GUESS WHAT? you can too -- however not with 20 blanks docs dont like that  -- again, I hear a voice "I  WANNA WORK AT HOME" -- my advice  GO AWAY 35 years in the business - and MARRIED to the job  -- your choice
Your post
Subject: Your post

P.S... I loved Roseanne Roseannadanna...and to this day, still imitate her. Now you know how really old I am.
see my post above
Subject: see my post above

it doesn't matter what you, I or anyone else THINKS. Go with the references, the one designed for our field.
can't post
Subject: can't post

every time I try to post a reply it asks
can't post
Subject: can't post

every time I try to post a reply it asks me to authenticate my post and then it says I typed in the wrong letters?? Anybody know what I am doing wrong?
Look at my post below!...nm
Subject: Look at my post below!...nm

See post
Subject: See post

I think you are referring to HOKM, which states for hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy.  Hope this helped.
See post
Subject: See post

I would recommend getting Stedman's Infectious Disease and Organisms book.  It has everything (well..pretty much) listed both by genera and species and shows any subspecies.

I found this website as well.  It should help.  Its microbewiki.  http://microbewiki.kenyon.edu/index.php/MicrobeWiki

Subject: Post

means after, so post phlebotomy would mean after a phlebotomy. It could be any time after, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 week, etc. The O in post is a long sound, not short. It could also be past phlebotomy or, as you say, just a false start.
Please see post above.
Subject: Please see post above.

I do not see a post
Subject: I do not see a post

that refers to "opposing" comments. Not on this board anyway.
Yuk-he's back. Will probably post something,,,,
Subject: Yuk-he's back. Will probably post something,,,,

Quite frankly - that's why I did not put it under her post!
Subject: Quite frankly - that's why I did not put it under her post!

I have had to ask for help numerous times and great people have almost always responded! To have friends, you must show yourself friendly! Thanks to one and all!
sorry it didn't post right - here it is
Subject: sorry it didn't post right - here it is


Per the "acisional" post below.....sm
Subject: Per the "acisional" post below.....sm

With all of my QA's efforts and mine as well, which included asking my fellow MTs on this board, we have found no such word as "acisional". 

Ahem, it was brought to my attention, however, that this is indeed the way the doc dictated the word 3 (count 'em three) times, and that I was not mistaken in that respect.  (HUH?????  Didn't I say that already??  LOL)

Anyway, look for this newest, doctor-made-up-word .....if the dictator says "acisional", that is what he/she means!  And, it's probably coming to a new Stedman's Ortho/Rehab Words publication in your area sooooonnnnnnnn.........

Just a silly update, but I do like to share.

Could you post the whole sentence please?? SM
Subject: Could you post the whole sentence please?? SM

I do radiology transcription, so I might be able to help you. 
sry didn't see post. tks!
Subject: sry didn't see post. tks!

THX! Located it before I saw your post!
Subject: THX! Located it before I saw your post!

i was going to post same guess.
Subject: i was going to post same guess.

just getting ready to post again.
Subject: just getting ready to post again.

I was looking on google...stupid mistake.
not clear enough post to help......nm
Subject: not clear enough post to help......nm

It's under the post you just posted
Subject: It's under the post you just posted

can you post more context before the s/l? thanks! nm
Subject: can you post more context before the s/l? thanks! nm

You're very welcome, and thanks so much for your post...nm
Subject: You're very welcome, and thanks so much for your post...nm

never mind, saw your other post
Subject: never mind, saw your other post

it was post-lipidic
Subject: it was post-lipidic

I left it blank and this is what QA said it was.
What a great post!
Subject: What a great post!

I agree totally. I use it quite a bit myself, and I know that MTTomb you have helped me before, so I thank you and everyone.
Sorry. Just read your post over and
Subject: Sorry. Just read your post over and

realized you were correcting yourself after what you had found on the internet.

Scary that the internet is giving wrong info too, and a lot of people go by what is on there without double checking.

Again Sorry.
Okay, I figured it out...I must have gone off your second post..nm
Subject: Okay, I figured it out...I must have gone off your second post..nm

An addition to this post
Subject: An addition to this post

The catheter is being passed from the chest wall into the neck. Not sure if it a type of PICC line.

tunnel s/l cuminalis catheter under fluoroscopy?
status post PCI
Subject: status post PCI

I see this all the time in cardiology.
Sorry about the double post!!
Subject: Sorry about the double post!!

Read the post!
Subject: Read the post!

I was just about to post same as Missouri MT....
Subject: I was just about to post same as Missouri MT....

Men get osteoporosis also.  It is not as prevalent as in women but it does occur.  If you Google * Miacalcin men * you will find a lot of information.

I just saw your post. I wish I had thought of that,
Subject: I just saw your post. I wish I had thought of that,

to see if I could get that from what he was saying. What I remember of the patient's symptoms was hyperthermia and coma. I couldn't make it sound like methamphetamine, but by the last time he said it, it did sound like amphetamine.
Can you post a sentence?
Subject: Can you post a sentence?

That would be helpful!
status post TAB? SM
Subject: status post TAB? SM

Here is a link with some abbrevs for OB/GYN.



Rude post
Subject: Rude post

Whoever asked - do you utilize any resources - you are rude and make the rest of the "nice" MTs look bad - this person needed immediate help - what would it hurt to have just answered the question - I hope you never post to this word board and if you do that no one will give you the satisfaction of any kind of response - or perhaps respond to you with an incorrect answer that you will naively take as truth!