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No no, none of those. I already tried to listen out to them and it definitely is not that. Any other

Posted By: ideas? Thanks. nm on 2007-12-09
In Reply to: Cymbalta? simvastatin? Survanta for baby - respiratory failure? nm Wanderer

Subject: No no, none of those. I already tried to listen out to them and it definitely is not that. Any other

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I tried to listen...
Subject: I tried to listen...

for films and it was just not coming through, I didn't think of lunges though. Thank you
Thank you, I will listen again
Subject: Thank you, I will listen again

Thanks, that is probably it. I will listen to it again.
Subject: Thanks, that is probably it. I will listen to it again.

could be, I will listen again, thanx
Subject: could be, I will listen again, thanx

One I came across you might want to listen for. Not sure ...
Subject: One I came across you might want to listen for. Not sure ...

A new liver biopsy instrument taking the form of a suction biopsy syringe with two pistons and a Menghini needle, is described.
I think OP should re-listen...
Subject: I think OP should re-listen...

if I HAD to make a guess, I would guess it had something to do with full extraocular movements, but cannot think of anything expanding from FOF.
The more I listen...
Subject: The more I listen...

The more I think maybe she is saying opioid and benzo screen. Would love to hear some opinions on this. Thanks again!
Going to listen again for that, thank you!
Subject: Going to listen again for that, thank you!

Going to listen for this, thank you!
Subject: Going to listen for this, thank you!

Will listen again.
Subject: Will listen again.

Thanks for your help.
Subject: Re-listen

That does not make sense.  Are you sure you are hearing Stool - that might be what is throwing you off, try listening for sludge or something else.
Maybe - I am going to listen again, thanks!
Subject: Maybe - I am going to listen again, thanks!

I will listen to it again--
Subject: I will listen to it again--

Thanks for the suggestions!
Please Listen
Subject: Please Listen

Hello, my fellow MTs.  I need your help to listen to this string of words to see if it makes sense. 

Doc is dictating CT orbits.  This is what it sounds like:

Optic nerve sheaths or sleeves (???) are ectatic bilaterally.

Can you help?

Thanks in advance.

ooh, maybe. I will take another listen. Thanks!
Subject: ooh, maybe. I will take another listen. Thanks!

that might be it, I will listen again
Subject: that might be it, I will listen again

Maybe, let me listen again!
Subject: Maybe, let me listen again!

Listen for the following:
Subject: Listen for the following:

rectus muscle??? (a shot in the dark here)

silk ties for hemostasis

to remove the lymph node bearing tissue

Reflected/FloSeal, I think, are both correct

the more i listen, it s/l
Subject: the more i listen, it s/l

shull deformity, but still, what is it??
I think that's it. I will listen again.
Subject: I think that's it. I will listen again.

Thanks for the help!
Will listen again-Thanks!
Subject: Will listen again-Thanks!

I will listen again
Subject: I will listen again

Thanks for the response! When researching that is the conclusion I came up with, but it really sounds like "dys" at the beginning! Thanks!
thanks. will listen again. not sure though.
Subject: thanks. will listen again. not sure though.

Thanks - I was trying to listen for that but (SM)
Subject: Thanks - I was trying to listen for that but (SM)

he has such a thick accent but that is it! Thank you!
listen for
Subject: listen for

monofilament testing
Thanks! I will listen again . . . Maybe
Subject: Thanks! I will listen again . . . Maybe

Thanks you!!!!
listen again and see if this might be it
Subject: listen again and see if this might be it

PRESCRIBED FOR: Leflunomide is used for the treatment of active rheumatoid arthritis in adults. It reduces the signs, symptoms and joint damage caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

DOSING: The usual dose is 100 mg daily for the first 3 days, followed by 20 mg daily. Doctors may reduce the dose to 10 mg daily if side effects appear. It may require up to four weeks of therapy before improvement of the arthritis are seen. It is not known if ingestion of food or alcohol affects the absorption or action of leflunomide.

Listen for
Subject: Listen for

... disdainful of traditionAL ideas, rules, and conventional values. I'm not sure about your s/l, though.
Listen for ...?
Subject: Listen for ...?

Okay, this is the best I can come up with. The "sum of division x 2" may just be "intervention x 2" and the second blank may be "drug-eluting stents."
Oh, duh, could probably be. Need to re-listen. Thanks.
Subject: Oh, duh, could probably be. Need to re-listen. Thanks.

It might be, I will listen again Thanks!
Subject: It might be, I will listen again Thanks!


I will listen again...
Subject: I will listen again...

I have never heard that term before so it is all new to me. thank you.
Listen again...
Subject: Listen again...

Might be saying Dilaudid. :-)
thanks....I will listen again!!!
Subject: thanks....I will listen again!!!

Listen to it again and I came up with
Subject: Listen to it again and I came up with

Cardiac cripple. His ejection fraction then I noticed you put this one here to, should I cap Cardiac?
I will listen again...that just might be it!! thank you!
Subject: I will listen again...that just might be it!! thank you!

ok.. will listen again..
Subject: ok.. will listen again..

I will listen again...what is GC?
Subject: I will listen again...what is GC?

Thanks for the reply.
Listen again.. :-)
Subject: Listen again.. :-)

Could be saying "mini" neb.
I will listen again with your suggestion. Thanks! nm
Listen for "herbal".

Oh, but listen to make sure not PCI :)
Subject: Oh, but listen to make sure not PCI :)

thanks, I'll listen for both of these...
Subject: thanks, I'll listen for both of these...

Listen carefully
Subject: Listen carefully

to make sure the author is not saying Neck is supple; no JVD. 
RE: Listen for diadochokinesia???
Subject: RE: Listen for diadochokinesia???



UA is for urinalysis. Listen again
Subject: UA is for urinalysis. Listen again

I'll listen again, but I don't think that is it. nm
Subject: I'll listen again, but I don't think that is it. nm

Listen for something like isosorbide and then go from there. nm
Subject: Listen for something like isosorbide and then go from there. nm

Listen for perihepatic
Subject: Listen for perihepatic

listen again and see if it sounds like
Subject: listen again and see if it sounds like

dyspnea on exertion
as I go back and listen
Subject: as I go back and listen

it sounds like "Dilaudid hepta" but I can't make out "hepta". This is an ESL.