Stat report help!!
Posted By: Thanks! on 2006-08-31
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Subject: Stat report help!!
Her belly is soft. She still has her ____ lines and there is mild hepatomegaly.
Obviously, a PE. It s/l UVIDUA lines???? She's got a bunch of heart problems and has had heart surgery, but this appears to be in the abdominal exam?! I'm lost!
Thanks a bunch!
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This is a 63-year-old man with congestive heart failure secondary to sounds like Chavez disease? Any clues?
STAT report-need help!
Subject: STAT report-need help!
upon arrival, the patient was noted to have received a significant amount of s/l suctional choline? (FYI, unresponsive, hypothermic, hypotensive, bradycardic)
Oh thank you so very much - stat report
Subject: Oh thank you so very much - stat report
s/l Toridis. Help please, this is a STAT report
Subject: s/l Toridis. Help please, this is a STAT report
.....presenting to the emergency room with an acute abdomen and evidence of perforation. Exploratory laparoscopy demonstrated radiatition and TORIDIS and she required an extended small bowel resection
STAT report, Need a lab abbreviation, not very clear on
Subject: STAT report, Need a lab abbreviation, not very clear on
Dr. is dictating about "a pathological fracture of the humerus, right - probable colon cancer, metastatic disease."
He then goes on to say, "I do not believe that the patient has had any bone scans. The first film that the patient has had of his humerus was post-fracture. Putting the pieces together, the patient has an elevated <INC 00:04:33> "s/l CDA? CdA" to 616.
I am not sure about CDA, it might be CBA, CVA (which I do not think that it is). I cannot find this anywhere, not even in my oncology Stedman's.
well I could have but I was in the middle of a stat report so I had to be quick. nm
Subject: well I could have but I was in the middle of a stat report so I had to be quick. nm
Is it D-stat or T-stat used in a pulse generator surgery?. TIA. nm
Subject: Is it D-stat or T-stat used in a pulse generator surgery?. TIA. nm
STAT help please
Subject: STAT help please
Right atrial pressure was 13, RV pressure 47/14, PA pressure was 47/22, with a mean of 34, with a wedge of 25. LV "DP" was 118/23. The DP is what I am concerned about. I cannot verify DP, VP, BP one way or another. DP is what it sounds like, but again I cannot find this for sure.
Thank you!
Help Please! STAT
Subject: Help Please! STAT
Does anybody know how you transcribe magnification of 30? I need help ASAP.
it is something stat
Subject: it is something stat
it is something before stat, but i slowed it down and it sounds like an "n" starts the word and then an "m" is in the middle. do you think it could be OT stat? thanks for your help!!
Lab Help: s/l I-STAT 8
Subject: Lab Help: s/l I-STAT 8
Under labs, dictator says, repeat I-STAT8. What is he do I type this?
stat UA and hCG
Subject: stat UA and hCG
I was just wondering how do you transcribe stat? with an all caps STAT or just stat? I am finding it both ways in google. hope someone can help. thanks.
It is stat according to BOS-2. nm
Subject: It is stat according to BOS-2. nm
Subject: stat
According to the English dictionary, it is typed in lowercase letters.
O2 stat is 91% on room air
Subject: O2 stat is 91% on room air
stat. blood
Subject: stat. blood
We will check a chest x-ray, stat. blood work including a CBC and a pro time today.
This is under assessment, so I need to spell it out.
Help!! The pt wakes up coughing up blood.
stat blood
Subject: stat blood
If you are questioning the word "stat", I would just type it as stat with no period after it.
Found D-Stat. sm
Subject: Found D-Stat. sm
yes if it was ordered stat
Subject: yes if it was ordered stat
s/l stat pack
Subject: s/l stat pack
in hernia repair
he says "secured laterally with s/l stat pack and then the anterior mesh...."
s/l super STAT sm
Subject: s/l super STAT sm
Sinus congestion, sore throat, questionable fever, some allergies.
Diagnosis: Upper respiratory infection.
Continue Allegra, use s/l super STAT or superstatin. Given amoxicillin 500 mg.
STAT and profiles...HELP!
Subject: STAT and profiles...HELP!
ASSESSMENT 1. Type 2 diabetes mellitus. 2. Hypertension. 3. Relative hyperlipidemia for a diabetic patient.
PLAN [s/l STAT and profile], PSA and hemoglobin A1c will all be checked. Follow up in 4 months, soon if problems arise.
A few words PLEASE!! Stat!
Subject: A few words PLEASE!! Stat!
Horrible audio and hurrying through dictation like a speed demon...Plinsky clamp? Tinsky? Other one sounds like Plintzbaum. This is a liver transplant. Thanks for any help with this guy. I think he might be sick, too, with a bad cold or something.
Ortho help - Need STAT. Thanks!
Subject: Ortho help - Need STAT. Thanks!
Patient is having L4-L5 lumbar reconstruction. MD says patient will be protected with a "s/l leg-in brace" following surgery.
The -stat is clearer than the nia-.
Subject: The -stat is clearer than the nia-.
"emergency stat lytes"
Subject: "emergency stat lytes"
Is there such a word as lytes? This is regarding lab work. Also, should stat be capitalized? Thanks in advance for any help.
"emergency stat electrolytes" sm
Subject: "emergency stat electrolytes" sm
isn't it redundant to say emergency stat
Subject: isn't it redundant to say emergency stat
D-Stat dry hemostatic bandage
Subject: D-Stat dry hemostatic bandage
I went ahead and sent it with a blank. It was STAT. Thanks-
Subject: I went ahead and sent it with a blank. It was STAT. Thanks-
i-STAT CHEM 8 is what I have been seeing. See link
Subject: i-STAT CHEM 8 is what I have been seeing. See link
help transcribing measurement STAT
Subject: help transcribing measurement STAT
I know that I know this somewhere in my head, but I can't think of it to save my life
How do I transcribe "twelve one-hundreths of an inch"?
Also a T-Stat microvascular tissue oximeter
Subject: Also a T-Stat microvascular tissue oximeter
this is used to test for ischemia.
Does *stat* hemoglobin A1C make sense?
Subject: Does *stat* hemoglobin A1C make sense?
Doc dictates: Laboratory evaluation: s/l stat hemoglobin A1C 6.5% ... and then goes on to dictate rest of laboratory results.
found it STAT TACK ty for lookin nm
Subject: found it STAT TACK ty for lookin nm
stat request - s/l Dacon's wet-to-dry dressing changes n/m
Subject: stat request - s/l Dacon's wet-to-dry dressing changes n/m
pH is part of the i-STAT test, so I guess it would be
Subject: pH is part of the i-STAT test, so I guess it would be
Do admission orders need to be expanded? eg. C&S, CBC, STAT
Subject: Do admission orders need to be expanded? eg. C&S, CBC, STAT
Thanks for your help.
O2 sat, not stat. It stands for saturation as this poster stated.
Subject: O2 sat, not stat. It stands for saturation as this poster stated.
Doing stat, in neuro part, negative s/l Chasvek
Subject: Doing stat, in neuro part, negative s/l Chasvek
sign, TIA
Thanks. I think he is saying stat dose really fast so it sounds like statos. nm
Subject: Thanks. I think he is saying stat dose really fast so it sounds like statos. nm
penile biopsy-chronic inflam. & stat post s/l hidas ?
Subject: penile biopsy-chronic inflam. & stat post s/l hidas ?
According to Roget's Thesaurus "extremity testing: situation, position, locality, locale, stat
Subject: According to Roget's Thesaurus "extremity testing: situation, position, locality, locale, statusl, latitude, longitude; footing, standing, standpoint, post; stage; aspect,..."
EKG report
Subject: EKG report
"No weeshnoblomotion abnormalities are identified." What is that word?
thanks everyone. One more report and then I am going to bed.
Subject: thanks everyone. One more report and then I am going to bed.
nothing more to add about the report unless
Subject: nothing more to add about the report unless
the patient had an implanted pacemaker which is not eluded to here. Just a note, adenosine is not capitalized except to start a sentence.
Maybe you will hear something back.
Sorry, same report...
Subject: Sorry, same report...
"CPK and _______ were negative" s/l intraconals??
Still on the pulmonologist's report...
EEG report
Subject: EEG report
Anyone ever heard of an EEG performed on a Nikon Codon machine? Thanks.
just sent the report on.........nm
Subject: just sent the report on.........nm
op report sm
Subject: op report sm
What kind of surgery is it? If he used "lap" laparotomy pads may be the second one. They usually say sponge, needle and instrument counts. Will keep thinking on this one. Type of surgery would help.
You don't say where in the report -- sm
Subject: You don't say where in the report -- sm
this is given, or any other context, so I have to wonder if this isn't a problem list perhaps giving more than one diagnosis/problem here (as in (1) portosystemic shunt and (2) nephrolithiasis)...
Just a thought