Link for Merriam-Webster's
Posted By: SoCal on 2006-03-19
In Reply to: He has tried s/l wrenching and vomiting. - How do I spell this? tia nm
Subject: Link for Merriam-Webster's
Here's the link for Merriam-Webster's:
The Online Dictionary is free for now.
Typing "wretching" would have taken you to the correct word, "retching." Unfortunately, with all dictionaries, you need to know the basic word to look up the spelling.
Good luck!
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Thank you for the appreciation, decubiti is plural according to Merriam-Webster
Subject: Thank you for the appreciation, decubiti is plural according to Merriam-Webster
laid down. Layed is not a word in Merriam-Webster.
Subject: laid down. Layed is not a word in Merriam-Webster.
It is binging or bingeing, both ways in Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Subject: It is binging or bingeing, both ways in Merriam-Webster dictionary.
Per Dorland's, Sloane, Merriam-Webster all neurapraxia; no neuropraxia found.
Subject: Per Dorland's, Sloane, Merriam-Webster all neurapraxia; no neuropraxia found.
My Webster's has it as a word, see link
Subject: My Webster's has it as a word, see link
for definition from googling, I hear it dictated quite often too
symptomology is in Merriam-Websters, unless you'd rather
Subject: symptomology is in Merriam-Websters, unless you'd rather
s and the Merriam's dict. agree with you, too! :) nm
Subject: and the Merriam's dict. agree with you, too! :) nm
Check your Webster's??? nm
Subject: Check your Webster's??? nm
It may be a word in Webster's but
Subject: It may be a word in Webster's but
the BOS states we should use pus-like as 'pussy' (cringe) has more than 1 meaning. Pus-like sounds more professional.
Don't forget Webster's dictionary--sm
Subject: Don't forget Webster's dictionary--sm
you usually don't think to find "medical" words in Webster's but found the following--
Main Entry: in to�to
Pronunciation: in-'tO-(")tO
Function: adverb
Etymology: Latin, on the whole
Webster's says pleural form is ...
Subject: Webster's says pleural form is ...
apparatuses or apparatus. Have never seen a doc that didn't try to make up his own form of word from time to time either if your account states strictly verbatim without the ability to correct grammar even when you know it's incorrect then I would type what he says.
Check Webster's Universal - it's in there
Subject: Check Webster's Universal - it's in there
not OP but in Webster's Dictionary since 1980
Subject: not OP but in Webster's Dictionary since 1980
In Webster's Dictionary since 1980 (as I know it and have one here), they have been putting non and re together with whatever comes after it....
nonexistent and reexcision for example.....
et cetera........
and so there should be no hyphen medically either but YOU ARE SO RIGHT, depends on who you work for #1, Client profile #2....and all QA personnel because some mark you correct and some mark you incorrect when you don't use a hyphen or use a hyphen in these cases.
The plural is ductus per Webster's
Subject: The plural is ductus per Webster's
I use long-standing per my Webster's dictionary. NM
Dorland's, Stedman's, Webster's--take your pick.
Subject: Dorland's, Stedman's, Webster's--take your pick.
it's two words, your mtso is incorrect. Buy a Webster's dictionary
Subject: it's two words, your mtso is incorrect. Buy a Webster's dictionary
no problem. if all else fails with stedman, grab webster
Subject: no problem. if all else fails with stedman, grab webster
corticated is listed in Webster's Universal as an adjective. So, yes, it is a legitimate word.
Subject: corticated is listed in Webster's Universal as an adjective. So, yes, it is a legitimate word. nm
See if this link helps. Lists Mycobacterium tuberculosis, See link.
Subject: See if this link helps. Lists Mycobacterium tuberculosis, See link.
== is in mine but mine is older..can't argue with Webster though...nm
Subject: is in mine but mine is older..can't argue with Webster though...nm
I copied this from a link from is the link SL
Subject: I copied this from a link from is the link SL
If the info from link is wrong, I apologize.
Pristiq. See link. Best drug link for me.
Subject: Pristiq. See link. Best drug link for me.
Subject: Link
Here is a link for the beta version of google. I love it and use it for workk all the time. Makes it easy to find those words etc you are not sureof the correct spelling
Yes, see link
Subject: Yes, see link
link sm
Subject: link sm
see link, this might help. SL
Subject: see link, this might help. SL
Here's a link that might help
Subject: Here's a link that might help
better link
Subject: better link
See link below
Subject: See link below
Found it on this web site.
Here is a link for you. sm
Subject: Here is a link for you. sm
What kind of wound is this? ulcer or lac etc?
this link may be useful to you also-sm
Subject: this link may be useful to you also-sm
although there is no specific section re apostrophe use, you should not use an apostorphe to form the plural of numbers or capital letter abbreviations-- 4 x 4s or TMs
please see this link
Subject: please see this link
This was written in August of 2005. If you do a control F, you'll see that Arimidex hasn't been studied much, nor found helpful then, in men. But I see someone else posted that in a google search they found Arimidex used in men so maybe it is now ...
Try this link
Subject: Try this link
Try this link...
Subject: Try this link...
This is peri (wildcard) abscess search on
I hope you will find what you are looking for.
see link
Subject: see link
please visit the following link, I think the word could be
here's a link
Subject: here's a link
I got mine here. It's the best price I found. I couldn't see spending $17 on one. This one is $9. Also, the shipping on it seemed pretty steep at the time, almost as much or more than the adapter, so I emailed and asked if it could be sent in a small mailing envelope via usps. They told me they could do that and just charged $2 for the shipping. Here's the link:
Here is link for you. sm
Subject: Here is link for you. sm
Froment sign?
See link.
Subject: See link.
Couldn't come up with a hint for this one.
Here's a link to the manufacturer:
see link, might help you
Subject: see link, might help you
Here is link for you. sm
Subject: Here is link for you. sm
Thanks for the link!
Subject: Thanks for the link!
Thanks for the link. :-) nm
Subject: Thanks for the link. :-) nm
MDQ? Here is a link sm
Subject: MDQ? Here is a link sm;jsessionid=R3Q1GLIK1OKPQQSNDLQCKH0CJUNN2JVN?cid=PT-scales-rightcol
Go to it and you can pick which condition is being assessed.
see link. :-)
Subject: see link. :-)
SM for link
Subject: SM for link
Peripheral muscle weakness in patients with COPD
Go down the page to the definitions.
OCP link for you. sm
Subject: OCP link for you. sm
Here is that link for you. sm
Subject: Here is that link for you. sm
Thanks for the
Subject: Thanks for the
That is a site I did not have in my drug ref favs. I just added it to my list. Thanks for the bonus info, and you have a great day too!
Thanks for the link
Subject: Thanks for the link
I agree, that is probably it. Thank you!
Link for you. sm
Subject: Link for you. sm