Pt placed on a maintenance fluid of D5 � NS plus 20 of K. How to type? sm
Posted By: grace on 2007-10-26
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Subject: Pt placed on a maintenance fluid of D5 � NS plus 20 of K. How to type? sm
she was given a bolus of normal saline of 1000 cc�s and then placed on a maintenance fluid of D5 � NS plus 20 of K to help support her in the first 24 hours of detox.
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Type of fluid
Subject: Type of fluid
Under sterile precautions, attempt was made to aspirate the joint but it only gave up about 2 cc of ______ fluid.
This was removed from an ankle. I don't know if the doctor got tongue tied or what, but it sounds like he's say "gerary" fluid. Any guesses?
ophthamology - air fluid gas exchange - anybody know how to type this?
Subject: ophthamology - air fluid gas exchange - anybody know how to type this?
could he be saying maintenance in the
Subject: could he be saying maintenance in the
congruence of joint?
You install drywall, not fluid. Fluid is instilled. nm
Subject: You install drywall, not fluid. Fluid is instilled. nm
aqueous fluid . Fluid gets blocked with glaucoma. nm
Subject: aqueous fluid . Fluid gets blocked with glaucoma. nm
a chemotherapy drug for colon cancer taken with maintenance
Subject: a chemotherapy drug for colon cancer taken with maintenance
LV5FU2 plus __________ s/l vevisusmab? revisusmab? rebevisusna? anything sound close???
X-rays reviewed that show maintenance of alignment and fixation, and progressive signs of healing sm
Subject: X-rays reviewed that show maintenance of alignment and fixation, and progressive signs of healing sm
now on three out of four s/l cordices. Thanks!
Subject: fluid
IV fluid/ESL/help
Subject: IV fluid/ESL/help
The patient has tube feeds, uti acute gastric tract, & dehydration. She was continued on IV fluids. Doctor says the IV fluids are called~~~S/L cit-twin-flagyn??
IV fluid help.
Subject: IV fluid help.
This patient is elderly and has stopped eating for a couple of days. Doctor says what s/l "will give him IV fluid, normal saline with 10 of K at 100 an hour over the next 24 hours." (Assume K is potassium?)Does this sound correct? I'm not too familiar with this kind of stuff. Thanks.
62 cc of fluid
Subject: 62 cc of fluid
full fluid WBC
Subject: full fluid WBC
Urinalysis: Positive nitrite with large leukocytes, "full fluid" WBC.
Just a WAG, maybe ______ fluid (nm)
Subject: Just a WAG, maybe ______ fluid (nm)
ascitic fluid?
Subject: ascitic fluid?
Are you talking about ascitic fluid, as in ascites?
Also acidotic fluid
Subject: Also acidotic fluid
I usually use ascitic for ascites, i.e., carcinoma
its "something" fluid
Subject: its "something" fluid
air-fluid level nm
Subject: air-fluid level nm
fluid was aspirated. nm
Subject: fluid was aspirated. nm
serosanquineous fluid?? nm
Subject: serosanquineous fluid?? nm
500 ml of S-PEN ? (some kind of iv fluid?)
Subject: 500 ml of S-PEN ? (some kind of iv fluid?)
installation of the fluid. nm
Subject: installation of the fluid. nm
Perigallbladder fluid?
Subject: Perigallbladder fluid?
Physician dictated perigallbladder fluid. . .should this be changed to pericholecystic fluid?
cc's versus ccs of fluid?
Subject: cc's versus ccs of fluid?
It is air-fluid gas exchange
Subject: It is air-fluid gas exchange
Does he say fluid before collection?
Subject: Does he say fluid before collection?
That would make more sense and would be typed fluid collection, swelling. Could be he just omitted that word.
excess fluid maybe? n/m
Subject: excess fluid maybe? n/m
fluid draining?
Subject: fluid draining?
yes, good fluid ROM sm
Subject: yes, good fluid ROM sm
fluid in this case meaning:
3 : showing a smooth easy style *fluid movements*
oooop yes should be ml of fluid
Subject: oooop yes should be ml of fluid
s/l acrus fluid [eye]
Subject: s/l acrus fluid [eye]
The pressure was brought down with topical antiglaucoma medication and release of some ____ fluid.
I've looked up acrus, acris, acrous, ecrus, etc., but I haven't been able to confirm anything. Any help is greatly appreciated!
aqueous fluid
Subject: aqueous fluid
The clear, watery fluid circulating in the chamber of the eye between the cornea and the lens
How about bursitic fluid?
Subject: How about bursitic fluid?
Would that be bursal fluid?
serous fluid
Subject: serous fluid
dullness and fluid wave nm
Subject: dullness and fluid wave nm
given a liter and a half of fluid.
Subject: given a liter and a half of fluid.
given a liter and a half of fluid.
maybe FEN for fluid, electrolytes, nutrition....
Subject: maybe FEN for fluid, electrolytes, nutrition....
then giving electrolyte values.
Possibly synovial fluid?
Subject: Possibly synovial fluid?
fibrocystic and fluid filled?
Subject: fibrocystic and fluid filled?
s/l loculative fluid accumulation. nm
Subject: s/l loculative fluid accumulation. nm
may be loculated fluid accummulation
Subject: may be loculated fluid accummulation
could it possibly be SRF (subretinal fluid)?
Subject: could it possibly be SRF (subretinal fluid)?
Looking for a fluid replacement s/l "Hex Am" (nm)
Subject: Looking for a fluid replacement s/l "Hex Am" (nm)
They usually do this during vitrectomies, but it would be as you have it, air fluid gas exchange
Subject: They usually do this during vitrectomies, but it would be as you have it, air fluid gas exchange
air fluid level w/o hyphen
Subject: air fluid level w/o hyphen
I type eye vitrectomies also and my dictators want air-fluid gas exchange and air fluid level w/o hyphen.
Fluid wave is good
Subject: Fluid wave is good
I worked for a group of ENT docs for 20 years.
clear spinal fluid
Subject: clear spinal fluid
This is the fluid that runs out of a carcass or
Subject: This is the fluid that runs out of a carcass or
meat when thawing. Don't think I would want one of those!!!!!!
Fluid accumulative rales?
Subject: Fluid accumulative rales?
I don't hear fluid - there's an "R" sound nm
Subject: I don't hear fluid - there's an "R" sound nm
fluid arrabiting cytoxine?
Subject: fluid arrabiting cytoxine?
This is for a patient who had a radical prostatectomy and was treated with Rituxan and what sounds like fluid arrabating cytoxan? Any ideas?
synovial fluid is my first thought. nm
Subject: synovial fluid is my first thought. nm