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Looks like MT50 is coming up

Posted By: blank on 2007-12-16
In Reply to: MT50; can u help with my query re: - "Microscopic colitis"???

Subject: Looks like MT50 is coming up

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Don't tell me, QA coming from
Instead of coming here and getting everyone
Subject: Instead of coming here and getting everyone

support and why don't you utilize it? AND if you posted it before and can't remember to make a note of it, I can only imagine the quality of your transcription.
Thanks again for coming through!
Subject: Thanks again for coming through!

I'm coming up with
Subject: I'm coming up with

possibly double-J C-flex (TM) ureteral stent.
So, where is the P coming in because
Subject: So, where is the P coming in because

he is definitely saying it
Just coming back on
Subject: Just coming back on

to say DUH, tragal pit.
Not thinking clearly today.
Thanks for the help though!
Thank you . . . I was just coming back
Subject: Thank you . . . I was just coming back

It is PMR.

Thanks to all for taking the time.
Sorry. I'm coming up empty. nm
Subject: Sorry. I'm coming up empty. nm

Thanks, I was just coming on too to say *doxazosin* - nm
Subject: Thanks, I was just coming on too to say *doxazosin* - nm

Maybe the patient is coming in because wants a PT or PTs.
Subject: Maybe the patient is coming in because wants a PT or PTs.

Thanks for the try. I'm coming up negative too.
Subject: Thanks for the try. I'm coming up negative too.

Transient? Function coming and going?
Subject: Transient? Function coming and going?

I'm coming to the experts here because QA has never really given me an answer (sm)
Subject: I'm coming to the experts here because QA has never really given me an answer (sm)

In a cardiac surgery the physician is giving a measurement of 146 dyn/sec/cm (s/l minus fifth).  How do you transcribe the dyne per second per centimeter minus fifth???  TYTYTY
Maybe Paxil with something else coming after it? Got a whole sentence? nm
Subject: Maybe Paxil with something else coming after it? Got a whole sentence? nm

maybe it's a southern accent coming thru?
Subject: maybe it's a southern accent coming thru?

The only "cal" coming to my mind is Os-Cal. nm
Subject: The only "cal" coming to my mind is Os-Cal. nm

Yes, thank you. Was just coming to post I found it. :D
Subject: Yes, thank you. Was just coming to post I found it. :D

I appreciate the help!
Got part of it after coming back to it
Subject: Got part of it after coming back to it

That would be a LeFort II fracture where the 2.5 is coming from I am not sure.
Subject: That would be a LeFort II fracture where the 2.5 is coming from I am not sure.

I was just coming back to say I foud it!
Subject: I was just coming back to say I foud it!

Thank you!
wish it was, but the vee sound is coming through quite clearly three different x in the dictation
Subject: wish it was, but the vee sound is coming through quite clearly three different x in the dictation

Okay, how'd you get through school without coming across this sentence.
Subject: Okay, how'd you get through school without coming across this sentence.

only one my brain is coming up with is hypoxic??...nm
Subject: only one my brain is coming up with is hypoxic??...nm

Found it with Google and coming to post. nm
Subject: Found it with Google and coming to post. nm

Yes. Thank you. I found it and was coming back to post.
Subject: Yes. Thank you. I found it and was coming back to post.

The only other one I can find coming close to it is Micardis for hypertension
Subject: The only other one I can find coming close to it is Micardis for hypertension

Maybe the Stedman's website gives info on when new editions are coming out? I think the
Subject: Maybe the Stedman's website gives info on when new editions are coming out? I think the

Stedman's Medicaland Surgical 5th is the newest edition, but I don't know about the ortho (??)
ridge? middle? If coming up the back, could be nape of his neck. nm
Subject: ridge? middle? If coming up the back, could be nape of his neck. nm

the only thing coming to mind is 'status post' fracture NM
Subject: the only thing coming to mind is 'status post' fracture NM

fulminantly. Means coming on suddenly with great severity. nm
Subject: fulminantly. Means coming on suddenly with great severity. nm

It can be good if used as a tool, true, but I worry about some of the things I see coming out of,sm
Subject: It can be good if used as a tool, true, but I worry about some of the things I see coming out of,sm

Google.  I have seen more than a few MTs that tend to check s/l words with this search engine and some of the things that get linked together on there can be either frightening or funny at times, depending how you look at it!  Just an over-cautious old MT? 
I mostly use Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment Words, they are coming out with a new edition
Subject: I mostly use Stedman's Medical & Surgical Equipment Words, they are coming out with a new edition in 2008.

Thanks, MT50
Subject: Thanks, MT50

I actually saw that in my Google search, but confirmation from another MT helps!
Thanks again MT50 for your help.
Subject: Thanks again MT50 for your help.

That has to be it. I will make a note of this one has I have never come across it before.
Thank you very much MT50!!
Subject: Thank you very much MT50!!

That is it. Thank you MT50! nm
Subject: That is it. Thank you MT50! nm

Yeh, probably go with MT50, did not
Subject: Yeh, probably go with MT50, did not

think of that one.
thank you MT50
Subject: thank you MT50

thank you again MT50
Subject: thank you again MT50

Thank you, MT50 and mmk!
Subject: Thank you, MT50 and mmk!

That explains why I initially thought the first part of the word sounded almost as if he was pronouncing it similar to the Rapide suture!
Wow! You go MT50!
Subject: Wow! You go MT50!

I learned something new today too! Thanks for sharing!
Thanks MT50!
Subject: Thanks MT50!

Have a great day.
Thank you MT50!!!! NM
Subject: Thank you MT50!!!! NM

MT50 - see msg
Subject: MT50 - see msg

This med you replied back with is pronounced with a 'D'?
These are the medications this patient is allergic to:

MT50 r u there?
Subject: MT50 r u there?

Blepharoplasty.....  The patient is brought to the operating room where a skin-marking pen was used to delineate the skin orbicularis fat that was to be removed from the upper lids.  the  (s/l) ruler pen was used for this drawing.  Any ideas? ruliten, ruler tip pen, ruler pen
Thank you, MT50!
Subject: Thank you, MT50!

I see what you're saying. It's her interpretation vs. mine, and part of me thinks I should go with mine because ultimately, it's my work, and I'm accountable, but I really do see what you're saying. Neither the QA or I can be 100% sure of our own interpretations. Only the doctor knows what he was saying in this clipped sentence.
Thank you MT50!
Subject: Thank you MT50!

  Just how on earth did you find that?? 
Thanks again MT50
Subject: Thanks again MT50

Same to you MT50 and to all who
Subject: Same to you MT50 and to all who

take part on this board.
Thanks MT50!
Subject: Thanks MT50!

Subject: MT50

I was working Saturday morning and I couldn't figure something out, I'm sitting there in my office moaning "oh, MT50, where are you?" and my sister flipped out!