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Oh but you are such a huge help on this board and I am so

Posted By: grateful as I am sure other are. on 2008-02-07
In Reply to: Sorry I was of no help. - MT50

Subject: Oh but you are such a huge help on this board and I am so


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wrong board.....try main board or company board
Subject: wrong board.....try main board or company board

Huge thanks to both!!! nm
Subject: Huge thanks to both!!! nm

that's right and that's why there is a huge lack
Subject: that's right and that's why there is a huge lack

you should post this on the Main Board - this is word help board NM
Subject: you should post this on the Main Board - this is word help board NM

You posted on wrong board. This is the word board. nm
Subject: You posted on wrong board. This is the word board. nm

Admin-sorry, wrong board-thought it was MQ board..
Subject: Admin-sorry, wrong board-thought it was MQ board..

sorry - I thought I was still on the MQ board - please forgive my faux pas.....and one cannot get that BOS2 if not employed by them....so sorry :(((((

just a HUGE GUESS....probably wrong...LOL...nm
Subject: just a HUGE GUESS....probably wrong...LOL...nm

I'm not sure...it's in a huge listing of medication
Subject: I'm not sure...it's in a huge listing of medication

Could it be individual as opposed to a huge single lesion? nm
Subject: Could it be individual as opposed to a huge single lesion? nm

Please help..huge argument in background and hard to hear...sm
Subject: Please help..huge argument in background and hard to hear...sm

She doesn�t recall an ____ (s/l inciting) injury. 


Thank you.  There is a huge argument going on so far straight through two dictations and they are going at it louder and louder !!!.

HUGE stretch, but can you hear anything along the lines of Cruveilhier? nm
Subject: HUGE stretch, but can you hear anything along the lines of Cruveilhier? nm


No, this patient has a huge past history that varies
Subject: No, this patient has a huge past history that varies

wrong board, this is The Word Board
Subject: wrong board, this is The Word Board

If you goggle bihemispheric, there is a huge amount of information on the subject.
Subject: If you goggle bihemispheric, there is a huge amount of information on the subject.

Books are always good. Dorland's is huge and expensive. The Taber's is cheaper and handy. nm
back board or bed board maybe??
Subject: back board or bed board maybe??

it is on new MT board
Subject: it is on new MT board

new to the board
Subject: new to the board

I accidently put my name as the subject. Is there no way to edit posts? I feel a bit silly. LOL.
I am usually asking for help on this board, BUT...
Subject: I am usually asking for help on this board, BUT...

could it be radiculitis?
Thank you SO much... What would I do without this board?
Subject: Thank you SO much... What would I do without this board?

not at you, at others that use this board.
Subject: not at you, at others that use this board.

Can't believe how mean people can be.  Gonna give up this board.  It's like working with a lot of nasty people in an office setting, except this I can leave and not return.
new at this board
Subject: new at this board

The board if very helpful.. i am new at this.. Sorry for any postings in error.

word board
Subject: word board

Read the TOS for the board
Subject: Read the TOS for the board

It states that this board is not designed to be a place to get unlimited advice.  It is here to foster dicussion.  My opinion is people tend to use this site as a crutch because they lack maturity or motivation or just don't care to experience the pleasaure of researching and making discoveries that will benefit them for life.

Opinions are what the board is here for..
Subject: Opinions are what the board is here for..

I think you want the technical help board? (sm)
Subject: I think you want the technical help board? (sm)

They will need to know what program you are using.
Need help on style board....nm...TIA
Subject: Need help on style board....nm...TIA

could someone help on abbreviation board please?
Subject: could someone help on abbreviation board please?

thank you very much
need help on drug board please. nm
Subject: need help on drug board please. nm

Why don't you put that on the Classifieds board
Subject: Why don't you put that on the Classifieds board

No, this is not a suggestive help board, sm
Subject: No, this is not a suggestive help board, sm

You're thinking of another word board where suggestions and hints are given rather than the actual term in question so that the person asking the question does his/her own work and learns something from it. This board, as someone once said and was badly flamed, "spoon feeds" answers to questions. The answers should be researched before they are provided. It is up to the questioner to research the supplied answers to make sure they fit in with the dictation.

No one can learn from incorrect answers like "expressive achalasia" and "polynephritis." They'll only lose their jobs and wonder why.

No, this is not a suggestive help board, as
Subject: No, this is not a suggestive help board, as

there is more chitter chatter done about anything other than MT -- the vast majority of which is full of whining malcontent.

thanks for both..this board is a terrific help
Subject: thanks for both..this board is a terrific help

help on word board~!!!!
This is a word help board. (SM)
Subject: This is a word help board. (SM)

Take your squibbling over other matters to a more appropriate board.

hmm must be 2 CAMTs on board sm
Subject: hmm must be 2 CAMTs on board sm

as I sure did not post this one.
I think it's a board policy. I think
Subject: I think it's a board policy. I think

it used to say so right at the top of the board, that it's not for testing or for school questions. They are supposed to do their own research instead of asking questions here. It isn't my rule. She can ask the site administrator what the rule is.
on word board - thanks!

ipisilateral versus ipsilateral

Wrong board, but
Subject: Wrong board, but

SOAP Transcription is a company in Michigan. They do ER transcription and also run an MT school.

I was offered a job, but did not take it, so I do not know what they are like to work for. They seemed very nice on the phone.
Try the main board. nm
Subject: Try the main board. nm

You are right, I'm sorry, and was not helpful, it's just I get so much help from this board...
Subject: You are right, I'm sorry, and was not helpful, it's just I get so much help from this board....

that I don't want to be intimidated if I haven't checked all references (I love being able to hop on here and get answers). I just don't understand why someone would take the time to check this board and tell someone to get reference books and do it 3-4 times. But nonetheless, you are right, it was useless. Sorry, am I forgiven? I love the main board and word board.
help on word board, please

for what is the abbreviation K

BAPTS board
Subject: BAPTS board

Probably too late for now, but I believe BAPTS is correct.  I remember hearing it from physical therapy note.  Only reference I can find is:


wobble board? nm
Subject: wobble board? nm

wall board
Subject: wall board

a total guess - like rom for shoulders?
Yes wobble board would be it!
Subject: Yes wobble board would be it!

Thanks so much. I was able to research what a wobble board was used for and it fits the bill to a T!
You need to go to the company board
Subject: You need to go to the company board

This is the word help board.
Answered on other board. nm
Subject: Answered on other board. nm

Thanks - I appreciate the knowledge on this board -
Subject: Thanks - I appreciate the knowledge on this board -

Sorry, cant get on word board so tried here...sm

We discussed the other �5 c�s� of possible interstitial cystitis type symptoms

Thank you.

You do not use this board to pass. nm
Subject: You do not use this board to pass. nm
