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Left thumb basal joint s/l pinch s/l pesio arthritis.

Posted By: Just Looking on 2007-09-29
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Subject: Left thumb basal joint s/l pinch s/l pesio arthritis.

This is a diagnosis.  any ideas?  Thanks so much!!!

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Bilateral thumb CMC arthritis with s/l shelf deformities.
Subject: Bilateral thumb CMC arthritis with s/l shelf deformities.

TIA :-)
Could be - "minimal" joint arthritis
Subject: Could be - "minimal" joint arthritis

Ok - "mild or minor" joint arthritis
Subject: Ok - "mild or minor" joint arthritis

Patient with heterotopic bone formation of the IP joint right thumb. please sm
Subject: Patient with heterotopic bone formation of the IP joint right thumb. please sm

Given the patient’s subjective complaints, findings on physical exam and failure with conservative treatment, surgical intervention was recommended. This comes in the form of excision of the bony fragment with 1) s/l capsular release and possible 2) s/l anchor repair versus pinning of the right thumb.
patient has a s/l *felon* on the side of his left thumb with surrounding erythema.
Subject: patient has a s/l *felon* on the side of his left thumb with surrounding erythema.

of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm
Subject: of shooting pain into the left radial wrist and thumb area and over the intercuginous area of the-sm

first and second digit of the left hand.  Thanks. 
PT term?? -- "T-pinch"
Subject: PT term?? -- "T-pinch"

The patient had a left thumb suspensionplasty and the doctor dictates regarding the patient's grip strength and s/l T-pinch.
A thumb MCP fusion and a thumb *IPE* possible capsulodesis
Subject: A thumb MCP fusion and a thumb *IPE* possible capsulodesis

s/l asthma arthritis...or eczema arthritis?
Subject: s/l asthma arthritis...or eczema arthritis?


She has full range of motion.  Minimal patellofemoral crepitation.  Knee is stable.  Joint lines are nontender.   There is no swelling.  Circulation is good.  Sensation is normal. X-rays show some arthritis at that joint.


She has ________ arthritis. 

Still disesase (a form of juvenile chronic arthritis (formerly called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)
Subject: Still disesase (a form of juvenile chronic arthritis (formerly called juvenile rheumatoid arthritis)

The tibiotarsal joint is the joint between the tibia and the tarsus.
Subject: The tibiotarsal joint is the joint between the tibia and the tarsus.

patella femoral joint or patellofemoral joint?
Subject: patella femoral joint or patellofemoral joint?

what is correct?  if the doctor says patella femoral joint do you change it or do you leave it as he dictates it? 
Tylenol arthritis strength. Should arthritis strength be caps? nm
Subject: Tylenol arthritis strength. Should arthritis strength be caps? nm

Funny thing, I had this yesterday and left 3 blanks that QA also left blank.
Subject: Funny thing, I had this yesterday and left 3 blanks that QA also left blank.

pain over the left hip and a biopsy of the left s/l SA pablum showed adenocarcinom
Subject: pain over the left hip and a biopsy of the left s/l SA pablum showed adenocarcinom

no and, just one joint. Calcaneocuboid joint. nm
Subject: no and, just one joint. Calcaneocuboid joint. nm

basal nm
Subject: basal nm

Subject: basal......NM

basal cisterns?
Subject: basal cisterns?

Dr. is probably mumbling, eating lunch, who knows?
basal doneness?
Subject: basal doneness?

I'm not sure if they are saying right-sided basal doneness or basal numbness?  This is in a person with end-stage CHF.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!
basal dullness
Subject: basal dullness

That makes more sense.  Thanks!!!

basal ganglia
Subject: basal ganglia

even though it sounds like the doctor says basal ganglionic..
the correct wording would be:

Linear branching echoes noted in the right basal ganglia region consistent with ..

probably means left anterior descending. Instead of saying LAD, just saying left AD.
Subject: probably means left anterior descending. Instead of saying LAD, just saying left AD.

basal metabolic temperature - nm
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There is the *basal lamella* in the sinuses (nm)
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My opinion: basal cisterns in the brain
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so don't really know if this helps.
Is there a receivable basal cell carcinoma
Subject: Is there a receivable basal cell carcinoma

Here is the whole sentence.

The patient recently had excision of the neck by her dermatologist and this was basal cell carcinoma.  The margins were reported on pathology for that lesion to be positive for receivable basal cell carcinoma. 

Same MRA, same ESL: "s/l Cephala segment of the basal artery"
Subject: Same MRA, same ESL: "s/l Cephala segment of the basal artery"

basal cell "in vivo" carcinoma ???
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basal rate? If so, you've missed the drug name. sm.
Subject: basal rate? If so, you've missed the drug name. sm.

Could it be the basal rate of the previous drug in the list?
could it be MOHS surgery?? they use it for basal cell carcinoma.
Subject: could it be MOHS surgery?? they use it for basal cell carcinoma.

status post s/l fatebral basal stroke??
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Removal of basal cell carcinoma from the nose. Please s/m.
Subject: Removal of basal cell carcinoma from the nose. Please s/m.

 After all margins were read as negative, including the s/l "view" margin - -???  Thank you! 
MRI of brain results - ventricle, s/l sulkine and basal cisterns. TIA
Subject: MRI of brain results - ventricle, s/l sulkine and basal cisterns. TIA

Hi poodle lady, this one would be "cephalad segment" of the basal artery...sm
Subject: Hi poodle lady, this one would be "cephalad segment" of the basal artery...sm

just orienting the direction.  Used to working in Diagnostic Imaging and Nuclear Medicine in-hospital, so I am trying to figure out your other posting, ok? 
S/P left total knee reconstruction. On exam, has a palpable s/l clod defect on the left knee.
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He is undergoing s/l Moore's procedure for basal cell carcinoma on the nose. thank u
Subject: He is undergoing s/l Moore's procedure for basal cell carcinoma on the nose. thank u

I thought it sounded more like basal rate too. Doc lists immediately above Novolog 1 unit for every
Subject: I thought it sounded more like basal rate too. Doc lists immediately above Novolog 1 unit for every 17 grams of carbohydrates.

What do you think?
That should be thumb.
Subject: That should be thumb.


basic guideline is:
if you have a credible reference, spell it whichever way the reference spells it.
you should never be counted off for it, as long as the reference is credible. if you are, it is a valid challenge to assert.
Splint for the thumb
Subject: Splint for the thumb

s/l orthoply ? splint for the thumb after surgery  Thanks for the help. pj

name of thumb tourniquet
Subject: name of thumb tourniquet


Sounds like "tournicot"? 

polydactylyzed???? thumb
Subject: polydactylyzed???? thumb

procedure is excision, reconstruction of right polydactylzed??? thumb.    Patient has right thumb polydactyly.  Is there such a word?

area of the thumb - s/l em-pu-age
Subject: area of the thumb - s/l em-pu-age

On physical examination, she is point tender, has a positive CMC grind in the very base of her thumb and in the empuage of her thumb as well.


X-ray of nail through thumb. SM
Subject: X-ray of nail through thumb. SM

Dictator gives location of nail, saying "apparently s/l SKY-VING just anterior to the tuft of the distal phalanx."  Skyving?  I can find it only in the urban dictionary. 

"Falen" on right thumb tip
Subject: "Falen" on right thumb tip

The patient has a 2-week history of a "falen" on her right thumb tip. It was decompressed in the ER and she subsequently went on to have an MRI.

I've done ortho for a long time and have only ever heard of Phalen's test/maneuver, but that's exactly what it sounds like.

Anybody hear of this before?
s/l 'tofi' on thumb
Subject: s/l 'tofi' on thumb

The patient has a large 'tofi' on her thumb.
Vapo Thumb?
Subject: Vapo Thumb?

sounds like vapo thumb??
STRESS: Images reveal decreased uptake of radioisotope in the inferior wall and BASAL septum.
Subject: STRESS: Images reveal decreased uptake of radioisotope in the inferior wall and BASAL septum.

Wrist/base of thumb. nm
Subject: Wrist/base of thumb. nm
