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Prophylactic antibiotic (s/l) ins-act-tim and clindamycin

Posted By: Please Help on 2005-09-09
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Subject: Prophylactic antibiotic (s/l) ins-act-tim and clindamycin

Thank you in advance.

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Cleocin - prophylactic antibiotic
Subject: Cleocin - prophylactic antibiotic

So sorry-it was clindamycin
Subject: So sorry-it was clindamycin

It sure sounded like "corn dye" the first time. 
BenzaClin is a combo with that and clindamycin? sm
Subject: BenzaClin is a combo with that and clindamycin? sm

Why Choose BenzaClin�?

BenzaClin� is an acne product you can get with a doctor's prescription. ... More prescriptions are written for BenzaClin� than any other combination acne ...
www.benzaclin.com/aboutbenz/Choose.jsp - 19k - Cached - Similar pages

maybe means clindamycin, dexamethasone and B12
Subject: maybe means clindamycin, dexamethasone and B12

s/l witch's brew solution referring to clindamycin. Thanks. NM
Subject: s/l witch's brew solution referring to clindamycin. Thanks. NM


pt w/ dental abscess and seborrheic dermatitis "treated w/ clindamycin, Vicodin, and s/l desoin&#
Subject: pt w/ dental abscess and seborrheic dermatitis "treated w/ clindamycin, Vicodin, and s/l desoin"- nm

Anybody, need help with antibiotic
Subject: Anybody, need help with antibiotic

Sounds like:  Tie-go-Seal
Subject: antibiotic

cephalexin is an antibiotic - maybe its that
Subject: antibiotic

He may be saying cefazolin?
could it be antibiotic?-nm
Subject: could it be antibiotic?-nm

I.V. antibiotic?
Subject: I.V. antibiotic?

patient treated with 7 days of I.V. antibiotic--sounds like Unifen?  Tape quality terrible! Help!

Subject: antibiotic

Maybe Ticarcillin????? just guessing
Is this a new antibiotic?
Subject: Is this a new antibiotic?

Dictation sounds like "Zygris" or similar but found no med on drugs.com when I attempted several possible spellings.  Patient dx with MRSA, if that helps.  TIA. 
maybe just IV antibiotic course
Subject: maybe just IV antibiotic course

Subject: antibiotic

It is Colomycin
Subject: Antibiotic

The patient was on Keflex, Bactrim, s/l gentobra.  TIA.
sounds like "Cubesine"... can't find anything!  Thanks~!
Subject: antibiotic

Urine culture showed susceptibility to Amikacin and s/l PEPTEEGO
Doxymycin? - an antibiotic
Subject: Doxymycin? - an antibiotic

Diflucan is not an antibiotic, so
Subject: Diflucan is not an antibiotic, so

are you sure you have the right drug name? Diflucan is a powerful antifungal. What is the baby being treated for? Diflucan comes as a 50-mg tab and a 100-mg tab. It can also be put in an IV. Does any of this information help you?
Correct, which is not an antibiotic. (nm)
Subject: Correct, which is not an antibiotic. (nm)

try amikacin (antibiotic)
Subject: try amikacin (antibiotic)

Could first one be Lorabid (antibiotic)?
Subject: Could first one be Lorabid (antibiotic)?

Try Rifampin (antibiotic)
Subject: Try Rifampin (antibiotic)

Levaquin (antibiotic)
Subject: Levaquin (antibiotic)

Antibiotic s/l astrianam? TIA!
Subject: Antibiotic s/l astrianam? TIA!

Vanco is an antibiotic.
Subject: Vanco is an antibiotic.

These are not pain meds.  These are antibiotics.  "cillin" would be a great clue for the future to know that you are pretty much dealing with antibiotics.  Sometimes it seems you have to look at the whole picture.    
an antibiotic s/l levamax
Subject: an antibiotic s/l levamax

sounds like ''levamax or levomax''--cannot find.  Thanks for any help.
Norcaine antibiotic?
Subject: Norcaine antibiotic?

Anyone hear of a Norcaine antibiotic used during surgery?  I can't find it in my drug index.  Googled it and found Norcaine with and without the E.  Thanks.
s/l IV antibiotic Unison
Subject: s/l IV antibiotic Unison

Maybe Biaxin, an antibiotic.
Subject: Maybe Biaxin, an antibiotic.

Could it be antibiotic solution?
Subject: Could it be antibiotic solution?

May be Ceclor? an antibiotic
Subject: May be Ceclor? an antibiotic

To reduce the development of drug-resistant bacteria and maintain the effectiveness of Ceclor and other antibacterial drugs, Ceclor should be used only to treat or prevent infections that are proven or strongly suspected to be caused by bacteria.

Rophamten? (antibiotic) nm
Subject: Rophamten? (antibiotic) nm

Colomysin is an antibiotic - nm
Subject: Colomysin is an antibiotic - nm

s/l stratogenic antibiotic
Subject: s/l stratogenic antibiotic

This patient had an elective abortion because she was on birth control pills and s/l stratogenic antibiotic when she became pregnant.
Type of antibiotic?
Subject: Type of antibiotic?

...vancomycin resistant Enterococcus urinary infection for which she had s/l lonazolate 
Help with name of an antibiotic that s/o cavacin
Subject: Help with name of an antibiotic that s/o cavacin

She was on intravenous _____ and is now on oral minocycline for her infection due to severe vancomycin allergy.  (Kavicin, Cavicin, ????? stumped).  Thanks.
ertapenem (antibiotic) nm
Subject: ertapenem (antibiotic) nm

possible antibiotic s/l unisyn
Subject: possible antibiotic s/l unisyn

Yes. It is laxative and antibiotic. sm
Subject: Yes. It is laxative and antibiotic. sm

Also known as Nichols/Condon bowel prep. As per my old GI/GU. I had heard of it years ago but did not know they still used it.
antibiotic s/l re-neel-so lid
Subject: antibiotic s/l re-neel-so lid

Merrem. An antibiotic..
Subject: Merrem. An antibiotic..

It is a brand name for meropenem.
there's cloxacillin but that's an antibiotic
Subject: there's cloxacillin but that's an antibiotic

Subject: cefepime-antibiotic

Noroxin is an antibiotic...could that be it?
Subject: Noroxin is an antibiotic...could that be it?

If the patient is being treated with antibiotics, perhaps he's saying Noroxin.

Sorry I couldn't be more helpful!
Subject: Ivanaz-antibiotic

antibiotic or antifungal?
Subject: antibiotic or antifungal?

He was on both bacterial and fungal coverage and was on Zosyn, linezolid, Levaquin, s/o Oraxis, and voriconazole.
octreotide (it's generic) is not an antibiotic. nm
Subject: octreotide (it's generic) is not an antibiotic. nm

You know an antibiotic could cause thrush, not treat it, right? (nm)
Subject: You know an antibiotic could cause thrush, not treat it, right? (nm)

I see an antibiotic called AKTob nm
Subject: I see an antibiotic called AKTob nm