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Posted By: brighteyes on 2008-06-13
In Reply to: s/l begin-man maneuver - sm

Subject: Lachman?

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it's Lachman test, but many docs say Lachman's test.
Subject: it's Lachman test, but many docs say Lachman's test.


Subject: Lachman

? Lachman
Subject: ? Lachman

Lachman sign (nm)
Subject: Lachman sign (nm)

Can you hear Lachman?
Subject: Can you hear Lachman?

I thought he might mean Lachman but
Subject: I thought he might mean Lachman but

He's clearly saying mac-lock-lin. I've never heard it before, although I found a McLaughlin procedure, etc.
Lachman's sign?
Subject: Lachman's sign?

that helps...it's got to be Lachman (nm)
Subject: that helps...it's got to be Lachman (nm)

Lachman, pivot shift and * manuever
Subject: Lachman, pivot shift and * manuever

Left knee problems.  Lachman, pivot shift and s/l seg maneuvers are negative.  Thank you
can you hear ....negative Lachman sign? (nm)
Subject: can you hear ....negative Lachman sign? (nm)

Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.
Subject: Lachman test results, are they written as grade 2 or II?? TIA.

Lachman's probably. Never heard of cotton's maneuver. Been in orthopaedics for 25 years.
Subject: Lachman's probably. Never heard of cotton's maneuver. Been in orthopaedics for 25 years.

A Lachman test is a medical test used for examining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee
Subject: A Lachman test is a medical test used for examining the Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) in the knee

McMurray's negative. Lachman's negative. nm
Subject: McMurray's negative. Lachman's negative. nm

McMurray negative. Lachman negative. No 's at end
Subject: McMurray negative. Lachman negative. No 's at end
