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Podiatrist says performed an excision of a s/l "poracatoma."

Posted By: CheerLady on 2008-10-29
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Subject: Podiatrist says performed an excision of a s/l "poracatoma."


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She had a definitive s/l blide local excision performed.
Subject: She had a definitive s/l blide local excision performed.

In a patient with vaginal melanoma.  Any suggestions?
Subject: word-podiatrist

Doc is saying- on Dermatological:

There is no SL "ruberon"  dependency

evidence ____ dependency but no evidence of calf pain or deep vein thrombosis

podiatrist speaking PARIOSALIVATOR?
Subject: podiatrist speaking PARIOSALIVATOR?

borders of the right great toenail were freed from their underlying attachments to the nailbed with a  S/L PARIOSALIVATOR.. 

Any help - please? 

Dr. Smelsey, podiatrist in Detroit area
Subject: Dr. Smelsey, podiatrist in Detroit area

*oscopy was performed. ??
Subject: *oscopy was performed. ??

The beginning of this word is cut off.  All I can hear is "oscopy" was performed that showed internal hemorrhoids. 

Would this be "endoscopy"  ??  Any help appreciated!

"Y" excision of melanoma?
Subject: "Y" excision of melanoma?

Anyone heard of this?  Sounds like "Y" excision, but I can't find it.



Sure this is not the name of the facility performed at?
Subject: Sure this is not the name of the facility performed at?

MRI at Open Imaging of Redwood?
Lipoma excision
Subject: Lipoma excision

This is what the doc dictates, though I'm not sure about the word lips, do you think this is right? It is a posterior thigh lipoma that is being excised.


a transverse curvilinear lips of skin was excised. 


Thanks for any help.


Subject: excision-debridment

That's right. It's in AMA CPT mannual. CPT code 11012 is excision-debridment skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, muscle, and bone.
Excision of lipoma
Subject: Excision of lipoma

Dictated it sounds like this "The HCC is 0 sanguinoma removed from the lipoma site without evidence of any infection."


Any ideas on the 0 sanguinoma?  


Thank you, 

Procedures... would these be performed by MD or DDS?
Subject: Procedures... would these be performed by MD or DDS?

Cricopharyngeal myotomy and swallowing study.

says pt was taken to the or for excision arthroplasty
Subject: says pt was taken to the or for excision arthroplasty

placement of antibiotic s/l latent, weighted? spacer.


s/l pan-cystoscopy was performed
Subject: s/l pan-cystoscopy was performed

I've never had a prefix added to cystoscopy.  Does this make sense?
OP scalp excision.
Subject: OP scalp excision.

Pre and postoperative diagnosis is Two ??_______ of scalp. It sounds like it starts with a W. The operation is excision of these two things. A small incision is made over each one and they are extracted. s/l maybe wins or wans.


could be tangential excision....nm
Subject: could be tangential excision....nm

excision of diverticulum
Subject: excision of diverticulum

for the colitis patient has
Do you have the name of the procedure performed?
Subject: Do you have the name of the procedure performed?

He says it as the procedure performed
Subject: He says it as the procedure performed

"Port: Right IJ single-lumen power port."

Stuff like this makes me look bad and also paranoid.  The suits only look at QA scores, that type of thing, and never how crappy the report was. 

It's just one of those nights.

Thanks so much...

s/l dermatonoma excision
Subject: s/l dermatonoma excision

Doctor says under surgery:  status post (s/l dermatonoma excision) but I can't find anything on Google or my books.  Any advice or suggestions would be great.
Maybe ....laser excision? n/m
Subject: Maybe ....laser excision? n/m

maybe interphalangeal (joint) excision?...
Subject: maybe interphalangeal (joint) excision?...

s/l "boris" triangel excision
Subject: s/l "boris" triangel excision

I think it's Burow's triangle excision
Subject: I think it's Burow's triangle excision

Can you hear "wide" excision?
Subject: Can you hear "wide" excision?

As the type of operation being performed
Subject: As the type of operation being performed

Debridement of nonunion, right distal femur with bone grafting (cancellous chips allograft and INFUSE BMP bone grafting).

I am asking because I found it 3 different ways and thus my confusion.
mammiwire??? localization and excision.
Subject: mammiwire??? localization and excision.

The patient has papilloma of the right breast.  Mammiwire? is the type of procedure being performed.  Thanks
A cardiac cath is usually performed
Subject: A cardiac cath is usually performed

through the femoral artery that runs past the knees. 
L4-5 far lateral disk excision
Subject: L4-5 far lateral disk excision

sounds like widens excision
Subject: sounds like widens excision

Wide (local) excision
Subject: Wide (local) excision

to excise a cancerous lesion on the nose?

Maybe pending as in ordered, but not yet performed?
Subject: Maybe pending as in ordered, but not yet performed?

May we have the sentence please and the procedure being performed?
Subject: May we have the sentence please and the procedure being performed?

s/l onblock excision...see full...
Subject: s/l onblock excision...see full...

...where she underwent an (on block excision) with release of the long toe extensor and pinning of the joint along with irrigation of debridement...
Is this performed on a baby or an adult?
Subject: Is this performed on a baby or an adult?

re: urinalysis..."long dip was performed"
Subject: re: urinalysis..."long dip was performed"

She is saying "s/l long dip was performed and showed a pH of 7.5. 

I can't reference "long dip".  Is this what she is saying??  Thanks in advance!

also, could it be "was performed on the RIGHT" (not 'on the side') ?? nm
Subject: also, could it be "was performed on the RIGHT" (not 'on the side') ?? nm

Cervical spine fusions performed with...
Subject: Cervical spine fusions performed with...

allograft, autograft and s/l metal graft.  Yes?  TIA!
He would like resection performed with s/l attempted margins. SM
Subject: He would like resection performed with s/l attempted margins. SM

He has a squamous cell carcinoma of the thumb.  Thanks guys!!!


Just not sure if this is correct.

Is it excision of ulcer and tract or track?....nm
Subject: Is it excision of ulcer and tract or track?....nm

s/l more than 100,000 epinephrine and s/l mose type excision
Subject: s/l more than 100,000 epinephrine and s/l mose type excision

excision of a basal cell carcinoma on the left cheek just below the eyelid.

After prepping the area with alcohol and infiltration with 1% Xylocaine with s/l more than 100,000 epinephrine, s/l a mose-type excision with a 15-blade was done.

s/l tanjestal excision (its for a burnt hand)
Subject: s/l tanjestal excision (its for a burnt hand)

probably surgical excision of (can't figure ot the rest)
Subject: probably surgical excision of (can't figure ot the rest)

s/l maybe "velga" neuroma excision - 2nd and 3rd toes nm
Subject: s/l maybe "velga" neuroma excision - 2nd and 3rd toes nm

excision of a complex _____ mesh, s/l "septoveral"

Any ideas?  Sounds like "sleptovery", "septoveral",

open repair of incisional hernia with mesh, as well as a repair of serosal tear after excision of a complex _____ mesh


s/l *superglyficate* adenopathy... also excision and * lome* of breast...
Subject: s/l *superglyficate* adenopathy... also excision and * lome* of breast...

Elderly woman 3 years status post breast carcinoma and mastectomy.

Healthy breast inspected and no *superglyficate* or axillary adenopathy.

Three years post diagnosis of small, localized breast carcinoma for which she underwent excision and *lome*.



Cotton test?? performed under floroscopy? doing ORIF
Subject: Cotton test?? performed under floroscopy? doing ORIF

Pulse oximetry to be performed by "aprax air", because this can be done at home. nm
Subject: Pulse oximetry to be performed by "aprax air", because this can be done at home. nm

Patient is status post melanoma excision s/l....
Subject: Patient is status post melanoma excision s/l....

Past medical history is significant for melanoma. She has had surgery in September for this s/l "essential" excision of melanoma from her right lower extremity.
distal exam was then performed, s/l medial apparent?
Subject: distal exam was then performed, s/l medial apparent?

CT scan was performed and showed a 1-x-4-mm kidney stone SM
Subject: CT scan was performed and showed a 1-x-4-mm kidney stone SM

in the bladder with mild s/l "apney" of the ureter.
s/l linspole mass excision on bilateral hands.
Subject: s/l linspole mass excision on bilateral hands.

DIAGNOSIS: Rheumatoid arthritis.

STATUS: Post surgery on 11/19/08 consisting of s/l linspole mass excisions on bilateral hands.

SUBJECTIVE: The patient is doing well today. She is just here for a s/l beeni change.