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More info

Posted By: AJ on 2009-06-11
In Reply to: Drug s/l "finesamide" or "fanesimide" - abby

Subject: More info

Do you know the diagnosis/diagnoses? There is finasteride but I can't find it dispensed as an inhaler.

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more info please :)
Subject: more info please :)

Just info
Subject: Just info

This can be very crippling disease.  I have a friend who is only 33 and cannot even scratch her own nose.  She cannot turn over in bed or do anything for herself.  It is a progressive illness.  When she was little, she could walk and do everything a normal child could and by the time she was a teenager she was in a wheelchair.  Now she is completely disabled.


Thanks for all the info
Subject: Thanks for all the info

I came close to leaving a big blank for QA. thanks again for the lesson.
more info here
Subject: more info here

She had a hiatal hernia with some ___clonidine_ distal esophagus. No evidence of Barrett’s esophagus noted.

This doctor is usually clear and I love to do him. Today he has a cold and things sound muffled!
Thanks again for the info
Subject: Thanks again for the info

and for all of the research. I will add these links to my favorites.
more info....
Subject: more info....

The HIDA scan showed a normal ejection fraction of 60 percent. The gallbladder study showed a tiny gallbladder polyp but no stone or sludge. There was necrogenic density in the right lobe of the liver thought to represent hemangioma. There was also moderate gastric distention with concern about possible gastroparesis or outlet obstruction. EGD would therefore be recommended

more info would help...sm
Subject: more info would help...sm

what do they say just before? do you know what part of the anatomy we're dealing with? is this a foreign dictator? is this in the physical exam?
Do you have any further info that might help us out?
Subject: Do you have any further info that might help us out?


More info might help (sm)
Subject: More info might help (sm)

Throwing out possibilities that may or may not be obvious, but might only match your s/l if something was cut off or he stammered:

nasal cannula

Here is the info...
Subject: Here is the info...

This is from aamt.org regarding the CMT exam.  The CMT exam is taken in a testing center; therefore, there will be no internet access available, i.e., no chance of asking test questions at MTStars during the exam .

May I bring my own reference materials?
Reference materials are not allowed in the testing center, and none will be provided. Electronic aids such as spellcheckers and abbreviation expanders will not be permitted. One of the consequences of using secure testing centers is the elimination of reference materials. However, the exam has been designed so that a level 2 medical transcriptionist (as defined in AAMT’s "MT Job Descriptions") can pass using their critical thinking and problem solving skills and without using any reference materials.

Do I need to find my own proctor?
No. The new exam is being delivered at proctored testing centers.

That is all the info I have about it. Thank you
Subject: That is all the info I have about it. Thank you

need a little more info. NM
Subject: need a little more info. NM

more info
Subject: more info

The nitroskaph had allowed the retraction to lateralize.

Talking about doing a myringotomy.

More info please sm
Subject: More info please sm

Is the patient an inpatient? If so, is it possible the doc meant Cancidas?
More info.
Subject: More info.

She repeats it again in the PE and states **Ba-dex Ex-lo-dian** with kyphosis. Hope this helps! Thank you
Need little more info
Subject: Need little more info

Can you type out the whole sentence.
Thanks for the info. nm
Subject: Thanks for the info. nm

sm for more info
Subject: sm for more info

The patient had lateral split depression fracture of tibial plateau and was diagnosed wtih shatzka type 2 fracture. 



More info!
Subject: More info!

BREASTS:             Fails to reveal any evidence of cellulitis.  Her ______ cath is in place. 


We need more info to help you
Subject: We need more info to help you

More info...
Subject: More info...

All I can give is this:

HEENT:  No (s/l: a-la-fearing) pinkish conjunctiva. 

(the patient has active airway disease and is in recovery using Albuterol MDI and Z-pack antibiotics. after that statement she moves on to the rest of the review.)

We want to help but need more info.
Subject: We want to help but need more info.

Thank you very much for the info! nm
Subject: Thank you very much for the info! nm

Thanks for the info
Subject: Thanks for the info

ha ha... thanks for the info.
Subject: ha ha... thanks for the info.

Need more info. that may help?
Subject: Need more info. that may help?

malampoti??? classification III, visualization of the soft palate in the base of the uvula only.

any more info?
Subject: any more info?

could you give the sentence before or after? that might help.
More info
Subject: More info

Bilateral hip films with s/l derma-blessimo (or derma-plassimo) were obtained showing no significant abnormalities. That's the whole sentence. Nothing before or after of relevance.
Any other info or dx?
Subject: Any other info or dx?

Could maybe be saying CII for continuous insulin infusion?  Are they trying to control glucose?

thanks for the info. (nm)
Subject: thanks for the info. (nm)

Here is some info about it. sm
Subject: Here is some info about it. sm

I find that no matter how many times I  think I know this, it always gets me sooner or later, usually on the last thing I am typing for the day!!


Here is a link. Hope it helps.



The only other info I have is
Subject: The only other info I have is

She had a previous colporrhaphy and had narrowing at the apex and only accomodated a medium sized EAF? sizer. Not much to go on.
Need more info
Subject: Need more info

Can't help without more info. Patient's medical problems, dose of this medication?
Subject: info

Need a little more info
Can we have more info?
Subject: Can we have more info?

Can we have a bit more to work with? Want to make sure he/she is not saying polydrug therapy. Thanks!
more info
Subject: more info

The patient was reported to be on 20 mg of polydall b.i.d and 2 mg Cogentin b.i.d. in his board and care.

He later refers to, what sounds like, Hollydall.  Could it be Haldol?

more info
Subject: more info

Tp has been seen by me for traumatic amputation of the right great toe.  She has also had multiple fractures and S/L-wallowing or wallring- of the second toe as well as metatarsal.  She is currently walking full weightbearing.  She is doing quite well.  However, there is a mild deformity of the second toe. 

 X-rays done today show that there is a nonunion.  Clinically, this is stiff, so this is a stiff nonunion and S/L-wallowing or wallring- of the second toe.  This is involving the middle phalanx.

Here is some info sm
Subject: Here is some info sm

Common crystals seen even in healthy patients include calcium oxalate, triple phosphate crystals and amorphous phosphates.

Very uncommon crystals include: cystine crystals in urine of neonates with congenital cystinuria or severe liver disease, tyrosine crystals with congenital tyrosinosis or marked liver impairment, or leucine crystals in patients with severe liver disease or with maple syrup urine disease.

Oxalate crystals in urine

Triple phosphate crystals in urine

Cystine crystals in urine

More info?
Subject: More info?

A sentence would be helpful, but, in a pinch, could the dictator be saying "in the ostium"?
any more info?
Subject: any more info?


I should have given more info - sm
Subject: I should have given more info - sm

Patient had foot surgery and doc says "no symptoms of Tinel or vello with percussion of the scar." I thought maybe Valleix sign, but I think that's pronounced val-lay, but now not sure. Thanks for your help.
more info? can't think of anything....
Subject: more info? can't think of anything....

More info, please? sm
Subject: More info, please? sm

Some type of release sounds likely. Could you give us the complete sentence?
more info pls nm
Subject: more info pls nm

more info pls?
Subject: more info pls?

Thank you so much for all this info
Subject: Thank you so much for all this info

more info please?
Subject: more info please?

More info?
Subject: More info?

Could you give a little more detail, like when during C section it is done, etc.
need a little more info
Subject: need a little more info

It may be VAC (vacuum assisted closured) this is used a lot of times in wound care.  Double check this please, though it is the only one that comes to mind. 
Any more info?
Subject: Any more info?

like diagnoses, dosage, etc?  Could be maybe Mavik for hypertension, kind of hard to know. I've got a some docs right now that really mutilate drug names.
More info please
Subject: More info please

What procedure and sentence please.
More Info
Subject: More Info

I have given her a prescription for Lovasa two grams b.i.d. for the anti-inflammatory effects of the fish oil on the liver.