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Oops, I left out that it is a breast cyst that has resolved

Posted By: nm on 2007-10-04
In Reply to: If the patient is doing better, (i.e. fever has gone away) yep it is right. - MT50

Subject: Oops, I left out that it is a breast cyst that has resolved


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blunting of left cusp and ganglion cyst? sm
Subject: blunting of left cusp and ganglion cyst? sm

blunting of the left cusp and ganglion cyst with small effusion?  Not my area, but that is what I came up with researching.
There is also noted to be a large Baker�s cyst in the posterior aspect to the left knee. please sm
Subject: There is also noted to be a large Baker�s cyst in the posterior aspect to the left knee. please sm

EHL and s/l EDC are both 4/5 bilaterally. Thanks for any help.
She has ductal carcinoma of the left breast.
Subject: She has ductal carcinoma of the left breast.

Under procedures the doctor says Left breast,sentinel (ohmensted)biopsy. Later the doctor says a blue lymphatic was clipped,ligated and removed. I really appreciate your help.
Left breast, blue dye (like isosulfan blue), wire localization
Subject: Left breast, blue dye (like isosulfan blue), wire localization

glenoid labral cyst? labrum cyst? subchondral? sm
Subject: glenoid labral cyst? labrum cyst? subchondral? sm

I feel for you; I had a chart that could be from the same doc a few days ago!
Postop was colon cyst, question cyst intestinale? sm
Subject: Postop was colon cyst, question cyst intestinale? sm

I just sent to QA to see if they could figure it out :)
question resolved . . .
Subject: question resolved . . .

i think i may have finally figured it out in my continued search . . . capsulodesis

atelectasis resolved with vigorous s/l CPG or EPG...please sm
Subject: atelectasis resolved with vigorous s/l CPG or EPG...please sm

The patient continued to have relapsing left lung atelectasis, but eventually it resolved with vigorous _____.

This is an almost 3-year-old who aspirated a foreign object, went to the ER 3 times and was treated there with inhalers.  Finally they found it on x-ray, removed it, intubated and sedated.  Reactive airway disease is in the diagnoses.

maybe "facial droop, resolved, lasting 10 minutes" ??
Subject: maybe "facial droop, resolved, lasting 10 minutes" ??

s/l corium narinitis? was resolved. ( this is in the discharge diagnosis after a birth)
Subject: s/l corium narinitis? was resolved. ( this is in the discharge diagnosis after a birth)

There is a pilar cyst, like a sebaceous cyst etc. ? nm
Subject: There is a pilar cyst, like a sebaceous cyst etc. ? nm

If breast, sentinel node breast biopsy.
Subject: If breast, sentinel node breast biopsy.

Funny thing, I had this yesterday and left 3 blanks that QA also left blank.
Subject: Funny thing, I had this yesterday and left 3 blanks that QA also left blank.

pain over the left hip and a biopsy of the left s/l SA pablum showed adenocarcinom
Subject: pain over the left hip and a biopsy of the left s/l SA pablum showed adenocarcinom

probably means left anterior descending. Instead of saying LAD, just saying left AD.
Subject: probably means left anterior descending. Instead of saying LAD, just saying left AD.

S/P left total knee reconstruction. On exam, has a palpable s/l clod defect on the left knee.
Subject: S/P left total knee reconstruction. On exam, has a palpable s/l clod defect on the left knee.

Which is correct? self-breast exam or breast self-exam (nm)
Subject: Which is correct? self-breast exam or breast self-exam (nm)

Subject: cyst

could they be giving the site of the cyst?  like a parotid retention cyst etc?
cyst help
Subject: cyst help

Could be Sistrunk? Name of restractor/scissors, but s/l cyst trunk.??
s/l pie-ro-cyst-is
Subject: s/l pie-ro-cyst-is

The pt is admitted for abdominal pain and distention.  In the list of negative review of systems is s/l pie-ro-cyst-is
Subject: Cyst

Patient has renal cortical cyst which appears to be a s/l pier's cyst or peers cyst.  Any clues? 
nabothian cyst is right - THANK YOU
Subject: nabothian cyst is right - THANK YOU

Baker's Cyst
Subject: Baker's Cyst

Anyone have access to AAMT BOS regarding Baker's cyst versus Baker cyst?


Baker cyst
Subject: Baker cyst

Thanks for the feedback!
? parafacet cyst?
Subject: ? parafacet cyst?

Tarlov cyst? (nm)
Subject: Tarlov cyst? (nm)

pilonidal cyst
Subject: pilonidal cyst

Spacious cyst?
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sebaceous cyst
Subject: sebaceous cyst

Baker cyst
Subject: Baker cyst

Baker's cyst
Subject: Baker's cyst

A Baker's cyst, otherwise known as a popliteal cyst, is a benign swelling found behind the knee joint. It is named after the surgeon who first described it, Dr. William Morrant Baker (1839-1896).

There is a trend toward reducing the number of punctuation marks (which I personally think is promoting the illiteracy which is already rampant in this country), but in more than 20 years as a rad MT and a rad tech, I have never heard anything except Baker's cyst.

There is a Thornwaldt's cyst
Subject: There is a Thornwaldt's cyst

What part of the body?
probably paraaarticular cyst
Subject: probably paraaarticular cyst

Where's the cyst being removed from? nm
Subject: Where's the cyst being removed from? nm

cyst word help
Subject: cyst word help

A thyroglossal duct cyst was excised in Feb. 2006.  At the time a cyst s/l trunk was performed.  I am really having trouble with this one. Any suggestions?
yes i mean pilonidal cyst
Subject: yes i mean pilonidal cyst

yes i mean pilonidal mean.


did you mean pilonidal cyst?
Subject: did you mean pilonidal cyst?

arachnoid cyst?? nm
Subject: arachnoid cyst?? nm

No it is not arachnoid cyst, but ty anyway.
Subject: No it is not arachnoid cyst, but ty anyway.

wen (sebaceous cyst)
Subject: wen (sebaceous cyst)

s/l lobal cyst in his...
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plantar medial forefoot. I can't find anything close to it. tia.
chorioplexus cyst??
Subject: chorioplexus cyst??

My brain must be frozen.  Is this the correct word?  Cyst seen on an ultrasound done on a pregnant woman.  TIA!

ovarian cyst
Subject: ovarian cyst

S/L Incidental nodal partial collapsed right ovarian cyst. 

s/l bark-o-lin cyst
Subject: s/l bark-o-lin cyst

Is he saying "Bartholin's cyst" ?
Subject: Is he saying "Bartholin's cyst" ?

Bartholin's cyst nm
Subject: Bartholin's cyst nm

it's Bartholin cyst .. nm
Subject: it's Bartholin cyst .. nm

ovarian cyst help please sm
Subject: ovarian cyst help please sm

Complex cyst in left ovary seen on ultrasound - The cyst contains debris and septations. This most likely represents evolution of the sevenseemer cyst previously seen in February 2008.
s/l subarachnoid cyst
Subject: s/l subarachnoid cyst

Is that a real thing?  Cant find it in my med. dictionary.  Please help.  TY
type of cyst
Subject: type of cyst

Excision s/l barklin cyst.  I cannot find a thing.  Any clues? 
Bartholin's cyst.... nm
Subject: Bartholin's cyst.... nm
