Mills maneuver on ortho exam? nm
Posted By: night owl on 2007-08-01
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Subject: Mills maneuver on ortho exam? nm
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Wow! Been typing for eons and have never heard of that one!!
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Sentence is..." Grip strength was 50-55 pounds on the left and 35-40 pounds on the right..."-----" strength was 11-12 pounds bilaterally."
It starts with a T and is a very short word, may be like Tip but really not sure. That would be a total guess. Thanks for any suggestions!!
(This is the doc who uses microcassettes, while listening to a ball game on the radio and apparently dictating on a bus or something nice and quiet like that!)
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She still however has the heel pain. The x-ray done last time showed calcifications in the s/l tendanocrastronimus.
Any help with the above term?
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He is now 4 days out from his left arthroscopic partial medial meniscectomy, where had probably had a bucket handle tear and debridement of loose cartilage in the trochlea, where he had a 2 cm x 1 cm lesion in the midportion with good _______ s/l shoulders, and an area where he had undoubtedly impacted the bucket handle tear tear anteriorly and had a few loose flaps of cartilage that we debrided.
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Cystoscopy-The s/l Turnback maneuver was performed and the bladder neck was noted to be .....
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Some kind of maneuver
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Help! Doc is saying something like "Batey" maneuver negative. Any takers?
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I think this is what you are looking for. Not familiar with it myself. It seems to be spelled with 2 L's.
Hallpike maneuver?
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B�arnaise maneuver?
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I know B�arnaise is a sauce, but that's what it sounds like he is saying
He occasionally gets lightheaded or dizzy, not necessarily with exertion. No syncope, no vertigo, no near syncopal event. He denies any falls. Negative _______ maneuver.
Barany's maneuver?
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Does anyone know for certain how this is written...apostrophe S, capital D? I'm finding all combos on google and do not have a good neuro words site...can't find it on ophthamology sites that i have.
Hallpike maneuver nm
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s/l begin-man maneuver
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on examination of the knee doc says
s/l begin-man manuever seems to be a little bit of laxity of the ACL as one compares to the contralateral uninvolved knee but certainly not a marked laxity.
? Steinman maneuver
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Could it be Steinman maneuver(tenderness displacement test)?
Valsalva maneuver
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I believe it is Valsalva maneuver, testing for increased intrapulmonic pressure.
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I am unable to elicit any Spurling or *RICE/Reit's* maneuver.
Valsalva maneuver
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I believe it is: Valsalva maneuver
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Epley? Apley?
s/l kiko maneuver sm
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HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: The patient is a 76-year-old male who over the last 2 years has had 4 incidence of fecal incontinence. Usually this occurs when his stools are loose. All 4 times, the patient had recently been out of town with the change of diet. The patient had a colonoscopy 2 or 3 years ago that showed internal hemorrhoids only. The patient has had not any rectal bleeding. The patient does have a history of peripheral vascular disease and did have a carotid endarterectomy in 2002. The patient has no known history of having a stroke.
1. I doubt these episodes of incontinence represent colonic neoplasia. The patient had a negative colonoscopy 2 to 3 years ago.
2. Possible sphincter dysfunction.
3. Possible lactose intolerance.
1. Lactose free diet for 3 weeks.
2. Benefiber 1 heaping tbsp 8 ounces of water daily.
3. We will consider also recommending _____ maneuver.
4. We will not order another colonoscopy or any other workup at this time.
5. The patient will be seen again in 4 weeks.
"pinkie" maneuver? sm
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I found this on google.
Valsalva maneuver
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It might be the 'Cottle's'
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Effects of the Cottle's maneuver on the nasal valve as assessed by ...The Cottle's maneuver (CM) is a test in which the cheek on the side to be ... with a mixture of 1:1000 epinephrine and 4% lidocaine in cotton pledgets
s/l Kahton Maneuver
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Based on his clinical presentation, he had a _________ maneuver and predicted probability of 21% for organ confined disease, 71% extracapsular extension, 46% seminal vesicle invasion, and 9% lymph node involvement.
Patient has prostate cancer.
orthopedic maneuver
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The doctor dictates: Reflexes of the patella are decreased bilaterally to 1+/4, even with s/l a dendrastic maneuver performed.
Cotton maneuver
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Cotton (capitalized) ankle instability test - Stedman's Orthopaedic & Rehab Words
Bragard's maneuver
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