On MRI of brain, no diffuse "athero" throughout her vessels. sm
Posted By: tracy on 2009-01-14
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Subject: On MRI of brain, no diffuse "athero" throughout her vessels. sm
She also does not have a diffuse athero throughout her vessels, although the images we have are not on our own system, and since are scanned in, are not of the highest quality.
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hear periphery a lot regarding retinoschisis.
periphery just means the part of the body away from the center or the outer part of a surface.
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My brain isn't working today. there was a fluid collection in the falx. maybe he means parafalcine? Thanks
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yes it is in the brain
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TIA you are greatly appreciated.
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Thanks . . . that is how my brain told me
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But my Stedman's disagreed (LOL) . . . intertrigonal is what netscape said "did you mean . . ." when I googled, and I actually went with intertriginous, which is what came up in the archives here when I asked the question, and Stedman's liked that too (although the PA did say "al" v. "ous".
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hello i just can NOT get this word and i feel retarded like i'm having the biggest brain fart. Any help would be appreciated thanks!
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that is it. thanks so much..should have known...brain block
Subject: that is it. thanks so much..should have known...brain block
Thank you both..I am brain dead over here...
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I just realized how stupid my question was. Please excuse me but I am really exhausted today and basically missed the boat on that one.
Thank you both.
Thank you. I should have known this one. Brain lock! -nm-
Subject: Thank you. I should have known this one. Brain lock! -nm-
Thx. My brain just couldn't seem to go there. Thx again! nm
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