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Past pointing. NM

Posted By: MTDays on 2008-03-26
In Reply to: Okay. Got the Nylan-Barnay maneuver. - sh

Subject: Past pointing. NM

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that was a typo on my part. Thanks for pointing it out though! :-)
Subject: that was a typo on my part. Thanks for pointing it out though! :-)

Pointing is correct. If they incise and
Subject: Pointing is correct. If they incise and

drain, they will do over the area of pointing. 

Ah, ya got me before my coffee kicked in. Thanks for pointing this out SO nicely. :) nm
Subject: Ah, ya got me before my coffee kicked in. Thanks for pointing this out SO nicely. :) nm

Yes, This should place the patient's head in the sniffing position with the nose pointing up. ...
Subject: Yes, This should place the patient's head in the sniffing position with the nose pointing up. ...

Exam of the left hand reveals a 0.5 x 0.5 cm area of s/l pointing along the proximal phalanx to sm
Subject: Exam of the left hand reveals a 0.5 x 0.5 cm area of s/l pointing along the proximal phalanx to sm

the 5th finger on the palmar surface. Thanks for any help.

past four day's
Subject: past four day's

Recast and say "past four days." If you must have duration, it would be "four days'" as it's a plural possessive.
Subject: past

I have gotten this in the past too...sm
Subject: I have gotten this in the past too...sm

I justed typed perivascular exam. I hope it was right :)
past tense of I & D (I & D'd?)
Subject: past tense of I & D (I & D'd?)

doc says ...four years ago. It was I & D'd at that time.
I can't seem to past a new question sometimes, SM
Subject: I can't seem to past a new question sometimes, SM

I get an error message, so I have to post under another post????
I have had this problem in the past, as well--sm
Subject: I have had this problem in the past, as well--sm

and if you want to continue your investigation, if you delete the header on page 2, it will still carry over to page 3, so you have to delete on all subsequent pages. Personally, I really dislike that feature. I do not have an answer for that one. It is a formatting question and perhaps someone else with more formatting knowledge might help you. good luck.
Pt had atrial fib and s/l MAT in the past........TIA! nm
Subject: Pt had atrial fib and s/l MAT in the past........TIA! nm

passed or past?
Subject: passed or past?

she seems obsessed with that. She cannot get (passed or past) that episode.

Yes - Thank you. Couldn't get past the "v".
Subject: Yes - Thank you. Couldn't get past the "v".

In past medical hx Telagintafluveum
Subject: In past medical hx Telagintafluveum

Past medial history
Subject: Past medial history

The patient is admitted from the clinic where CT visuals showed recurrence of the disease.

I'm not sure if that's what the doctor is saying. Does it sound right?

Past social history
Subject: Past social history

When typing amount of cigarettes, is three-quarters a pack a day correct or would you use numerals?

Past medical history
Subject: Past medical history

Under history of present illness he has that the patient has a history of IV drug abuse.


Could that be what he's saying? Thanks.

under past medical history...
Subject: under past medical history...

Past medical history
Subject: Past medical history

Surgeries: Small bowel obstruction, THA/BA for cholecystectomy.

I'm not sure if he said BA or BA with another letter on the end. Help! Thanks.

since he "laid" down -- past tense (sm)
Subject: since he "laid" down -- past tense (sm)

lay is usually for inanimate objects

lie would be present tense
if its past tense... it would be laid
Subject: if its past tense... it would be laid

it is laid if it is past tense
Subject: it is laid if it is past tense

past films were unremarkable? nm
Subject: past films were unremarkable? nm

B&B in past surgical history
Subject: B&B in past surgical history

Anyone know what that could be?
Would that be under past surgical history though as he says it is? nm
Subject: Would that be under past surgical history though as he says it is? nm

past medical history
Subject: past medical history

This is the only information I have and it sounds like **Ba-dex Ex-lo-dian** under past medical history. Thanks for any suggestions!
Just listing her past surgeries?
Subject: Just listing her past surgeries?

If so, probably T&A.
Past medical history
Subject: Past medical history

Past medical history: Positive for arthritis, asthma, and "vic-in-plant-ous". She also has a dystonia that has been longstanding. This is on an ortho note, so this is the only thing said about this. Thanks for checking it out!
It's listed under past procedures...
Subject: It's listed under past procedures...

The PT spelled it out as meniscopy, but that doesn't seem right and I can't find it in the medical dictionary under either one. She stated arthroscopy and meniscopy.
HTN dictated under past history...
Subject: HTN dictated under past history...

Is it best to leave it as dictated or write out hypertension?  Account is not verbatim.

Past medical history help
Subject: Past medical history help

Under past medical history he states "Basal cell **and blue** carcinoma.

My apologies if this is something simple, but this is what it sounds like and I am not finding anything to point me in the right direction. Thanks!

I'm thinking maybe past history? nm
Subject: I'm thinking maybe past history? nm

past surgical history
Subject: past surgical history

She has had repair of cataracts s/l "in aretnas". I couldn't hear retina. Anyone?
is this a female and are you in past history?
Subject: is this a female and are you in past history?

if it is a youngish woman..........??  Just guessing here, don't know where you are in report......but if in past medical history and there is even more, it's possible, and just use a comma to separate........

....shingles on bridge of nose and some in-vitro problems...

s/l past certico creases????
Subject: s/l past certico creases????

Erythematous lesion on left anterior chest wall. Doctor then dictates "Her s/l "past certico creases" significant for excision of a breast mass when she was 23-years-old, cesarean section, TMJ surgery, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, and D&C for missed AB.

Past surgical history is? nm
Subject: Past surgical history is? nm

her past surgical procedures ??? nm
Subject: her past surgical procedures ??? nm

Any past history or diagnoses? nm
Subject: Any past history or diagnoses? nm

use of passed versus past
The doctor dictated, "Only lipase elevation passed 3 times normal."
and the QA corrected it to, "Only lipase elevation past 3 times normal."
I have no argument about it, I just want to know why 'past' and not 'passed' so I know what to do next time because sometimes these things are just so confusing..tnx!
past surgery - liver SNA? S&A? -nm
Subject: past surgery - liver SNA? S&A? -nm

past medical history?
Subject: past medical history?

If it is past medical history, could he be saying something like history of Legg's disease. Try looking at it that way.
OG/GYN Past Word Help - Anita
Subject: OG/GYN Past Word Help - Anita

Hi! I am still having a hard time hearing one term. I noticed through my searching you had the same question regarding one word.

A 27-year-old white female with essentially normal physical examination except for a ******.

Any suggestions?

Thank you!!!
What is in Past Medical History
Subject: What is in Past Medical History

That could help determine what the drug is for.
What is the past medical history? - nm
Subject: What is the past medical history? - nm

what's in the past medical history?
Subject: what's in the past medical history?

Past Surgical History
Subject: Past Surgical History

Doc is dictating patient's past surgical history.  States she had s/l a budd kay or e malformation based on her MRI at the hospital.  Any clues b/c I am at a loss with this one! 
She has had an allergic reaction to sulfanureas in the past
Subject: She has had an allergic reaction to sulfanureas in the past

Does the past surgical hx give you any clues as to sm
Subject: Does the past surgical hx give you any clues as to sm

if the patient had any major GI surgery in the past, like a Billroth II or Whipple? If so, stumpitis may be correct. Let me know! It's a long shot and it would be slang, but I need to know history to tell you for sure.
history of multiple pharyngitis� in the past
Subject: history of multiple pharyngitis� in the past

past medical history of thrash?
Subject: past medical history of thrash?

The patient is a 3 1/2 month old with a past medical history of ____.  S/L thrash