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Pt with suspected mono. sm

Posted By: jan on 2008-03-20
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Subject: Pt with suspected mono. sm

Ordered CBC with differential, CMP, peripheral smear s/l review and Monospot. TIA

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Subject: Suspected?

ab x-ray: a 4.0-mm right pelvic *platelet* is suspected. nm
Subject: ab x-ray: a 4.0-mm right pelvic *platelet* is suspected. nm

mono with CMV
Subject: mono with CMV

patient says she has had mono and s/l CNB or CMB or C&B
Subject: patient says she has had mono and s/l CNB or CMB or C&B

mono words
Subject: mono words

Yes, it could!
maybe mono crisis
Subject: maybe mono crisis

Maybe he is saying sickle cell with mono (as in monocytic) crisis, and admitted for a crisis in 2005.

mono scan

Does this sentence make sense?

Left shoulder also shows some spurring and the lumbar spine x-ray and the �mono� scan shows multilevel facet arthropathy disc disease with bulging.


Mono scan
Subject: Mono scan

PET scans are used to track monostatic disease in Paget's disease.  Does the pt. have a hx of Paget's disease?  Maybe the doc is talking in tongues. LOL  They love to abbreviate their dictation in imaging studies.
s/l mono fund testing
Subject: s/l mono fund testing

Normal range of motion.  She has normal 'mono fund' testing. 
mono....ventricular tachycardia
Subject: mono....ventricular tachycardia

That's monomorphic ventricular tachycardia.  Have a good evening.
mono heart murmur?
Subject: mono heart murmur?

A report came back with:  mono heart murmur; cannot find in google or my Steman's cardio book..  Wondering whether to enter this in my expander.  Any feedback appreciated.


S/l "six-mono-asteo" morphine?
Subject: S/l "six-mono-asteo" morphine?

The patient was found unconscious and brought to the hospital:

"She was positive for opiates on her screen and negative for (s/l six-mono-asteo) morphine. She had an elevated QTC and an elevated amitriptyline level"

Thanks in advance for any help
sl monkey mono spotted fever
Subject: sl monkey mono spotted fever

It is listed in the past medical history of a woman with all kinds of heart and respiratory issues.  At least I got a laugh out of it.  Any ideas?
now I can hear something like mono ______ acid chemocautery.
Subject: now I can hear something like mono ______ acid chemocautery.

Yes, mono spot, short for mononucleosis spot test...nm
Subject: Yes, mono spot, short for mononucleosis spot test...nm
