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Sounds like Omaya Port?

Posted By: Help? on 2005-09-19
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Subject: Sounds like Omaya Port?

Thanks in advance.

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There is an Omaya shunt (reservoir)
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Whis is correct?: Port-A-Cath, port-a-cath or portacath
Subject: Whis is correct?: Port-A-Cath, port-a-cath or portacath

E. port (for exhalation port??) maybe???
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PORT-A-CATH� is on company site, I usually use Port-A-Cath
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i believe it would be port.
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Subject: Port

Is the dictator possibly just saying "Port" as a caption (i.e. Port: Right IJ single-lumen power port)?
Subject: Port

Maybe saying... right site position meaning port site. It sounds like there is already a port site and doc is placing an "additional" port. ??
(s/l husan) port was placed.nm
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Have fun!
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s/l port score
Has anyone every heard of what s/l "port score" as in lower lobe infiltrate with a port score of... thanks.
PORT score
Subject: PORT score


s/l port score
Subject: s/l port score

Thanks so much!
Subject: Port-a-Cath

left subclavian s/l Vacsill Port-a-Cath
s/l amayo port help
Subject: s/l amayo port help

Patient having this s/l amayo or mio port put in to admin methotrexate.


help, I'm really stuck



Infus-A-Port? nm
Subject: Infus-A-Port? nm

Subject: Infuse-a-Port

PICC line
Subject: Port-A-Cath?

s/l apple port
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s/l apple port was placed in the midline suprapubically. Procedure is laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy. Thanks.
Apple port
Subject: Apple port

Actually was Apple port. Made by Apple Medical. Thanks.
Port Authority
Subject: Port Authority

port scissors?
Subject: port scissors?

The radial artery was clamped proximally and distally and a longitudinal arteriotomy was performed with a #11 blade.  This was extended proximally and distally with port? scissors. 


This is an ESL..he may be saying Pott scissors, Pollack scissors? port scissors? 

Subject: port-a-cath

Insertion of Power Port-a-Cath via the left subclavian vein using C-arm imaging. 

Should Power be capitalized or not? Cant tell if that is part of the cath name or what?  

Chemo-Port? nm
Subject: Chemo-Port? nm

port-a-catheter? tks. nm
Subject: port-a-catheter? tks. nm


No, it's Port-A-Cath
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Port Score??
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"Port score of "

______ port sleeve
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some kind of lumen port? nm
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apple port for cholecystectomy? nm
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large s/l pore IV or port?....nm
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"An additional" port was placed.....
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VersaView surgical port? sm
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All the VersaView I get is for computer and ethernet connections. Is he confused?
I would think it would be without burying the port (I would assume they would want to keep it so it
Subject: I would think it would be without burying the port (I would assume they would want to keep it so it can be accessed and not buried)?

SL busy port technique (gyn) nm.
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Possibly infusion port? nm
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got it: port-A catheter (i hope) nm
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Dextrous hand port?
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dictating a laparoscopic hemicolectomy, s/l Dextrous hand port?
Stedman's also has Port-A-Cath.
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The patient had port catheter placement. It was not an easy access surgery and it was placed via a left internal jugular approach and even the initial film showed it curling at the
s/l juxta??? juctious??? subclavian vein with the tip either in the superior vena cava or in an azygous branch.

Can't quite make out what he is saying there. Anyone have an idea? TIA.
ever heard of a port being infected with lice???
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S/l tack catheter (Port-A-Cath)..
Subject: S/l tack catheter (Port-A-Cath)..

MD says: The s/l tack catheter was then tunneled. 


Also says:  Catheter was sutured using a Witzel tunnel suture to prevent rotation s/l of ovulus.


Any ideas?  Thanks.

I think it is Power Port-A-Cath (see link)
Subject: I think it is Power Port-A-Cath (see link)

This is all I could find:
Maybe Infuse-A-Port catheter? It is used for chemo. nm
Subject: Maybe Infuse-A-Port catheter? It is used for chemo. nm

Probably Port-a-Cath induced thrombosis......
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s/l rent in the skin over the port site
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sounds like "rent."  Have googled and can't find anything.  Thanks!
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