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Serving Over 20,000 US Medical Transcriptionists

National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) maybe.

Posted By: Spice on 2005-10-17
In Reply to: I have an ESL who dictates a lipid profile - Grandma D

Subject: National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) maybe.


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this is a guess - NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) ..nm
Subject: this is a guess - NCEP (National Cholesterol Education Program) ..nm

Rescheduling of Continuing Education program
To everyone in "Bang for the Buck" class, I am rescheduling Lea Sims.  She notified Tina that she is unable to get online due to weather problems.  She feels she might not be ready by Monday, and Tuesday is "iffy." 


With Emily out there, she might knock out our Texans and Louisiana participants if Lea would get back for this weekend, as scheduled; however, I will try to reschedule Lea in ASAP for this same class.  It may be August

Subject: NCEP

National Cholesterol Education Program
Continuing education
Subject: Continuing education

ONE “LIVE” PRESENTATION ONLY: August 30; thereafter, available for private download and viewing from OC-AAMT archives. 

Continuing Education Credits: Approved by National AAMT for 1 CEC Clinical Medicine 

Name of Class: MTs and Me: How and Why I Came to Recognize the Importance of MTs in My Practice. 

Course Description: Mr. Fisher is a gentleman who loves his work. He works 50 to 70 hours a week caring for and empathizing with his patients. When asked how he has the energy to work long hours, he replies, "I receive energy from my patients." He sees his practice as enabling him to further his humanity by bringing his life to his work.

Mr. Fisher views the transcriptionist as the provider of the record that will be passed on so that patients will receive professional help. He understands the crucial link transcriptionists represent in continuity of patient care. He views the medical transcriptionists he works with as invaluable assets in his life, and in his patient care. He appreciates the transcriptionist's contribution to the historic link of record both for himself and for those who read after him.

Mr. Fisher presented for the Louisiana Association for Medical Transcription (LAMT) in 2004 in Baton Rouge, where he held his audience spellbound and set a positive tone for the entire day. LAMT wishes to recommend Mr. Fisher highly. This is one presentation not to miss. 

Presenter: Larry Fisher, RNP

Mr. Fisher is a graduate of Louisiana State University, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Nursing School and Loyola University Family Practitioner Program. He has been a Registered Dialysis Nurse, Neurology Nurse Practitioner, and currently a Rehabilitation Nurse Practitioner.


Length: One hour. It is the same class, presented three times for your convenience.
Cost: $5.00 members, $7.50 nonmembers
Open To: Students, Grads, Practitioners, Members, Nonmembers/Guests of Online Chapter. You do not have to join AAMT or OC-AAMT to attend classes.

Register Here > >

(Upon registration, you will be sent an email with instructions and the URL to the conference room for the meeting and the password to get in. PRINT IT, AS YOU WOULD AN AIRLINE CONFIRMATION.)

Your username is your real name in order to get credit for attending. [/b]



Tuesday afternoon, August 30, 2005
1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
2:00 p.m. Mountain Time
3:00 p.m. Central Time
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Please write
Education@aamtonline.org if you wish to be on the mailing list to receive announcements.

In the event OC-AAMT or the presenter experiences an unavoidable weather/technology glitch at time of presentation, OC-AAMT reserves the right to refund or solve in best fashion.

Many employers are paying for their MTs to take these classes. Everyone is encouraged, always, to make hard copies to take to local/regional meetings and employers and distribute with permission.



Thanks for the info and education! nm
Subject: Thanks for the info and education! nm

your problem is that you never got an education
Subject: your problem is that you never got an education

transitive re-education? nm
Subject: transitive re-education? nm

I once worked for a national that had such bad QA, sm
that I emailed the supervisor requesting that any document of mine that QA made "alterations," that that QA person's initials be placed alongside mine on the report.  Hopefully, I made my point.
definitely incorrect and the national is right..nm
Subject: definitely incorrect and the national is right..nm

definitely incorrect and national is right....NM
Subject: definitely incorrect and national is right....NM


Medline Plus, from The US National
Subject: Medline Plus, from The US National

Library of Medicine. They are a British variant. More than one dictionary in circulation.
Rescheduled Continuing Education

NEW DATES:  August 6, 8, 9 

If you paid for this, there is no need to pay again.


Many employers are paying for their MTs to take these classes. Everyone is encouraged, always, to make hard copies to take to local/regional meetings and employers and distribute with permission.

Arrow Continuing Education Credits: Approved by National AAMT for 1 CEC in Professional Development

Arrow Name of Class: Bang for the Buck: Making the Right Information Work for You

Arrow Course Description: This presentation will focus on how to utilize industry articles and publications to maximize your practical skills and how to couple those resources with dynamic networking to improve productivity and efficiency. Transition from skimming through JAAMT, Plexus, and other industry publications to proactive reading and organized research that can enhance your awareness and readiness for industry change and make you a greater asset in your workplace.

Arrow Presenter: Lea M. Sims, CMT, FAAMT

Lea M. Sims, CMT, FAAMT is Director of Publications & Communications for AAMT with 20 years' experience in the industry from MT to transcription service owner, MT educator, and AAMT Director. She is the Editor-in-Chief of both the Journal of the American Association for Medical Transcription and Plexus magazine.


Length: One hour. It is the same class, presented three times for your convenience.
Cost: $5.00 members, $7.50 nonmembers
Open To: Students, Grads, Practitioners, Members, Nonmembers/Guests of Online Chapter. You do not have to join AAMT or OC-AAMT to attend classes.

Register here:

(Upon registration, you will be given the URL to the conference room for the meeting and the password to get in. PRINT IT, AS YOU WOULD AN AIRLINE CONFIRMATION.)

Your username is your real name in order to get credit for attending.



Saturday morning, August 6, 2005
9:00 a.m. Pacific Time
10:00 a.m. Mountain Time
11:00 a.m. Central Time
12:00 noon Eastern Time

Monday evening, August 8, 2005
6:00 p.m. Pacific Time
7:00 p.m. Mountain Time
8:00 p.m. Central Time
9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Tuesday afternoon, August 9, 2005
1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
2:00 p.m. Mountain Time
3:00 p.m. Central Time
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Please write
dianagish@aamtonline.org if you wish to be on the mailing list to receive announcements.

In the event OC-AAMT or the presenter experiences an unavoidable weather/technology glitch at time of presentation, OC-AAMT reserves the right to refund or solve in the best fashion.

Last Continuing Education for 2005
Subject: Last Continuing Education for 2005

As always, you do not have to be a member of AAMT or OC-AAMT to take continuing education classes.

Arrow Continuing Education Credits: Approved by National AAMT for 1 CEC in Technology and the Workplace (TW)

Arrow Name of Class: ”Who’s Afraid of Macros??”

Arrow Course Description/Presenter: Betsy Ertel has been a transcriptionist of 30+ years in the acute care environment. She has done all fields of transcription and owned and operated 4 of her own businesses. She is the CEO of We Hear You Transcription Service and the CEO of SpeedType, "The Extreme Word Expander” for the Windows operating system, Immediate Past President of the Central Florida Chapter of AAMT and President of the Advisory Council for Winter Park Tech in Orlando, Florida and on the Advisory Council for Seminole Community College in Lake Mary, Florida. Because she is a transcriptionist with previous use of many different word expander programs all the way back from the DOS environment, she understands the need, as well as the demand to have an efficient and easy-to-use word expander program for every day production. Today she is going to demonstrate to you the unique features and functions of word expander programs utilizing the SpeedType program inside the Windows environment. You will be surprised at the advantages of a macro wizard. So sit back and enjoy and have your questions ready.


Length: One hour.
Cost: $5.00 members, $7.50 nonmembers
Open To: Students, Grads, Practitioners, Members, Nonmembers/Guests of Online Chapter. You do not have to join AAMT or OC-AAMT to attend classes.

Register Here > >


(Upon registration, you will be sent an email with instructions and the URL to the conference room for the meeting and the password to get in. PRINT IT, AS YOU WOULD AN AIRLINE CONFIRMATION.)

Your username is your real name in order to get credit for attending.


Saturday morning, November 12, 2005
9:00 a.m. Pacific Time
10:00 a.m. Mountain Time
11:00 a.m. Central Time
12:00 noon Eastern Time

Monday evening, November 14, 2005
6:00 p.m. Pacific Time
7:00 p.m. Mountain Time
8:00 p.m. Central Time
9:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Tuesday afternoon, November 15
1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
2:00 p.m. Mountain Time
3:00 p.m. Central Time
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Please write
Education@aamtonline.org if you wish to be on the mailing list to receive announcements.

In the event OC-AAMT or the presenter experiences an unavoidable weather/technology glitch at time of presentation, OC-AAMT reserves the right to refund or solve in the best fashion.

Many employers are paying for their MTs to take these classes. Everyone is encouraged, always, to make hard copies to take to local/regional meetings and employers and distribute with permission.



Diana Gish, CMT, FAAMT

Instructor, M-TEC  dgish@mtecinc.com  888-722-7119 /  Hours:    3:00 - 7:00 p.m.  PDT (M, T, W, F

Continuing Education- OC-AAMT
Subject: Continuing Education- OC-AAMT

ONE "LIVE" PRESENTATION ONLY: March 14,2006; thereafter, available for private download and viewing from OC-AAMT archives.

Arrow Continuing Education Credits: Approved by National AAMT for 1 CEC Clinical Medicine

Arrow Name of Class: MTs and Me: How and Why I Came to Recognize the Importance of MTs in My Practice.

Arrow Course Description:
Mr. Fisher is a gentleman who loves his work. He works 50 to 70 hours a week caring for and empathizing with his patients. When asked how he has the energy to work long hours, he replies, 'I receive energy from my patients.' He sees his practice as enabling him to further his humanity by bringing his life to his work.

Mr. Fisher views the transcriptionist as the provider of the record that will be passed on so that patients will receive professional help. He understands the crucial link transcriptionists represent in continuity of patient care. He views the medical transcriptionists he works with as invaluable assets in his life, and in his patient care. He appreciates the transcriptionist's contribution to the historic link of record both for himself and for those who read after him.

Mr. Fisher presented for the Louisiana Association for Medical Transcription (LAMT) in 2004 in Baton Rouge, where he held his audience spellbound and set a positive tone for the entire day. LAMT wishes to recommend Mr. Fisher highly. This is one presentation not to miss.

Arrow Presenter: Larry Fisher, RNP

Mr. Fisher is a graduate of Louisiana State University, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Nursing School and Loyola University Family Practitioner Program. He has been a Registered Dialysis Nurse, Neurology Nurse Practitioner, and currently a Rehabilitation Nurse Practitioner.


Length: One hour.
Cost: $5.00 members, $7.50 nonmembers
Open To: Students, Grads, Practitioners, Members, Nonmembers/Guests of Online Chapter. You do not have to join AAMT or OC-AAMT to attend classes.

Register Here > >

(Upon registration, you will be sent an email with instructions and the URL to the conference room for the meeting and the password to get in. PRINT IT, AS YOU WOULD AN AIRLINE CONFIRMATION.)

Your username is your real name in order to get credit for attending. [/b]



Tuesday afternoon, March 14, 2006
1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
2:00 p.m. Mountain Time
3:00 p.m. Central Time
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Please write
Education@aamtonline.org if you wish to be on the mailing list to receive announcements.

In the event OC-AAMT or the presenter experiences an unavoidable weather/technology glitch at time of presentation, OC-AAMT reserves the right to refund or solve in best fashion.

Many employers are paying for their MTs to take these classes. Everyone is encouraged, always, to make hard copies to take to local/regional meetings and employers and distribute with permission.

my national insists it is Principal....nm
Subject: my national insists it is Principal....nm

Maybe National Center for Health? nm
Subject: Maybe National Center for Health? nm

It was National Institute of Health
Subject: It was National Institute of Health

Had you not given me National, I wouldn't have gotten it.

Thanks for the help!

According to the National Cancer Institute
Subject: According to the National Cancer Institute

there is a drug called Centrin
according to National Cancer Institute/NIH,
Subject: according to National Cancer Institute/NIH,

"pheresis (fer-E-sis)

A procedure in which blood is collected, part of the blood such as platelets or white blood cells is taken out, and the rest of the blood is returned to the donor. Also called apheresis."

I would say birth to 3 special education services
Subject: I would say birth to 3 special education services

PSYCH capitalize master's in education?
Subject: PSYCH capitalize master's in education?

Her father has a master's in education.  do master's or education need to be capitalized?

Thats great with your education hopefuly you can get out of this career soon
Subject: Thats great with your education hopefuly you can get out of this career soon

Because you are reading way too much into it. What the doctor said was maybe just maybe insensitive. Not your problem. When you dictate your reports, be mindful of what we go through transcribing them...I yell at all my personal doctors to learn how to dictate...I figure I'm in paybacks cause we dictated reports on the police dept and I rattled through them like there was no tomorrow. I feel so bad for the people that had to transcribe them now that I know what it feels like to try and decipher the garbage...As my boss says garbage in garbage out...Just type it...
I pondered National Institute of Health
Subject: I pondered National Institute of Health

something or other. Can't find anything like that though related to lipids.
Katrina cancels continuing education for August 30
Subject: Katrina cancels continuing education for August 30

Due to severe weather (presenter is in Baton Rouge in the path of Hurricane Katrina), the original date for this presentation (Tuesday, Aug. 30th) has been canceled and will be rescheduled. 

(The new date is tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday September 27; please write CEC@aamtonline.org for confirmation after September 15.Thank you.)

ONE “LIVE” PRESENTATION ONLY: (Tentatively Tuesday, September 27); thereafter, available for private download and viewing from OC-AAMT archives.

Arrow Continuing Education Credits: Approved by National AAMT for 1 CEC Clinical Medicine

Arrow Name of Class: MTs and Me: How I Came to Recognize the Importance of MTs in My Practice.

Course Description: Mr. Fisher is a gentleman who loves his work. He works 50 to 70 hours a week caring for and empathizing with his patients. When asked how he has the energy to work long hours, he replies, "I receive energy from my patients." He sees his practice as enabling him to further his humanity by bringing his life to his work.

Mr. Fisher views the transcriptionist as the provider of the record that will be passed on so that patients will receive professional help. He understands the crucial link transcriptionists represent in continuity of patient care. He views the medical transcriptionists he works with as invaluable assets in his life, and in his patient care. He appreciates the transcriptionist's contribution to the historic link of record both for himself and for those who read after him.

Mr. Fisher presented for the Louisiana Association for Medical Transcription (LAMT) in 2004 in Baton Rouge, where he held his audience spellbound and set a positive tone for the entire day. LAMT wishes to recommend Mr. Fisher highly. This is one presentation not to miss.

Arrow Presenter: Larry Fisher, RNP

Mr. Fisher is a graduate of Louisiana State University, Our Lady of the Lake Regional Medical Center Nursing School and Loyola University Family Practitioner Program. He has been a Registered Dialysis Nurse, Neurology Nurse Practitioner, and currently a Rehabilitation Nurse Practitioner.


Length: One hour.
Cost: $5.00 members, $7.50 nonmembers
Open To: Students, Grads, Practitioners, Members, Nonmembers/Guests of Online Chapter. You do not have to join AAMT or OC-AAMT to attend classes.

Register Here > >


(Upon registration, you will be sent an email with instructions and the URL to the conference room for the meeting and the password to get in. PRINT IT, AS YOU WOULD AN AIRLINE CONFIRMATION.)

Your username is your real name in order to get credit for attending. [/b]



Tuesday afternoon, September 27, 2005 (still tentative)
1:00 p.m. Pacific Time
2:00 p.m. Mountain Time
3:00 p.m. Central Time
4:00 p.m. Eastern Time

Please write
Education@aamtonline.org if you wish to be on the mailing list to receive announcements.

In the event OC-AAMT or the presenter experiences an unavoidable weather/technology glitch at time of presentation, OC-AAMT reserves the right to refund or solve in best fashion.

Many employers are paying for their MTs to take these classes. Everyone is encouraged, always, to make hard copies to take to local/regional meetings and employers and distribute with permission.


Per the National Cancer Institute: sertraline hydrochloride
Subject: Per the National Cancer Institute: sertraline hydrochloride

sertraline hydrochloride
The hydrochloride salt of sertraline, a synthetic derivative of naphthalenamine with anti-serotoninergic and anti-depressant properties. Sertraline appears to selectively inhibit the neuronal uptake of serotonin, raising serotonin levels in the CNS.
could be "Air National Guard" CRNA training... nm
Subject: could be "Air National Guard" CRNA training... nm

Subject: HDL-cholesterol

This doctor talks like he has marbles in his mouth.

I have no idea what he's trying to say.

HDL-cholesterol 18 bricample dL. Thanks.

cholesterol ?
Subject: cholesterol ?

Doctor dictates....His cholesterol was 248 over 171.

Has anyone ever heard this? I figured cholesterol was 248 with an LDL of 171, but he definetely says over.

something cholesterol
Subject: something cholesterol

It's in the past medical history she has diabetes, hypertension and what sounds like either: klays, colese, something cholesterol.

Thanks for your time!


could it be cholesterol
Subject: could it be cholesterol

could it be cholesterol
Subject: could it be cholesterol

could it be cholesterol-lowering protocol?
what program are you MTg in if I may ask?
Subject: what program are you MTg in if I may ask?

because our program, DocQscribe, I was told doesn't allow us to do that.....

s/l lipolidalay...cholesterol
Subject: s/l lipolidalay...cholesterol

"lipolytics and cholesterol" ??? nm
Subject: "lipolytics and cholesterol" ??? nm

Dictator said keep LDL cholesterol less than ...sm
Subject: Dictator said keep LDL cholesterol less than ...sm

70 per ----- guidelines.  He rambled off a bunch of initials and slowing him down only made it worse.  I think the last 3 were CHA.  TIA!
Omacor for cholesterol perhaps?
Subject: Omacor for cholesterol perhaps?

High cholesterol?
Subject: High cholesterol?

Some cholesterol medications are superstatins... ???
for high cholesterol
Subject: for high cholesterol

Try Altocor - cholesterol med to be taken
Subject: Try Altocor - cholesterol med to be taken

at bedtime, 20mg.
Lurselle for cholesterol ? nm
Subject: Lurselle for cholesterol ? nm

Antera for cholesterol?
Subject: Antera for cholesterol?

Drug sounds like "Antera" for hyperlipidemia.

Meditech Program
Subject: Meditech Program

*suma* program
Subject: *suma* program

She spells it, but I am unsure whether to CAP all of it... I can't find any information on it, does anyone know what it is? 


can only think of *rehabilitation* program...NM
Subject: can only think of *rehabilitation* program...NM

s/l azetamide for high cholesterol 10 mg. TIA
Perhaps increased or elevated cholesterol?
Subject: Perhaps increased or elevated cholesterol?

yes could be, Hyzaar is for BP, Lipitor for cholesterol, can take together...nm
Subject: yes could be, Hyzaar is for BP, Lipitor for cholesterol, can take together...nm


Fenoglide - cholesterol treatment?
Subject: Fenoglide - cholesterol treatment?

natural cholesterol RX--can't remember the name
Can anyone help me out? A doc has to RX it, but it's natural.  My brain is on overload!  Thanks!
There's a "Trilipix" for cholesterol/triglycerides ??
Subject: There's a "Trilipix" for cholesterol/triglycerides ??

Curious what transcription program