Steindler Stripping (pes planus)
Posted By: pc on 2008-11-05
In Reply to: s/l stylar stripping sm - Tracey
Subject: Steindler Stripping (pes planus)
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s/l stylar stripping sm
Subject: s/l stylar stripping sm
DIAGNOSIS: Right cavovarus foot, peroneal tendon tear and varus ankle.
STATUS: Post surgery on 10/22/08 consisting of a right calcaneal osteotomy, 1st metatarsal osteotomy, s/l stylar stripping, peroneal tendon debridement, tenodesis at peroneus longus to peroneus brevis tendon on 10/22/08.
s/l k-weight or k-way stripping for fungal elements...
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pes planus maybe
how about pes planus?
Subject: how about pes planus?
the medical term for flat feet.
Pes planus
Subject: Pes planus
pes planus?
Subject: pes planus?
lichen planus? sm
Subject: lichen planus? sm
lichen planus
eruption of flat-topped, shiny, violaceous papules on flexor surfaces, male genitalia, and buccal mucosa of unknown cause; may form linear groups; microscopically characterized by a band-like subepidermal lymphocytic infiltrate. Spontaneous resolution is common after months to years.
pes planus and hallux rigidus? sm
Subject: pes planus and hallux rigidus? sm
Here is info. If you do not hear hallux rigidus there are more listed under hallus.
pes, gen. pedis, pl. pedes
pes, pTcdis, -dTz
1. [TA]; Syn: foot (1).
2. Any footlike or basal structure or part.
3. Talipes. In this sense, pes is always qualified by a word expressing the specific type.
pes abductus
pes adductus
pes anserinus
pes cavus
pes equinovalgus
pes equinovarus
pes gigas
pes hippocampi
pes planus
pes pronatus
pes valgus
pes varus
pes planus
a condition in which the longitudinal arch is broken down, the entire sole touching the ground. Syn: flatfoot, talipes planus.
hallux, pl. halluces
halcks, halca-sTz
[TA]; Syn: great toe I.
[a Mod. L. form for L. hallex (hallic-), great toe]
hallux dolorosus
hallux extensus
hallux flexus
hallux malleus
hallux rigidus
hallux valgus
hallux varus
Pes Planus (flat footed)?
Subject: Pes Planus (flat footed)?
TNH solutoin for lichen planus?
Subject: TNH solutoin for lichen planus?
Has anyone heard of either T&H or TNH solution as a treatment for lichen planus?
s/l *satural wreath or pleath* pes planus foot type. ?!?
Subject: s/l *satural wreath or pleath* pes planus foot type. ?!?
There are also articulate particles noted at the subtalar joint. Three views of the right foot were taken. There is a pes planus foot type noted. This is _____ pes planus foot type.
If I find this guy I'm going to glue his car window SHUT!
There is bullous lichen planus which are blisters that generally appear on the lower legs.
Subject: There is bullous lichen planus which are blisters that generally appear on the lower legs.